It is fairly safe to say that Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is no friend of gun owners and the Second Amendment. That being said, while President Trump is invoking a National Emergency over illegal immigration and the border, Speaker Pelosi made a thinly veiled threat that a future Democratic President could make firearm ownership a National Emergency (under the guise of “gun violence”). Essentially, this would equate to an Executive Action to enact new gun control.

Since top Democrats have solidly declared that they are the party of gun control, and few state and local legislatures or mayors and governors with a Democratic majority have pushed back or bucked the “party of gun control” moniker. On the other hand, President Trump and the Republican-controlled Senate have been filling dozens of Federal court vacancies with judges that hold a stronger, more originalist view of the Second Amendment as a protected Constitutional right of the individual. This is capped by the confirmation of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
Current Events
Marking the one-year anniversary of mass shooting Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida, Speaker Pelosi took full advantage of the opportunity to exploit the tragedy.
“Let’s talk about today,” Pelosi said. “The one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That’s a national emergency. Why don’t you declare that emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would. But a Democratic president can do that.”
Rhetoric such Speaker Pelosi’s could in fact be a danger to our rights under an anti-gun President, but is there truly an “epidemic of gun violence in America?” According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2017 the number of firearm-related homicides climbed in 2015 and 2016, but dropped in 2017. In Chicago, which might the ultimate bellwether for so-called “gun violence,” in America, homicides dropped in 2018, meaning it has dropped for the second year in a row in the murder capital of the U.S.
Straight Talk
Nationally-syndicated radio host Mark Walters at Armed American Radio recently suggested that Speaker Pelosi was signaling something more sinister.
In one bold, profound statement Walters wrote, “…the current speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, second in line to the White House after the vice-president in order of succession, finally said what we all know she and the rest of the Democrats have in store for us when (inevitably) another Democrat is elected President. In case you still have trouble understanding, let me make it clear for you. Nancy Pelosi has just made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that her party is willing to abolish the Second Amendment with the stroke of a pen via executive fiat and when the next Democrat is (inevitably) elected, they intend to do so.”
Whether or not “The Wall” gets built is outside of the focus of The Armory, but the potential future danger of a National Emergency being declared against so-called “gun violence” as justification for an Executive Order to strip us of our Second Amendment rights is, so that is the question.
Will an anti-gun President of the future declare a National Emergency simply as a way of instituting gun control through a backdoor? Would the courts uphold such a measure? Share your answers in the comment section.
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that’s a done deal by the Democrats aka demoncrats[and RINOs].They should all be permanently deported.
That could be arranged!
Trump set a VERY, VERY, LOW bar for declaring a national emergency. It’s going to end up biting us right in the butt when a Dem gets elected President.
The line in the second amendment that says “ shall not be infringed “ would be held up by the supreme court. The demonrats are just blowing smoke up our butts because messing with the second amendment would certainly cause a civil war that would definitately be very unfortunate to Pelosi , Chuckie-Boy Scheemer and the rest of the demonrat ilk…surely they havebat leat one iota of intelligence left to realize that , then again , maybe not….they would be hiding in the first rat hole they could clamor to…they are asking for it and with 180 million armed patriots they would certainly get what they are begging for…
Old Chuck need only look at his own state. Of the estimated million or so ARs in the state of New York only a few thousand registered their ARs when the state passed a law requiring require they be registered. If you look at just the state of New York, Chuck, along with all the corrupt politicians, would not last one hour if they actually attempted to disarm the American people. And that is a progressive state.
While I agree with your sentiment, the DemoncRATic party is well known for being devious and enacting laws just out of spite and in direct response to most anything the Republican side enact.
It doesn’t matter that the DumbasscRAT clowns KNOW it is BAD for their constituents. It doesn’t matter that whatever it is they propose is BAD for the NATION.
No, as long as they can ram whatever their agenda is straight up the backside of Mr. and Mrs. America as a means of getting back out of SPITE against anything the Republicans have enacted, THAT is what they intend to do!! Previous laws, or attempts at making laws, have shown this time and again.
That is why I firmly believe that the “inevitable” next DemoncRATic president will be goaded into enacting some form of gun control under the guise of a “public health hazard” as a means of doing the “in your face” against anyone who would rail against them and their agenda.
Will it lead to a second civil war?
Only time will tell but, frankly, I doubt it because when it comes to actually standing up and FACING the music to act out in defiance AGAINST oppressive laws against guns, gun owners specifically have a PATHETIC track record for actually showing up in force to show solidarity and insist such and such law be rescinded.
What it would take is the likes of Occupy Wall Street but in OUR genre of interests. Those being pushing back against oppressive gun laws.
Did “we” riot and cause mayhem during the Klinton Tyranny Debacle when the Brady Law was enacted?
