Ruger SR-762: Ruger’s Badass 7.62×51 .308 Win.
A few years ago, Sturm, Ruger & Company leaped into the crowded AR15 rifle market with a piston driven AR15 variant. The SR-556 isn’t inexpensive. However, as a result, it is a very good rifle. Later, Ruger offered what I regarded as a sensational rifle, the SR-762, a 7.62×51 NATO variant. I suppose this might qualify as an AR10, but in most ways, it is a modern design. This isn’t a gas-impingement operation but rather a piston-operated rifle with a four-position gas valve or regulator. [Read more…] about Ruger SR-762: Ruger’s Badass 7.62×51 .308 Win.
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The 10mm — When It’s Time to Go to Plan B
I have long been a fan of large calibers. This is based on my research and personal experience. Depending on the need, I favor the 1911 in .45 ACP or 10mm, or magnum caliber revolvers. I have been concerned with animal defense for years. Among the many things I wish I had not seen was a photo that my Sgt., later Chief, showed me of a pretty youngster (perhaps four) with most of her scalp and face gone above the nose. She had been killed by a large dog. [Read more…] about The 10mm — When It’s Time to Go to Plan B
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Accuracy in Handguns
Over the decades, I have researched handguns and used the terms practical accuracy, intrinsic accuracy, and absolute accuracy. Firing from the benchrest is important and always interesting. However, absolute accuracy isn’t as important as the practical accuracy we may coax from a handgun. [Read more…] about Accuracy in Handguns
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Sterling Silver Grips and Other Additions to the 1911
Ever since men first began to form weapons from metal, we have adorned our weapons with some type of decoration. Several have come up with something that marks their style or gives them a unique trademark. Some of the great gunners of the past smoked a cigar, others wore a Stetson, and many favored ivory grips. I have always liked custom grips for the 1911. The plain plastic or wood grips are rather utilitarian. Recently, I came across a set of silver grips that were unrivaled. [Read more…] about Sterling Silver Grips and Other Additions to the 1911
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The 10mm — Powerful Pistols and Revolvers
The past few months have been good to the 10mm cartridge and 10mm pistol fans. While sales and popularity of the .40 Smith and Wesson seem to be slipping, the 10mm is enjoying a comeback. New pistols including the Kimber Custom II, the now well-established Ruger SR1911, and even a double-action revolver have been met with enthusiasm. [Read more…] about The 10mm — Powerful Pistols and Revolvers
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Review: The RIA 10mm — The Commander With No Name
Some time ago, the 10mm cartridge hit the ground running and enjoyed a flash of popularity. Soon after, the 10mm was eclipsed by the .40 Smith and Wesson cartridge. The 10mm was kept going by a small, but loyal base. However, the 10mm is enjoying a credible comeback. Recently, the RIA crossed my desk, and I could not wait to get to the rage for a test run. [Read more…] about Review: The RIA 10mm — The Commander With No Name
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The New, Less Expensive Ruger 10/22
Hard on the heels of the Ruger Wrangler revolver, Ruger has introduced a more affordable version of the 10/22 self-loading rifle. The new rifle, SKU 31139, is intended to retail for less than $200. This is the same reliable 18.5-barrel 4.5-pound rifle as before, but without sights and a rather plain vanilla plastic stock. A sight rail is included. [Read more…] about The New, Less Expensive Ruger 10/22
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A Great Home Defender: The .38 Special
A time proven axiom is that if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. This applies to the .38 Special revolver as a home defender. I have trained many shooters over the years to use the double action revolver well, and most, if not all have chosen a .38 Special as the baseline caliber. [Read more…] about A Great Home Defender: The .38 Special
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