Time Is Not On Your Side
When it comes to the time it takes to effectively react to real life personal defense situations, the odds can be stacked against you. When every second counts, you’ll want to be prepared and ready to safely engage. [Read more…] about Time Is Not On Your Side
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Concealed Carry Range Work
If you carry a handgun for personal defense, really focusing your practice at the range can go a long way in improving performance and keeping you safe. [Read more…] about Concealed Carry Range Work
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Concealed Carry – To Appendix or Not to Appendix
Appendix carry in one form or another has been around almost as long as handguns have. It does have advantages, but there is some debate though about the greater potential for injury. [Read more…] about Concealed Carry – To Appendix or Not to Appendix
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Breaking-In Your New Gun
Ever fire a used gun and notice that the action and the trigger feel super smooth with every shot? That’s almost always because it’s been well worn-in through continued use. [Read more…] about Breaking-In Your New Gun
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Vehicle Concealed Carry
Presumably, you would wear your concealed, defensive handgun somewhere on you that would be the most comfortable and allow easy access in the case of an immediate need. What happens though, when you climb into your car or truck and that weapon is in a position that just isn’t practical? [Read more…] about Vehicle Concealed Carry
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Revolvers: The Joe Friday Gun
Among the first police procedural dramas was Dragnet. Dragnet and Joe Friday were down to earth and presented the facts well. As a child, I enjoyed the series very much. Dragnet still has much to recommend. Professionalism and results are valued. Later, many of the prima donnas and flawed characters in TV shows were less interesting. Few would have lasted a minute in any agency I worked for. [Read more…] about Revolvers: The Joe Friday Gun
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Should I Appendix Carry for CCW?
I often cruise the gun forums to see what people are interested in and talking about. One topic that comes up rather often is appendix carry; the carrying of a gun in the front of the body, just to the right or left of center. If you listen to all the chatter, you may be persuaded to believe that appendix carry is new. In reality, the carry position has been around for many years and was very popular in the Old West, as is evidenced by pictures from the era, not to mention that gunslingers in the movies have been stuffing their firearms in the front of their waistband for as long as there have been movies. [Read more…] about Should I Appendix Carry for CCW?
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Concealed Carry Holster Options
The choice of a holster is as important as your selection of firearm. A good gun in a bad holster is analogous to a race car with lousy tires. What may initially seem insignificant is actually a vital part of your safety equipment. There are many facets to a holster’s performance. Obviously, it holds the gun, but it needs to do so properly. If your gun is too loose, at best, it can move and be in a bad position, and at worst it can fall out. I don’t want to be put in the position of trying to explain to the little old lady at the checkout counter that I am one of the good guys and that there is no need to worry, as I pick up my gun from the floor. Not to mention figuring out a good explanation to the responding police officer! [Read more…] about Concealed Carry Holster Options
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Review: Blackhawk Omnivore Holster
Not having the right holster is a problem often encountered by shooting enthusiasts and instructors. As an instructor, I often have students show up for defensive pistol classes wearing belt holsters that work fine as storage devices or for daily carry, but are insufficient and unsafe for serious training. Many gun owners have a pistol or two that they’d like to use more, but don’t feel like spending the energy and money it takes to find the perfect holster, such as the Blackhawk Omnivore, for each gun. If you feel like one or more of these scenarios apply to you, you are reading the right article. [Read more…] about Review: Blackhawk Omnivore Holster
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Caring For Leather Holsters
More than 20 years ago, my first book was published. Thirteen books later, Holsters for Concealed Carry and Combat is dated. Some of the makers mentioned in the book are retired or deceased, including the late great Lou Alessi. However, there are interesting new makers with real talent. Regardless the maker, leather holsters need care. [Read more…] about Caring For Leather Holsters
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Review: Galco Ankle Lite Ankle Holster
Finding the right holster can feel like a retelling of the classic story of Goldilocks’ and the Three Bears. This holster is too bulky while that holster doesn’t cover the trigger guard. For most gun owners, finding the right holster can result in a box of holsters sitting in a corner that don’t fit their needs. My Goldilocks’ gun is my Ruger LCP, and I have purchased several different types of holsters trying to find the holster. My most recent purchase, a Galco Ankle Lite holster, seems to be the current winner. It offers a high level of comfortable concealment at a reasonable price. Of the various holsters I’ve purchased for this particular gun, this is the best option for on-body carry for the Ruger LCP. [Read more…] about Review: Galco Ankle Lite Ankle Holster

Choosing the Right Holster
When you choose a handgun and holster, you are investing in a concealed carry system. The holster is an important part of the system, at least as important as the handgun itself. I have seen too many unserviceable, sorry excuses for holsters in my classes, and the hell of it is many carry such holsters to defend their life! [Read more…] about Choosing the Right Holster

Armed Good Samaritan Stops Rape
For years, Josh Williams has run at least once a week along Austin’s busy Hike-and-Bike trail. He always carries his cell phone and a flashlight. He also carries a gun in a belly band holster when he runs. On the morning of Sept. 15, he heard a woman’s screams in the distance. Hear the full account of what happened from the armed good samaritan. [Read more…] about Armed Good Samaritan Stops Rape

Women Carrying Guns Is Not Practical?
On February 24, CNN law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes asked the question, “For a woman, where are you going to hide that gun during the day?” He continued with another question, “If you wear a dress, if you wear a skirt, are you going to have to wear a jacket everyday with a belt and a holster the way a detective on duty would do?” Was he actually that ignorant about women carrying guns? [Read more…] about Women Carrying Guns Is Not Practical?

Galco: The Great American Leather Company
Galco has been absolutely nailing leather design and quality since 1969. Its quality leather holsters are among the most desirable on the market, yet there isn’t the usual long wait for custom-grade holsters of this caliber. [Read more…] about Galco: The Great American Leather Company