Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
The 7.62×39 cartridge, introduced originally in 1943 and chambered in both the RPD Light Machine Gun and the SKS, cemented it’s place in history just a few years later as the cartridge selection for what would become the iconic AK47 Soviet military rifle. Since then, the AK47 has been deployed around the world by militaries, police and civilians in combat, self-defense and sporting roles. [Read more…] about Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
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Beware of Ammo Scams!
It’s been a wild ride for the last couple of years, and the supply/demand for certain consumer items has been impacted significantly. The ready availability of (reasonably priced) ammunition for instance has been affected in some cases, and when there’s a strong marketplace need, it can give rise to unscrupulous and predatory sales practices. [Read more…] about Beware of Ammo Scams!
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Imagine this scenario for a moment – you’re the son of a billionaire known for his philanthropy. One night, your parents take you to the Opera located in a seedy part of town. After the show, your old man elects to take a short-cut through a desolate alley. His decision proves fatal. Not a minute through, the three of you are confronted by a gunman in his twenties who demands valuables. Your father does his best to comply, but as the gunman reaches for pearls hanging around your mother’s neck, dad’s protective gene kicks in and he lunges at the man. What happens next is tragic; the gunman reacts, pulls the trigger twice, and like that, you’re the wealthiest orphan north of the Mississippi.
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Finding Order With a Gun Addiction
I think “order” makes for a better level of life. I like to have my projects laid out in advance and work on them in the order they meet the deadline. This keeps the editor and I on a first name basis. By the same token, I like getting paid on time and I have rooted out from my list of companies those that do not pay on time, or don’t pay at all, or make mistakes that make us all look dumb—as my favorite editor reads this he is amused. While all that is fun to talk about, this article is about managing my gun addiction. [Read more…] about Finding Order With a Gun Addiction
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Ammunition Testing: Taking Up The Task
A few years ago, a friend at a facility I worked with was given the task of working up a test protocol for bulletproof vests. His combination of skills was well suited to the job. However, on a personal level, his passionate excitement, combined with painstaking scientific method, proved to be a winning combination. His assignment coincided with the failures of several vests in police service, and he was determined to produce the best ammunition possible. [Read more…] about Ammunition Testing: Taking Up The Task
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Skill Set: Flying With Firearms
During firearm training classes, the question of flying with firearms comes up a lot. People have a fear of flying with firearms, but it’s just a lack of knowledge about the process. As long as you know how to proceed it’s not a big deal. [Read more…] about Skill Set: Flying With Firearms
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Federal Syntech: Next Generation Training Ammunition
Ammunition manufacturers have made great strides when it comes to hunting and self-defense ammunition. Training ammunition, however, has progressed little. Oh sure, your can buy steel case ammunition or remanufactured ammunition at a decent price, but I am talking about training ammunition that still maintains its price point, but offers a technological advantage. Federal recently finished a years long development of a new practice load, and the American Eagle Syntech is well worth your time and effort to obtain and use. [Read more…] about Federal Syntech: Next Generation Training Ammunition

Does your ammunition choice matter in court?
Shopping for ammunition can often seem like a daunting task. With consumer overload from the different brands and an abundance of uses, when you’re looking at shelves of ammunition it can be difficult to figure out which type of ammo works best for your firearm and what is legal for you to have. [Read more…] about Does your ammunition choice matter in court?