Amid a renewed push for all kinds of gun control following mass shooting incidents in three states over two consecutive weekends, the White House (Trump administration) has reached out to leaders in the Second Amendment community seeking their input, a marked change from the previous administration.

Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the grassroots Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and founder and CEO of the Second Amendment Foundation confirmed to Liberty Park Press that he had spoken with a “top White House staffer” on a wide range of gun-rights-related topics. He anticipates further discussions.
Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported that President Donald Trump had spoken to Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association. LaPierre, currently embroiled in the NRA’s internal turmoil, issued a statement that he is “not inclined to discuss private conversations with President Trump or other key leaders on this issue.” That statement can be found on the NRA website.
The same story noted, “A White House official said Trump had asked some advisers and lawmakers this week about whether the NRA had enduring clout amid an internal leadership battle and allegations of improper spending, as well as what his supporters would think of the bill.”
Thirty-four people died in three mass shooting incidents, first at the Garlic Festival in Gilroy, Calif., then at a Walmart in El Paso, Tex., and hours later in Dayton, Ohio. The shooters in California and Ohio are both dead, but police have the El Paso suspect in custody.
In the wake of those shootings, the gun prohibition lobby has ramped up demands for tougher gun control laws, and there is talk of revived gun control efforts on Capitol Hill. The Washington Post reported earlier in the week that Trump, speaking to reporters prior to his visits to El Paso and Dayton, acknowledged there “was great appetite for background checks.”
There is now speculation that gun control may become the top campaign issue as the 2020 national elections loom. All of the Democrat candidates seeking to replace Trump in the Oval Office have offered gun control proposals.
The situation was further exacerbated when, in Springfield. Mo., a man was arrested after entering a Walmart wearing body armor and carrying a semi-auto rifle, and began pushing a cart around. The store was evacuated and an armed citizen held the man at gunpoint until police arrived. Nobody was hurt, and the incident has ignited a fierce debate on social media here and here.
The incident captured international attention, and reports quoted Springfield Police Lt. Mike Lucas observing, “His intent was not to cause peace or comfort to anybody that was in the business. In fact, he’s lucky to be alive still to be honest.”
Some gun rights activists contend the man broke no laws while others say it was foolish in the wake of the shootings in Ohio, Texas and California.
You make the call. Was the man who entered the Walmart in body armor exercising his rights, a criminal, or just an idiot who is lucky to be alive? Share your answers in the comment section.
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The guy at Walmart exercising his rights with an AR-15 and body armor is an idiot. He’s lucky to be alive. Had he been shot by the armed firefighter or responding officers they would have been hailed as hero’s stopping a guy before the shooting began. His story of 2nd amendment right exercising never to be heard. What’s more this type of activity by any pro-2a types hurts the rest of us. Makes us all look like the gun nuts the media loves to play up. It’s also how stores start putting no weapons signs on the door to screw the rat of us. So think before you do anything out in the open with a GUN!!
Wayne LaPierre, with his infamous “background checks for everyone” has rubbed me the wrong way for quite some time. The idea of making a deal with the Anti Gunners is a fairytale as any concession offered is taken as a sign of weakness, which only serves to encourage demands for more concessions. Negoitating with anyone whose basic idea is to take ever more, giving nothing, is a fools game.
Yeah, I agree that this dummy should NOT have tried to “Open Carry” at the Walmart, even though he may have a right to do so, and doubly so when wearing Body Armor! There’s just too many anti gun idiots out there who really don’t know the law, and that even includes a lot of cops! Too many people just freak out when they see a gun! I’m amazed every time I see somebody with a belt gun on, knowing that here in Texas, you MUST have a Concealed Carry Permit to do so. When I carry, I for damned sure don’t want anybody to SEE my gun! That takes away any tactical advantage you may have! I don’t want somebody with a CCW permit, or an over eager ego, to act like rambo, and try to jump me, whether or not they have a weapon to do so. I’m just too old to take a butt whupping, anymore, so, I’ll just drop you where you stand, and then, I will have a fight in Court to justify my actions. Sorry, but, this Nimrod can’t really justify his actions!
This dip shit at Walmart has done more to hurt gun rights people than the left has in the last ten years. It is this type of person who needs a good ass kicking. He knew that he was going to cause panic among the public and gives me the conclusion that this is the type of individual who should never have a firearm. And would be one that a red flag law would be used for.
Like it or not, Those type of people with zero walking around sense do not need to own or be around firearms and I would be in full support of a judge saying that he needs to have a mental evaluation and be forbidden to possess any firearm.
The poor guys timing was Way Off! If you accept ALL things as they happened he did NOT present a threat with the shopping cart in front of him. The uproar is mostly from the fearful people. The conceal carry responder PROVED how to STOP a shooter. NO shots were fired. No one was HARMED! The lesson from this occurrence was something the anti-gun crowd will not accept. The potential of a GOOD GUY WITH A GUN CAN STOP A BAD GUY with a gun.
Being an idiot and a poor representative of the firearms community is NOT the same as being a criminal. The guy in Missouri needed to be slapped by one of his freedom loving buddies with more sense, but he did nothing to be arrested for that I have heard. BTW, to all off duty firemen who want to pull a gun on me when I am not breaking the law, shoot first because when I see your gun coming out, so is mine.