Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
When it comes to using a firearm for home defense purposes, many people will opt for a handgun or other gun type that is well-suited for the task. If your hunting rifle or sport shotgun are your only options, you may experience some limitations and inherent risks that can cause you some real problems. [Read more…] about Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
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An Interview with a Two-Tour Vet on How to Survive
Recently, I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with a veteran with two tours in Afghanistan under his belt. Jason is in his 30s and works for a federal agency responsible for keeping Americans safe. His area of expertise is cyber-intelligence. The man has a high level of clearance he’s not keen on divulging details about.
We cracked open a couple of tall boys in his suburban backyard. The conversation was effortless while a bevy of topical issues were discussed, survival should things go south being at the top of the list. I will highlight the broad strokes of ground covered for brevity’s sake. [Read more…] about An Interview with a Two-Tour Vet on How to Survive
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Pros & Cons of SOB Carry
Clearly there are a number of different ways to keep your defensive handgun concealed along your waistband, and some methods may be preferable to others. It is a topic for debate, with small-of-the-back carry being one technique that comes into question regarding its effectiveness. [Read more…] about Pros & Cons of SOB Carry
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Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Ban Takes a Serious L
Two Hawaii residents, Andrew Teter and James Grill, are doing their part to fight back against Hawaii’s ban on butterfly knives. [Read more…] about Hawaii’s Butterfly Knife Ban Takes a Serious L
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Navigating the Realities of Using a Firearm in Self Defense
The use of lethal force with a gun in a self defense scenario is serious business. While your personal safety is obviously important, using a firearm in this manner can come with some potentially complicated ramifications. [Read more…] about Navigating the Realities of Using a Firearm in Self Defense
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Think Twice About Clearing Rooms
Owning a personal defense gun for your home can be a good idea for overall protection and for creating some peace-of-mind for you and your family. But in the event of a home invasion, is it best to retreat to a safe space or to go after whoever may have broken in? [Read more…] about Think Twice About Clearing Rooms
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Emergency Prep Kit and Why You Need One
Assume for a moment you wake up tomorrow to find the following: the power grid went down. Water, the internet, your appliances; all are non-operational. What sort of contingency do you have to make it through the day? A week? Or even a month?
Doomsday Preppers have long been trumpeting a life-changing event that will throw society into the stone age. Whether it’s due to an EMP or hackers attempting to topple the financial sector, the notion of our power grid collapsing has been around for some time. [Read more…] about Emergency Prep Kit and Why You Need One
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Shooting on the Move
There are obviously a lot of situations where shooting from a static position is preferred, but this can be limiting if you require something a little more dynamic. Learning to effectively shoot while on the move is essential for some, and a good skill to have in threatening situations. [Read more…] about Shooting on the Move
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First-Time Buying a Gun?
Las Vegas, NV – You’ve decided it’s time to make the plunge and purchase a gun. First of all, bravo. It takes a certain type of person to acknowledge the tumultuous state of the world post-pandemic. Individuals are on edge. The propensity for physical confrontation is at an all-time high; even a simple outing to the grocery store is a crapshoot.
Assuming your commitment to owning a firearm is based on self-defense, here are some things to consider. [Read more…] about First-Time Buying a Gun?
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Surviving a Home Invasion
Break-ins and home invasions are obviously terrifying and are not things that we can control. What we can do however, is pro-actively take steps to secure our residences and react accordingly in the event of a breach. [Read more…] about Surviving a Home Invasion
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Trump’s Vow to America, Agenda 47, Blue States, and Gun Control
Donald J. Trump plans to restore law and order throughout the land if reelected. I know; tough to imagine we’re already trending toward another Presidential Election. I suppose time flies when the world is on fire.
The former President released a five-minute video late last week. The gist – to make America both safe, and yes, great again. [Read more…] about Trump’s Vow to America, Agenda 47, Blue States, and Gun Control
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Home Defense… Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun?
It’s an age-old question, isn’t it? Is there a right and a wrong? Would you hate me if I didn’t provide you with a definitive answer? Let’s delve into this subject and ask ourselves if there is a one size fits all answer to this debate. [Read more…] about Home Defense… Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun?
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3-D Printing Guns and Their Problems
Every generation looks back and marvels at how things changed over time.
Advancements in technology, regardless of discipline or subculture, transform our world. Within the past decade, the 3-D printer is one such mechanism that is changing the way humans live. [Read more…] about 3-D Printing Guns and Their Problems
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Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
Many factors contribute to the accuracy of a rifle, be it major components with a tangible impact, such as the barrel itself and the ammunition we feed it, or more subtle nuances that effect harmonics. No matter the element, having confidence when it comes to shot placement is paramount to any shooter. Today I want to talk about a piece of the puzzle that is crucial not only to the accuracy of your rifle, but to every aspect of the direct shooter interface, the trigger. [Read more…] about Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
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Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
The 7.62×39 cartridge, introduced originally in 1943 and chambered in both the RPD Light Machine Gun and the SKS, cemented it’s place in history just a few years later as the cartridge selection for what would become the iconic AK47 Soviet military rifle. Since then, the AK47 has been deployed around the world by militaries, police and civilians in combat, self-defense and sporting roles. [Read more…] about Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
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High Stakes Encounter
I am a U.S. citizen currently living in Toronto, Canada.
For those who have never been to Toronto, it is often regarded as one of the finer cities in North America if not the world.
The city is booming. In fact, there seems to be a new condo on every street corner daily. But, there are pitfalls to its rapid growth.
Congestion is everywhere and people are suffering.
Mix in the damage of a pandemic, and we are starting to see the costs incurred by human beings. [Read more…] about High Stakes Encounter
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Time Is Not On Your Side
When it comes to the time it takes to effectively react to real life personal defense situations, the odds can be stacked against you. When every second counts, you’ll want to be prepared and ready to safely engage. [Read more…] about Time Is Not On Your Side
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No ‘A’ For Effort
Being a responsible gun owner can go beyond safe storage and use. How you maintain your firearms and your overall familiarity with them are also big parts of the equation. [Read more…] about No ‘A’ For Effort
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The Summer Lull
The dog days of summer are in full swing. Major League Baseball recently wrapped their annual All-Star game, the days are long and sweltering, and patio season is hopping.
For the first time in ages, things look normal.
Unfortunately, this optimism will soon unravel like a ball of yarn. The proverbial calm before the storm. [Read more…] about The Summer Lull
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Take Cover
Shooting effectively and safely from behind cover takes some skill and you shouldn’t assume that you’ll be able to pull it off if the situation ever comes up. How hard can it be, right? [Read more…] about Take Cover
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