Video: Defensive Use of Lasers
In episode 9 of the Art of Defense series, Beau Doboszenski of Defensive Mindset Training goes over how a weapon-mounted laser can improve your defense capabilities. Lasers can aid you in multiple ways during a defensive encounter. For example, a laser can be an aid anytime you are forced into a defensive draw. With practice, you can achieve faster on target times and a better first hit percentage. [Read more…] about Video: Defensive Use of Lasers
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Universal Background Checks — Rights or Privileges?
Capitol Hill Democrats woke up Wednesday champing at the bit to pass an invasive, sweeping piece of legislation—H.R. 8, the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019”—Democrats in the “other Washington” (Washington state) are also pushing several stricter gun control measures. The overall national anti-gun push is leading many to wonder if the Democrat party has forgotten the difference between “rights” and “privileges,” or whether Democrat lawmakers just doesn’t care. [Read more…] about Universal Background Checks — Rights or Privileges?
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Armed Good Guys: Convicted Killer Slain During Home Invasion
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Convicted Killer Slain During Home Invasion
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KALASH BASH 2019: The Beginning of Something Great
You might ask yourself, where is Navasota, Texas, and what would I do there? The answers for the weekend of April 13-14, 2019 are:
- KALASH BASH 2019—The place to be.
- To have the time of your life with like-minded AK enthusiasts.
Whether you are there to compete or just check out the fun, it appears this is the place to have a great time. [Read more…] about KALASH BASH 2019: The Beginning of Something Great
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The Diagram of a Gunfight
For some folks, the worst foreseeable experience is a car breakdown on a macadam road. A true close brush with death is another thing—it is like a brain enema. You think much differently and more clearly afterward. If we escape death, we are pleased with the results—ideal or not. Others have commented that before the event nothing was important and afterwards, everything was important. [Read more…] about The Diagram of a Gunfight
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Democrats File Assault Weapons Ban 2019
Last week, the U.S. House Representatives introduced its grand new scheme for the iteration of an assault weapons ban. The exact language of the proposed legislation has not been released to date, but we have a glimpse thanks to pro gun control members of congress. [Read more…] about Democrats File Assault Weapons Ban 2019
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Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
Ten Republicans and one Democrat have signed onto a bipartisan bill in the Washington State House of Representatives aimed at repealing the controversial gun control Initiative 1639. The 30-page measure was passed by the voters in November 2018. Currently, a majority of county sheriffs, at least one police chief, and two county commissions have come against the measure and refused to enforce its oppressive, and potentially unconstitutional, mandates. [Read more…] about Bipartisan Bill to Repeal WA Gun Control
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Clearing Jams and Malfunctions
If it moves, it can jam. Jams and malfunctions are, unfortunately, a fact of life with semi-automatics. In the event of a problem, it is imperative to understand what caused the jam, because that will directly affect what type of correction needs to be made. [Read more…] about Clearing Jams and Malfunctions
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Murderer or Gun: Where Does the Fault Belong in Illinois?
Was it the gun’s fault when a disgruntled employee murdered five of his fellow coworkers and wounded five responding police officers? Who will the anti-gunners blame—the shooter who had been convicted of multiple violent crimes and served time in prison, the authorities that made it possible for him to “legally” buy the gun, or the gun? [Read more…] about Murderer or Gun: Where Does the Fault Belong in Illinois?
