Review: Charles Daly Honcho Shotgun
The American-designed, pump-action shotgun is the most recommended home defense shotgun. It isn’t always made in America, but it defends the turf well. Recently, a new type of shotgun has been offered for home defense. While the Charles Daly Honcho is a different bird and requires attention to detail, the 14-inch barrel pump-action shotgun just may be a viable home defense shotgun for some and the ideal piece for a few. [Read more…] about Review: Charles Daly Honcho Shotgun
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Handloading for the M1 Garand
The .30-06 Springfield has been my favorite rifle cartridge for 40 years. The power accuracy and ease of use are unrivaled. I have enjoyed handloading the cartridge for over 30 years. But loading the .30-06 for a bolt action rifle, and loading for a semi-automatic rifle such as the M1 Garand, are two different skills requiring different approaches. [Read more…] about Handloading for the M1 Garand
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Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
Let’s face it. If you are reading this you are like over half of Americans, a procrastinator with your Christmas buying. Conveniently, I know a place that works really hard to have lots of cool stuff in stock for that gun loving person in your life. [Read more…] about Five Great Last-Minute Christmas Ideas for The Gunny in Your Life
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Sterling Silver Grips and Other Additions to the 1911
Ever since men first began to form weapons from metal, we have adorned our weapons with some type of decoration. Several have come up with something that marks their style or gives them a unique trademark. Some of the great gunners of the past smoked a cigar, others wore a Stetson, and many favored ivory grips. I have always liked custom grips for the 1911. The plain plastic or wood grips are rather utilitarian. Recently, I came across a set of silver grips that were unrivaled. [Read more…] about Sterling Silver Grips and Other Additions to the 1911
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Excellence Redefined: Guncrafter Commander 1911
Some folks like anything that goes bang! I find firearms of all type immensely interesting. However, when it comes to personal defense, I like to have a firearm that compliments my skills and one that is both accurate and completely reliable. [Read more…] about Excellence Redefined: Guncrafter Commander 1911
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Gun Test: Mossberg’s Retro Shotgun
A number of years ago Mossberg offered a short barrel, pump-action shotgun known as the Persuader. The piece is back as a highly finished retrograde shotgun. In my opinion the new Mossberg is better finished and tighter than the original. Retro guns are popular and this one has the look and feel of an older shotgun—the quality appearance. And it isn’t all about looks. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Mossberg’s Retro Shotgun
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7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
The 9mm Luger cartridge is the single most popular centerfire handgun cartridge ever manufactured. The popularity of the 9mm cannot be without merit. It is a powerful number with excellent velocity and penetration and in the right handgun very accurate. There are also undeniable demerits clinging to the cartridge. The 9mm has proven to be a poor stopper exhibiting limited wound potential with full-metal-jacket ammunition. Today we have modern loadings that make the most of the 9mm and offer a good balance of expansion and penetration. [Read more…] about 7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
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Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
The Beretta APX is Beretta’s entry into the polymer-frame striker-fired field, and they added a modular design for good measure. The APX is going against stiff competition. While Beretta has brand loyalty, the piece must stand on its own merit. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
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Mossberg ATR: .270 Winchester — The Rifleman’s Cartridge
I am finally getting around to projects I have been anticipating for several years. One of these is putting together a credible all-around hunting rifle. The goal is something with more stretch than the .308 Winchester and perhaps a bit of finesse. Among the rifles I have chosen is the Mossberg All Terrain Rifle in .270 Winchester. I have enjoyed such good luck, for so long, with the ATR rifle in .308 Winchester, I did not wish to rock the boat and stayed with a proven product. [Read more…] about Mossberg ATR: .270 Winchester — The Rifleman’s Cartridge
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Springfield XDE — Catering to the Rest
With most new concealed carry handguns focused on polymer-frame striker-fired handguns, it is good to see that Springfield Armory has catered to the rest of us with a modern, polymer-frame double-action first-shot handgun with a decocker. [Read more…] about Springfield XDE — Catering to the Rest
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SHTF Guns — Have You Thought Through Your Choices?
The SHTF gun means many things to many people. Having actually taken incoming fire and proven I cannot stop a bullet, I have a different idea than the casually interested. Planning for an apocalyptic nightmare seems a popular pastime—especially for cinematic writers. Just the same there are times when the need may be real. [Read more…] about SHTF Guns — Have You Thought Through Your Choices?
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Gun Test: Smith and Wesson Model 69 .44 Magnum
As a long time user of Smith and Wesson revolvers, I am excited to see the things the company is doing these days. One of the most interesting handguns to come along in some time is the Model 69 .44 Magnum. This is a 5-shot .44 Magnum revolver built on the L frame chassis. It features a square butt grip and four-inch barrel. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Smith and Wesson Model 69 .44 Magnum

