Review: Beretta APX Carry 9mm
Today’s market may be crowded, but an advantage to the consumer is a wide choice of arms from prominent makers. The Beretta APX Carry is Beretta’s offering in the lucrative single-column magazine, 9mm compact market. Pistols like the Glock 43 and Smith and Wesson Shield are the most popular concealed carry choices. They offer a good balance of power and weight and are controllable and accurate enough to give the concealed carry handgun user real confidence. [Read more…] about Review: Beretta APX Carry 9mm
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Surplus Beretta 92S: A Retired 9mm With a Lot of Fight
Surplus has different meanings depending where you are in the world. Surplus firearms in the U.S. means extra, on hand, or dated equipment. In other countries, it could mean scrap metal. I try to avoid the latter, but I am always on the lookout for a diamond in the rough and thought I’d look at the Beretta 92S. I have seen these advertised by a variety of online gun sellers. This 9mm is an early generation of 92FS, so it is more of a European gun than the 92FS that definitely has U.S. influence. This is what I found with this old pistol. [Read more…] about Surplus Beretta 92S: A Retired 9mm With a Lot of Fight
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NASCAR Rejects Gun Ads, Cites “Gradual Shift” on Guns
‘Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.’ ~Winston Churchill. The words are as true today as when Churchill uttered them in 1948 or George Santayana when he originally said essentially the same thing in 1905. Yet, major organizations, those with no stake in politics, are taking political sides and alienating their consumers in the process. Perhaps the CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods was just ignorant of his consumer base or Yeti made a miscalculation when it cut ties with the NRA. However, when it comes to NASCAR taking an anti-gun approach, it simply baffles the imagination as to who is calling the shots and how out of touch they are with their fan base. [Read more…] about NASCAR Rejects Gun Ads, Cites “Gradual Shift” on Guns
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7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
The 9mm Luger cartridge is the single most popular centerfire handgun cartridge ever manufactured. The popularity of the 9mm cannot be without merit. It is a powerful number with excellent velocity and penetration and in the right handgun very accurate. There are also undeniable demerits clinging to the cartridge. The 9mm has proven to be a poor stopper exhibiting limited wound potential with full-metal-jacket ammunition. Today we have modern loadings that make the most of the 9mm and offer a good balance of expansion and penetration. [Read more…] about 7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
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Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
The Beretta APX is Beretta’s entry into the polymer-frame striker-fired field, and they added a modular design for good measure. The APX is going against stiff competition. While Beretta has brand loyalty, the piece must stand on its own merit. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Beretta APX 9mm Compact
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How to Choose a Handgun
Everyday, we are bombarded with the freshest information. We hope the information is legitimate, and we weigh our alternatives. Choosing an option involves a mix of assessments and choices colored by innate biases and too often, flawed assumptions. [Read more…] about How to Choose a Handgun
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Video: Beretta Px4 Storm Box to Match Review!
Due to a technical glitch, this Out of the Box and to the Match Gun Review is actually a re-shoot. After I shot the Beretta Px4 Storm in a match, I found that the memory card in my video camera was bad, so I decided to shoot a new video. Like other Box to Match reviews, the Beretta hasn’t undergone any aftermarket tweaks or adjustments, just a standard clean and oil. [Read more…] about Video: Beretta Px4 Storm Box to Match Review!
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Aluminum-Frame Pistols Make Sense
After deploying a steel-frame handgun for many years, I have come to appreciate lightweight (LW) frame handguns. Aluminum frame revolvers and self-loaders have become trusted companions. I am not one to save a few ounces at the cost of my life, but I do not wish to carry more weight than necessary. [Read more…] about Aluminum-Frame Pistols Make Sense

Gun Test: SIG P226 — The Definition of Reliability
Choosing a handgun for self-defense is a helluva decision, almost too important for an individual to make. While it is a personal decision at the end of the day, it really needs a committee to vet the decision and narrow the choices, similar to the military choosing a new service weapon. Of course, you could skip all of the hoopla and look to service weapons. The SIG P226 for instance was a favorite of the U.S. Navy SEALs for many years. [Read more…] about Gun Test: SIG P226 — The Definition of Reliability

Beretta M9 — From Military Service to Classic
When the United States Army adopted the Beretta M9, it was quite a surprise to many of us. The apple cart wasn’t upset; it was wrecked. The Beretta replaced the long-serving 1911A1 .45-caliber pistol. While there are many fans of the 1911, there are also many detractors and some who felt the pistol was long overdue for replacement. [Read more…] about Beretta M9 — From Military Service to Classic

Managing the Double-Action First-Shot Pistol
My experience with double-action first-shot, self-loading pistols dates back to the 1970s. I began my police duties carrying a Colt Commander .45 but moving to a larger agency, I carried a Smith and Wesson Combat Magnum revolver. Each had much merit with either offering good hit probability. The .45 offered better control while the wound ballistics of the Federal 125-grain .357 Magnum was excellent. [Read more…] about Managing the Double-Action First-Shot Pistol