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Review: Smith and Wesson L Frame Revolver
As a young shooter, I began firing centerfire revolvers using a Smith and Wesson K frame. I later owned several N frame .357 Magnum revolvers and the K frame Combat Magnum .357 Magnum. I handloaded my own ammunition and learned a great deal about marksmanship and handguns with the Smith and Wesson. [Read more…] about Review: Smith and Wesson L Frame Revolver
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The Arsenal SAM7K-04: New Features on a Proven Pistol
There were many innovative and exciting new products at the 2019 SHOT Show that have already put a dent in my annual firearms budget. However, not all innovation needs to be groundbreaking. Rather, sometimes innovation simply takes something that is already great and adds something simple that makes it better. That is what I found in the new Arsenal SAM7K-04 Pistol. Many of you have probably already shot or own an Arsenal SAM7K pistol and, like me, know the quality of the craftsmanship and reliability that is inherent in all Arsenal products. But, Arsenal has now made this great pistol better by integrating a picatinny rail on the back of the receiver, so now you can attach your favorite accessories. Whether that means using the included sling swivel or finding a compatible brace, the potential for enhancing this pistol just became exponentially greater. [Read more…] about The Arsenal SAM7K-04: New Features on a Proven Pistol
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Washington State: Testing Grounds for Liberal Gun Control
Washington state is just one of the test beds for new laws that seek to redefine the Second Amendment and strip of us of common firearms in everyday use. Washington state’s new laws have went so far as to broadly define most any semi-automatic rifle as a so-called “assault weapon.” This would include rifles such as the Ruger 10/22. [Read more…] about Washington State: Testing Grounds for Liberal Gun Control
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Armed Good Guys: Family First
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Family First
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Will guns be declared a National Emergency with a Democratic President?
It is fairly safe to say that Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is no friend of gun owners and the Second Amendment. That being said, while President Trump is invoking a National Emergency over illegal immigration and the border, Speaker Pelosi made a thinly veiled threat that a future Democratic President could make firearm ownership a National Emergency (under the guise of “gun violence”). Essentially, this would equate to an Executive Action to enact new gun control. [Read more…] about Will guns be declared a National Emergency with a Democratic President?
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Shotguns: The Defensive Firearm
Not long ago, the conversation turned to shotguns at the gun shop. While even the folks that are not the ones we call “gunny” know the merits of shotguns for home defense, there are many opinions on the proper load and the best shotgun. The shotgun is primarily a projectile launcher and it is best to use what you are comfortable and familiar with. I have checked my notes before writing this article and I have a good recollection of incidents that have occurred in the past 40 years. [Read more…] about Shotguns: The Defensive Firearm
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Top Carry Pistols for Small Hands
One thing I noticed while working in a retail gun store, was that many people disregard ergonomics for new shooters. This was especially evident regarding carry pistols. I will state for the record, the best way to determine a good carry gun, is to personally handle the guns. This first step will immediately tell you which guns do not fit your hand. Once the list has been narrowed down, rent the remaining guns and let the mechanics of shooting tell you which is best. [Read more…] about Top Carry Pistols for Small Hands
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Home Invasion — Distance Is Your Friend
Anyway you look at it, someone entering your house in the middle of the night is a home invasion… Sneaking around the outside of a house at 3 a.m., the criminal sees and hears no signs that his chosen victims are awake. With a padded covering, he uses his elbow to break a basement window. Slipping inside, he makes his way up the stairs, stopping to pick up a small piece of 2×4 along the way. Hearing the glass break and noise downstairs, you gather your family to the master bedroom. Hiding behind concealment, a family member calls 911, while you get your weapon. Now what? [Read more…] about Home Invasion — Distance Is Your Friend
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Gun Test: Glock 43X — Slimline
Glock introduced two exciting, and well designed, pistols at the 2019 Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, with an official January 2 launch date for the Glock 43X and Glock 48. Concealed carry is a very important part of the market. Glock’s service pistols are renowned worldwide for reliability and combat ability. The Glock 17, Glock 19 and other models are widely respected. In concealed carry, the search was on for a viable improvement over both the Glock 19 and the Glock 43. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Glock 43X — Slimline
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Reuters: Empowered Dems Push Gun Control
Further reinforcing the image of Democrats as the party of gun control, Reuters reported over the weekend that the party is feeling its oats and pushing for stricter gun laws. [Read more…] about Reuters: Empowered Dems Push Gun Control
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Armed Good Guys: Why Does Anyone Need an AK-47?
News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth. [Read more…] about Armed Good Guys: Why Does Anyone Need an AK-47?
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