Assume for a moment you wake up tomorrow to find the following: the power grid went down. Water, the internet, your appliances; all are non-operational. What sort of contingency do you have to make it through the day? A week? Or even a month?
Doomsday Preppers have long been trumpeting a life-changing event that will throw society into the stone age. Whether it’s due to an EMP or hackers attempting to topple the financial sector, the notion of our power grid collapsing has been around for some time.
Recently, so-called conspiracy theorists have been calling their shots with alarming regularity. At the outset of Covid-19, many warned that what was really in play was the loss of individual freedoms and not a killer virus with origins in a Chinese fish market.
Six months into the pandemic, with endless lockdowns and stay-at-home orders imposed by those in power, their words proved largely prophetic. With recency bias in mind, perhaps now might be a good time to heed the advice of the “tin-foil hat-wearing nut” living in his mom’s basement.
The reality is most Americans live check-to-check. Times are trying due in large part to record inflation. US cities are under siege with crime and drug use. Children are inundated with programming designed to distance them from the nuclear family. The sad truth; America is in decline.
As a result, most Americans can’t wrap their heads around spending money on items they don’t immediately need. They operate from a saliency axiom; disposable income is tight, so why spend on things I don’t need today?

Fair. Nonetheless, I contend that for every dollar earned, you should allocate a penny toward a viable contingency in case shit hits the fan. For preppers, this is known as an Emergency Survival Kit.
If you’ve stumbled here, chances are you’re one of the estimated 45% of Americans to legally own at least one firearm.
You’ve spent hard-earned cash on weapons you seldom use in real-world scenarios. Though your firearms might not have the mileage your household appliances do, the principle behind the purchase was flawless. Spend today on items that might one day mean the difference between life and death.
Ironically, this same rule applies to doomsday preppers. They spend money on items they may never need in case something bad happens. Sure, that money could be better suited for more pressing purchases. However, should the power grid go down, guess who comes out the winner?
Think of the proverbial pig who builds his home of brick and not straw or hay, like his heuristic brothers.
In the event the power grid fails, the most important resource to survive is water. Assuming you have no access to well water, the moment the power fails is the moment your life hangs in the balance.
We are 60% water, the Earth even more at 71%. By looking at nature, we uncover universal truths that can go overlooked in waking life. If the environment we inhabit and we are predominantly water, it’s logical to conclude that H2O is the most valuable commodity in the world.
With this in mind, the intelligent mode of conduct is to stock up on water while it is readily available. By doing so, you end up in a position of power should the bottom fall out. In layman’s terms – be proactive, not reactive.
Think of any stretch throughout your life when you were hungry. Looking back, what sort of observations can you make about the experience? Were you razor sharp or were you a balloon with a gash losing air?
When we lack sustenance, the first thing that goes is clarity of thought. When hungry, the only thing we think about is our hunger. Should times become dire and we aren’t prepared, recklessness in the pursuit of fulfilling our Maslowian needs occurs. This alone is reason enough to stock up on non-perishables in preparation for a cataclysmic event like a long-term power outage.
By loading up on food, we protect ourselves from entering a dangerous reality where the pursuit of sustenance can open up a myriad of other problems. A freezer full of food does no good after about five days without power, so the better play is to load up on less sexy cuisine that can help shoulder an unexpected blackout.
You have food and water to last you through permanent midnight. Congratulations, you’re ten steps ahead of the Average Joe.
However, none of this matters if you haven’t made a plan to protect your loved ones from the most dangerous animal on Earth; the human being.
By default, humans have the potential to do some pretty evil things. Compound this inclination with the desire to possess necessary items for survival, and you can imagine what sort of carnage can ensue.
Close your eyes for a moment and picture a world without power. Your city’s been zero dark thirty for a week. Chaos is on every street corner. Grocery stores have been cleaned out by looters, gas stations are without fuel, and law enforcement is MIA. The world as you know it is upside down.

I pose the following question: do you like your chances of survival with or without a gun?
Worth mentioning that amidst a long-term blackout, firearms aren’t just for defense purposes. Imagine the morale boost after bagging a buck with the perfect shot. Canned goods and non-perishables are great but 200 lbs of fresh deer meat when the stomach’s empty; heaven on Earth.
In closing, if we’ve learned anything since 9/11 it’s that anything is possible.
Every year, things get seemingly worse. Those in power do their best to keep the common man divided and conquerable. Covid-19 was just the beginning. In the coming years, expect a bevy of catastrophic events with one end game; control.
The puppeteers pulling the strings covet our reliance on the state for food and shelter. They are all too keen that should the masses ever unite, their time is up.
Bottom line: it’s a matter of when, not if, the Power Grid goes down. The time to get your Survival Emergency Kit in order is now. That means food, water, guns, and ammo. Call it alarmist rhetoric or paranoia, I don’t give a damn. Just get your house in order so that someone like me doesn’t have to fend you off when you’re desperate, famished, and reckless. I won’t think twice.
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