Were gun owners showing up to destroy businesses, overturn and set fires to police cars after the Bump Stock ban of recent memory?
These are but two examples of how gun owners beat their chests, cry out on anguish against how “we” are being collectively wronged, but DID WE DO A DAMNED THING like mimicking the actions of the leftists, the liberals, the “disenfranchised,” the Millennials who felt wronged??
“We” did nothing but the proverbial beating of our chests then rolled over to take our sand-encrusted anal probe with a grimace on our faces.
So, while I’d LOVE to see all gun owners come together and create a collective body and voice to speak out AND ACT OUT should wholesale gun confiscation and/or eliminations come to pass, I fear that my fellow gun owners are, sadly, nothing more than posers and wannabe “men” who WOULDN’T be willing to stand up and stand AGAINST such tyrannical actions against our most Holy of HOLY Amemdments that refer to the 2nd Amendment in specific.
Will I see YOU standing shoulder to shoulder next to ME in solidarity to “push back” against the demoncRATic wave of oppression and against our God Given RIGHT to bear arms?
I hope so but, honestly, I think there will be far and FEW of us who will stand and be counted.
Perhaps it is because I am in the twilight of my life and am no longer raising a family or have anyone depending on me to come home and keep them fed, housed, warm and safe.
In reality, were I to be arrested and imprisoned for speaking/acting out against oppressive gun laws, I would be money ahead.
Three hots and a cot and “yard time” on occasion but no mortgage to pay, property to keep clean, utilities to pay, no taxes or auto insurance to worry about and so on.
Yeah, I’d be money ahead, truth be known.
But the more boisterous of you out there, well, I don’t mean to be “mean” but most are nothing more than paper tigers who won’t show up and risk it all because they fear spending the rest of their lives in prison.
Me? Like I said, I have FAR FEWER sunrises ahead of me than behind so I am a good candidate for being at the forefront of the resistance line. I’m just sad that my fellow “Patriots” are too scared to REALLY show up and be counted and PARTICIPATE when our kids, grandchildren and fellow Americans really NEED us to set the stage for the remaining legacy of this country.
I AM advocating for putting your (my) body on a line somewhere to let the “WRONGHEADED” moronic DemoncRATs know that we WON’T go quietly into the night.
Who among you will join me and let your voice and vote be counted??
Declare one now, STAT, with president trump and deal with it now while we still have a chance. Otherwise we lose ARs etc. we gots give ibn some. Have no good cards. Even a registration like make them schedule 3. We gotta give in and can do it gracefully now. I hate this but reality the average American is a fool.
I hear you. There’s just a difference in going to war over a bumpstock and all out gun confiscation.
I too am past my prime and also disabled; so there will be no running for me. I will stand with you and die in a pile of brass if need be.
People worldwide have no Constitutional right to crossing our border- US citizens DO have a second amendment right to maintain arms , along with the other protections of the Bill of Rights.
I certainly hope they know , That would be the very beginning of the next civil war. If you void out one original part of the constitution the whole thing is voided. That’s contract law 101. If you want mine gun come take it from my cold dead hand. I’m not willing to give any gun grabber my weapons. But I’m perfectly willing to share some bullets
Molon Labe!
The FBI reports show that American gun ownership has increased 141% since 1994, yet the homicide rate has decreased by 49%. That hardly represents the “epidemic of gun violence” that the Dems claim. Quite the opposite, it shows that as more American citizens are capable of defending themselves and their families, crime has decreased significantly.
Notably, without the crimes committed by the illegal aliens championed by Nancy and the Dems, the homicide rate would decrease by another 20-30%.
“Will an anti-gun President of the future declare a National Emergency simply as a way of instituting gun control through a backdoor?”
What makes anyone think that the guy that’s in there now won’t do it himself?
And as far as the current crop of republicans in office”…filling dozens of Federal court vacancies with judges that hold a stronger, more originalist view of the Second Amendment as a protected Constitutional right of the individual.”
It’s a bit of a disingenuous Overton shift to claim that these vacancies are being filled with judges “that hold stronger, more originalist” views, considering just how far towards totalitarian infringements the democrats have shown themselves to be.
As far as the Trump administration goes,they’ve also installed numerous Anti-gun appointees into various positions (eg attorney general) and enacted gun prohibitions while endorsing the total abrogation of due process.
So pardon me if I don’t breathe a sigh of relief and place my trust that all will be well into anyone’s hands other than my own.
If our traitor in chief doesn’t care about the constitution, why should the dems? He was warned that pulling this national emergency shit would have repercussions, but he doesn’t listen to anyone unless they are from Russia or Saudi Arabia. It’s time for us all to realize he has been bought and paid for from the start. Nobody wanted his ignorant wall in the first place. He just uses it to distract us from his sellout to Putin. I’m a lifelong hunter and gun enthusiast, but country comes first. If I have to risk losing some gun rights to prevent our enemies from controlling our nation, then that’s what has to happen. The Republicans aren’t going to stop them. At least the Democrats will try.
