Beware the Flinch
Flinching while you shoot is a very common phenomenon and it can definitely impact your performance and your enjoyment of the sport. Luckily there are some effective ways to minimize or eliminate the effects of this age-old reaction. [Read more…] about Beware the Flinch
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Minimizing Recoil
A wise man (Isaac Newton) once said that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you’ve felt the kick of a powerful firearm, you’ll immediately know how this equation works. [Read more…] about Minimizing Recoil
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Always Use Protection
I think you’d be hard-pressed to find any shooter that doesn’t understand the need for eye and hearing protection. It’s standard industry practice, most all reputable ranges insist on their use and it’s really just common sense. [Read more…] about Always Use Protection
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Know Your Muzzle Attachments
A lot of new gun owners often don’t fully understand the attachment at the end of their barrel and what it can and can’t do. Aside from a sound suppressor (which most everyone can recognize), a lot of these devices look pretty similar and can be hard to tell apart. [Read more…] about Know Your Muzzle Attachments
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The Science Behind Hearing Protection
It’s right there in the rules posted at any shooting range: All shooters and spectators must wear hearing and eye protection. Most shooters are equipped for compliance, quickly donning whatever earmuffs are inside their range bag. Those who come unprepared can always obtain a set of in-ear foam plugs from the range officer. This is the extent to which most shooters think about hearing protection. They think, I have it and I’m wearing it, so my hearing is protected. But that isn’t always true. [Read more…] about The Science Behind Hearing Protection
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