The Three-Caliber Glock Conversion
A few years ago, it was fashionable to see stories in the gun books concerning caliber conversions from one caliber to the other. I think the king of these conversions is the 1911. I have fired the 1911 in .22, .30 Luger, 9mm, .38 Super, .40 S&W, 10mm, .400 Cor Bon, .41 Avenger, .45 ACP, .44 Magnum as a single shot, .45 Super, and the .460 Rowland. Some conversion options are a stunt and not worth the effort. However, if you enjoy such things, they are a pleasant diversion. [Read more…] about The Three-Caliber Glock Conversion

Gun Test: SIG P226 — The Definition of Reliability
Choosing a handgun for self-defense is a helluva decision, almost too important for an individual to make. While it is a personal decision at the end of the day, it really needs a committee to vet the decision and narrow the choices, similar to the military choosing a new service weapon. Of course, you could skip all of the hoopla and look to service weapons. The SIG P226 for instance was a favorite of the U.S. Navy SEALs for many years. [Read more…] about Gun Test: SIG P226 — The Definition of Reliability

Range Test: SCCY CPX-2 — An Affordable 9mm
A few years ago, when SCCY introduced the CPX 9mm handgun, I found the piece to be reliable, well designed, and offered at a fair price. The early versions with a frame-mounted safety sometimes suffered from the safety moving to the on position during firing though. While SCCY has corrected the issue, and the shooters thumb contacting the safety may have caused some of it, I recommend the version without a safety. A pistol with a 10-pound double action only trigger may be carried without a manual safety. [Read more…] about Range Test: SCCY CPX-2 — An Affordable 9mm

CZ 455 Varmint and Trainer .22 LR Rifles
I fired my first .22 caliber rifle at perhaps 10 years old. I have been through many rifles always upgrading the .22. The .22 offers excellent economy and is the place where we should all start. The .22 is also the place we should go when we are having marksmanship issues. Today, one of my favorite .22 LR offerings is the CZ 455 series. [Read more…] about CZ 455 Varmint and Trainer .22 LR Rifles

Review: Fiocchi 22 LR — First Class Plinking and Hunting
When I am shooting on my own time and my own dime, most of the shooting is that pastime called plinking—most often with Fiocchi 22 LR. I am fortunate to have plenty of dirt clods on a berm and I also use clay birds. I do not use the time proven tin can so much these days. I use paper because Birchwood Casey offers so many variations. [Read more…] about Review: Fiocchi 22 LR — First Class Plinking and Hunting

Need a hard hitting .223 load? Grab some Fiocchi!
When practicing with the .223 Remington/AR-15 combination, I am always on the lookout for quality practice ammunition, such as offering from Fiocchi. While I handload, I do not always have time to keep up with the demand made in testing rifles, practice, and teaching. Most of my practice loads are my own handloads put up in reclaimed brass and topped by some type of 55-grain FMJ. [Read more…] about Need a hard hitting .223 load? Grab some Fiocchi!

Review: Fiocchi .30-06 Springfield Ammunition
If you own a rifle in .30-06 Springfield, you know how powerful, accurate, and effective this cartridge can be, but do you know how well Fiocchi .30-06 Springfield ammunition shoots? The .30-06 was developed to match the German’s 8mm Mauser. The .30-06 outstrips the .303 British and 7.7 Japanese for power. [Read more…] about Review: Fiocchi .30-06 Springfield Ammunition

The .45 Colt — From Cowboy to Action to Self-Defense
There are convincing advocates of individual handgun cartridges. Legendary writers such as Skeeter Skelton and Bill Jordan carried the .357 Magnum professionally and felt it was the ideal outdoors and personal defense cartridge. Elmer Keith favored the .44 Special, but then, when he got the .44 Magnum, he was vocal in praises of this cartridge too. There are individuals who use a variety of calibers for certain chores, and then there are those that choose a handgun caliber early on and use it for a lifetime, but who is championing the .45 Colt? [Read more…] about The .45 Colt — From Cowboy to Action to Self-Defense