U some sort of a milquetoast?
No, but if you can’t see past the end of your gun barrel, you are. Guns are not the only issue that matters. Open your eyes. You haven’t noticed that almost every f-ing thing trump does is exactly what Putin would want the most? Hope you like taking it in the _ss from the russkies.
As a retired LEO I wonder who will enforce any abrogation of the Second Amendment by collecting the firearms from people who would not be willing to give them up. I would hope that the majority of LEOs would refuse to do it, either out of a sense of patriotism or more reasonably, a sense of self-preservation.
You mean like the LEOs and National Guard “refused to” (read “did”) confiscate the guns of law abiding people in New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina?
Mike, I, too, am a former LEO (not retiree, though. I just got tired of the BS of those in the Ivory Tower), but from what I’ve seen lately, FAR TOO FEW LEO’s are Pro-2nd Amendment (and other constitutional RIGHTS) than back when I wore a badge.
I’ve had some recent dealings with a husband/wife LEO’s who were adamant in telling how their JOB was “to enforce the laws” and to do as told by their superiors. It didn’t matter one iota that our conversation circled around some specific and recent cases involving guns and their (lawful) use but that their superiors directed them to arrest an individual WHO HAD NOT BROKEN ANY LAWS but, rather, they figured “the courts” would figure out right from wrong.”
This told ME that they were too frightened for their jobs than to speak up and against a patently ILLEGAL arrest.
Their rationale?
“We were doing what we were told.”
That didn’t work in Vietnam during one Mai Lai (sp?) incident and shouldn’t be allowed to stand in this day, either.
I also worked with fellow Deputies who were similarly minded. It was a case of the Letter of The Law instead of the Spirit of The Law for them come Hell or High Water.
They figured the law would cover them for any minor indiscretion if they just happened to arrest/jail someone as opposed to using their BRAIN (??) and issuing a summons to appear.
Obviously each case is different and must be considered on their individual merits.
I often chided those folks with not physically arresting a person instead of just giving them a speeding ticket. After all, when you give a speeding ticket (at least in Arizona where I served as a Deputy Sheriff) a “citation” or “Summons to Appear” was technically an “Arrest and Release” with their promise to appear.
My point being, too many people wearing The Badge are little more than automons (robots) when it came to using discretion during a contact with an individual on the street.
My concern is, that IF a major law were enacted and said a particular firearm was made instantly illegal and mandated to be turned in, that registration paperwork (BATFE Form 4473) would be used to hunt down the owner(s) and the gun(s) WOULD be confiscated.
Also, because it would take manpower to do the enforcing, there would be FAR TOO MANY Jack Booted Thugs all too willing to say “Let me at’em, Boss! Show me which door to kick down and hog-tie some scumbag for not giving us his guns!! SEND ME! SEND ME!! SEND MEEEEEE!!!”
Sounds silly if not asinine but I’m confident that those types DO exist and “You Vill COMPLY!” will be their mantra the day of the raid.
Too few would question the reasons behind their deeds. Too few would ask the HARD questions about what did the individual do to act against their RIGHT to own any particular type of firearm(s)?
I hope and PRAY I am wrong. Better yet, i Hope and PRAY we never come to a time we need to address the problem at all.
For if we do, I think we will see instances where rogue elements target officers/deputies, judges and lawmakers because they acted in defiance of their SWORN DUTY to uphold the CONSTITUTION of The United States.
Think along the lines of the book “Unintended Consequences” as a script.
Again, I PRAY it never happens.
I’m a lifelong hunter, shooter, and gun rights supporter, but for me, country comes first. If I have to risk losing some gun rights to keep our government free of Russian and Saudi Arabian control, then that’s how it has to be. Our traitor in chief was warned of the repercussions of his fake national emergency, but he doesn’t listen to anyone other than Putin. It’s time to admit he has been bought and paid for from the start. All of the stupid crap he pulls is just to keep us from focusing on that. We have to save Democracy first, then we can deal with everything else. In past times of war, America pulls together, Republican, Democrat, black, white, hispanic, or asian, it doesn’t matter. We must all be Americans first. We cannot allow foriegn control or influence of our government anymore than we would allow an invasion by their soldiers.
WTF? Quit the bots!
I’m a lifelong hunter, shooter, and gun rights supporter, but for me, country comes first. If I have to risk losing some gun rights to keep our government free of Russian and Saudi Arabian control, then that’s how it has to be. Our traitor in chief was warned of the repercussions of his fake national emergency, but he doesn’t listen to anyone other than Putin. It’s time to admit he has been bought and paid for from the start. All of the stupid crap he pulls is just to keep us from focusing on that. We have to save Democracy first, then we can deal with everything else. In past times of war, America pulls together, Republican, Democrat, black, white, hispanic, or asian, it doesn’t matter. We must all be Americans first. We cannot allow foriegn control or influence of our government anymore than we would allow an invasion by their soldiers.
