Concealed Carry Holster Options
The choice of a holster is as important as your selection of firearm. A good gun in a bad holster is analogous to a race car with lousy tires. What may initially seem insignificant is actually a vital part of your safety equipment. There are many facets to a holster’s performance. Obviously, it holds the gun, but it needs to do so properly. If your gun is too loose, at best, it can move and be in a bad position, and at worst it can fall out. I don’t want to be put in the position of trying to explain to the little old lady at the checkout counter that I am one of the good guys and that there is no need to worry, as I pick up my gun from the floor. Not to mention figuring out a good explanation to the responding police officer! [Read more…] about Concealed Carry Holster Options
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Taurus 856 and 857 Versus S&W J Frame Revolvers
At the 2018 SHOT show, among the more interesting revolvers was the Taurus 856 revolver. The 856 is based upon the proven and immensely popular Taurus 85, a small-frame revolver that holds five .38 Special cartridges. The 856 is a version of the Model 85 with a six-shot cylinder. It is quite an engineering feat to design such a revolver. [Read more…] about Taurus 856 and 857 Versus S&W J Frame Revolvers
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Review: Blackhawk Omnivore Holster
Not having the right holster is a problem often encountered by shooting enthusiasts and instructors. As an instructor, I often have students show up for defensive pistol classes wearing belt holsters that work fine as storage devices or for daily carry, but are insufficient and unsafe for serious training. Many gun owners have a pistol or two that they’d like to use more, but don’t feel like spending the energy and money it takes to find the perfect holster, such as the Blackhawk Omnivore, for each gun. If you feel like one or more of these scenarios apply to you, you are reading the right article. [Read more…] about Review: Blackhawk Omnivore Holster
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Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
When it comes to rifle shooting, fast hits are what counts in hunting and personal defense scenarios. When sighting in the rifle from the benchrest, we have all of the time in the world. Recently, I sighted my personal M1A1 with Leatherwood scope in from the rest and enjoyed 1 MOA groups with Federal MSR Fusion ammunition. However, I cannot expect a fraction of this accuracy when firing off hand at the 100-yard line, because you do not have the same opportunity to stabilize your rifle—or do you? [Read more…] about Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
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Caring For Leather Holsters
More than 20 years ago, my first book was published. Thirteen books later, Holsters for Concealed Carry and Combat is dated. Some of the makers mentioned in the book are retired or deceased, including the late great Lou Alessi. However, there are interesting new makers with real talent. Regardless the maker, leather holsters need care. [Read more…] about Caring For Leather Holsters
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Range Test: SCCY CPX-2 — An Affordable 9mm
A few years ago, when SCCY introduced the CPX 9mm handgun, I found the piece to be reliable, well designed, and offered at a fair price. The early versions with a frame-mounted safety sometimes suffered from the safety moving to the on position during firing though. While SCCY has corrected the issue, and the shooters thumb contacting the safety may have caused some of it, I recommend the version without a safety. A pistol with a 10-pound double action only trigger may be carried without a manual safety. [Read more…] about Range Test: SCCY CPX-2 — An Affordable 9mm

The .45 Colt — From Cowboy to Action to Self-Defense
There are convincing advocates of individual handgun cartridges. Legendary writers such as Skeeter Skelton and Bill Jordan carried the .357 Magnum professionally and felt it was the ideal outdoors and personal defense cartridge. Elmer Keith favored the .44 Special, but then, when he got the .44 Magnum, he was vocal in praises of this cartridge too. There are individuals who use a variety of calibers for certain chores, and then there are those that choose a handgun caliber early on and use it for a lifetime, but who is championing the .45 Colt? [Read more…] about The .45 Colt — From Cowboy to Action to Self-Defense