Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
When it comes to using a firearm for home defense purposes, many people will opt for a handgun or other gun type that is well-suited for the task. If your hunting rifle or sport shotgun are your only options, you may experience some limitations and inherent risks that can cause you some real problems. [Read more…] about Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
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Minimizing Recoil
A wise man (Isaac Newton) once said that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you’ve felt the kick of a powerful firearm, you’ll immediately know how this equation works. [Read more…] about Minimizing Recoil
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Has My Ammo Gone Bad?
For most hunters and sport shooters who use their firearms regularly, you don’t have to give too much thought to your ammo aside from keeping it dry and safely secured when you’re not using it. Beyond that, you’re cycling through your inventory pretty consistently with few issues. Modern, factory-made ammo is very reliable and will last for a long time under the right conditions, however there are instances where you could be pushing your luck.
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Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
Let’s face it. If you are reading this you are like over half of Americans, a procrastinator with your Christmas buying. Conveniently, I know a place that works really hard to have lots of cool stuff in stock for that gun loving person in your life. [Read more…] about Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
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The 10mm — Powerful Pistols and Revolvers
The past few months have been good to the 10mm cartridge and 10mm pistol fans. While sales and popularity of the .40 Smith and Wesson seem to be slipping, the 10mm is enjoying a comeback. New pistols including the Kimber Custom II, the now well-established Ruger SR1911, and even a double-action revolver have been met with enthusiasm. [Read more…] about The 10mm — Powerful Pistols and Revolvers
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Three Top 10mm Pistols — Pick Your Poison
The 10mm Auto cartridge is being rediscovered. There is new ammunition being manufactured in velocities the 10mm was intended for, such as the newer SIG Elite Performance ammo, and firearm manufacturers such as Glock, Rock Island Arsenal (RIA), and SIG offer platforms well suited to this powerhouse cartridge. Which would you choose? [Read more…] about Three Top 10mm Pistols — Pick Your Poison
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The 7mm Remington Magnum Cartridge
The 7mm Remington Magnum or .284 caliber rifle cartridge has proud origins. The 7x57mm Mauser cartridge is a mild mannered loading with modest recoil and excellent accuracy. It is quite a game taker at moderate range. A great advantage was that the 7mm cartridge, even at modest velocity, shot flat and featured excellent penetration. [Read more…] about The 7mm Remington Magnum Cartridge