“We have to save Democracy first,”….Aren’t you funny! You naively believe usurping Constitutional rights of individuals is ” saving Democracy”?
Do you believe a man who would seek foreign interference to help get him elected is going to have any qualms about usurping your Constitutional rights? He will use any means to stay in power, and eventually, that will mean taking your guns, and your rights, to stay in control, just like in Russia. I’ll take my chances with the dems, thank you. We may have to do background checks, and limit mag capacity, but they are not going to try to completely disarm the country. Trump believes he should be a king, he will, and has, acted accordingly. If he gets re-elected, (through a Russian rigged election again), he will void term limits and stay in power through rigged elections, just like Putin. Then you will be a subject, not a citizen, with only the rights he allows you. That will not include owning guns, or free speech, or any other means to oppose him. What will you do then? We know how the Russians and the Saudis treat their people. We must stop him now.
2 ys and No collusion. Give it up. U ain’t right in the head.
The problem with any gun law is the fact that criminals will still have guns, and even worse, Pelopski’s body guard will still have guns! Working for her they they have to be more dangerous than any criminal with a gun!
I would like to hear from an expert on whether executive orders can be used to eliminate a constitutional amendment. I’m no expert, but I’m betting that it can’t be done.
The Constitution is the backbone of this country and as important as the office of the president is, I don’t think it can overrule the Constitution.
A president is only for 4 to 8 years, the Constitution is forever. Not that the Constitution can’t be changed or amended, but it an extremely difficult process and it was designed to be that way from the very beginning. Our founding fathers didn’t want the Constitution to be able to be changed by the whim of some president.
Constitution overrides everything except the bullet box (revolution).
By definition, Executive Orders alter EXISTING laws. They cannot be used to create a law nor adjust the Constitution…PERIOD. Even Sotomayor is unlikely to go along with the Executive Order curbing a listed part of The Bill of Rights.
Thus an Executive Order could change the amount for the tax stamp on suppressors from $200 to $2 or $2000; but could not remove them from the NFA or ban them entirely.
Not sure I would want to be the judge(s) who found that Executive Order Constitutional. Unfortunately, in the 90’s, ole Bubba Clinton had a quite study done on Marines willing to take arms from U.S.citizens. While I cannot remember the exact percentage (16-30%), the point is they have plans to use brother against brother son against father to accomplish their goal of a subservient citizenry.
Nancy Pelosi should be arrested for trying to intise civil unrest do the democrats not realize they will NEVER confiscate the firearms in this country unless they have a civil war planned their crazy with spewing talk like this are they working with the Russians
We are already in a soft Civil War and We are already Being infringed upon in several States and also against the 1st Amendment…The Anti “Culture” already exists. Just look at our Education System, its a Progressive Liberal BOOTCAMP…Acasio is PROOF of that…
The big question is who’s going to enforce it? I feel like I have a pretty good pulse on the law enforcement and military side of things and most of those individuals, at least the circles I run in, believe in the oath they swore to uphold the constitution. Maybe I’m wrong but I just don’t see them having any part in playing Nazi…
SO, the silent majority won’t be quiet long, most of us have more guns and ammo than a small country needs for defense. The rest of the world knows this by way of we ain’t been invaded on our soil by any standing army. We may be quite now but when that first shot rings out and they come for us gun owners of America, we will be clinging to our guns, bibles, Constitution and our families not someplace I would like to be on the opposing side of, then we will hear some noise!!!Gun owners are an interesting bunch some hunt, some do competitions, some do it all, we seem disjointed and scattered but if we get the right or wrong motivation watch us join together and take a stand.
Try getting your info from anyplace other than Fux “news”. Most likely you are the one who has been influenced by bots. Almost everything that comes out of Fox and Trump turns out to be a lie. He has lied 8000+ f-ing times already, how many does it take for you to stop and think “hmm, maybe he isn’t working in America’s best interest”. Get a clue Dwane.
It’s taken 2 years plus because there is so damn much slimy spit to sift through. Lies, Russians, Saudis, and money, everywhere Mueller looks. At least 6 Trump campaign or cabinet members indicted, plus a buttload of russian hackers, continuous lies about meetings with russians, (over 100 contacts now, when they claimed there were 0), Trump’s secret meetings with Putin, destroying the translators notes, asking the russians to find emails, etc. I could go on but I know it’s pointless. If you can’t see the writing on the wall, you are definitely not right in the head, Dwane. What happened to the “y” in Dwayne? Did you take out the “why” because you never question fox news, or were you just born without that ability? Get a clue DwaYne.