For the Sport of It
For almost as long as people have been shooting, there has been a desire for opportunities to showcase individual talents and to engage in competitive events. From archers in ancient civilizations to the earliest matchlock and flintlock shooting competitions in Europe and early America, expert marksmanship has been a much-lauded skill over time. [Read more…] about For the Sport of It
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Anti-Gun Democrats Force the 149th NRA Annual Meetings to Close
Of course this is a fake headline, but with all of the hysteria around the Coronavirus, would you have been surprised?
While the cancellation of the 149th NRA Annual Meetings was not a surprise—Nashville had been recently hit by a devastating tornado and concerns about the spread of the coronavirus led to an emergency declaration in Tennessee—it comes as a disappointment, considering this is an election year and NRA members use the meetings to energize.
The NRA issued the following notice on its website: [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Democrats Force the 149th NRA Annual Meetings to Close
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Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming for You. Period.’
While the Democratic nominee may not be officially chosen for months, one thing is clear—regardless who the nominee is, he or she will be anti-gun. Bernie Sanders seems to be the current front runner, and actually had best (of the worst) voting records on Second Amendment issues. However, according to his campaign rhetoric, that will change. Sanders said what he needed to say to get elected in Vermont as a senator. Today, he is off the leash and in full-blown anti-gun mode. As for the worst voting record, the blue ribbon would likely have to go to Joe Biden. [Read more…] about Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming for You. Period.’
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San Francisco Declares NRA a Domestic Terrorist Organization
Two editorial columns at opposite sides of the country just drew a line that even the San Francisco Board of Supervisors should be able to see after their unanimous approval of a resolution earlier this week declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization.” [Read more…] about San Francisco Declares NRA a Domestic Terrorist Organization
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White House Reaches Out to SAF and NRA
Amid a renewed push for all kinds of gun control following mass shooting incidents in three states over two consecutive weekends, the White House (Trump administration) has reached out to leaders in the Second Amendment community seeking their input, a marked change from the previous administration. [Read more…] about White House Reaches Out to SAF and NRA
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Everytown: NRA Is on Its Heels — Let’s Keep It There
Declaring that the National Rifle Association has been in “a perpetual state of turmoil” recently, the billionaire-backed Everytown for Gun Safety—Michael Bloomberg’s gun prohibition lobbying group—says “NRA is on its heels and we can keep it there” as Virginia lawmakers prepare for Gov. Ralph Northam’s gun control special session Tuesday.
[Read more…] about Everytown: NRA Is on Its Heels — Let’s Keep It There
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‘Keep Your Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, But…’
In remarks reminiscent of the promises of a former president who assured Americans they could keep their doctors and health care plans, Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. Eric Swalwell brought his gun control demagoguery to Debate Night No. 2, insisting, “Keep your pistols, keep your rifles, keep your shotguns, but we can take the most dangerous weapons from the most dangerous people.” [Read more…] about ‘Keep Your Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, But…’
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Booker Vows Battle With NRA
Looking to score points with the anti-gunners during a CNN town hall event in South Carolina—where gun control is a four-letter word to a lot of people— Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) declared his promise to “bring the fight” to the National Rifle Association. [Read more…] about Booker Vows Battle With NRA
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Dems ‘Championing Gun Reform’ Fear Supreme Court
In the wake of last week’s Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas, a piece in The Atlantic acknowledges what Second Amendment activists have known for a long time: Democrats are “championing…gun reform” in Congress and state legislatures all over the map. [Read more…] about Dems ‘Championing Gun Reform’ Fear Supreme Court
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Illinois: Gov. Pritzker Signs Firearm Registration & Dealer Licensing Bill
Within 48 hours of being sworn in, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed Senate Bill 337 into law. The bill was passed by the previous legislature, but Republican Governor Bruce Rauner refused to sign it into law. Senate President John Cullerton previously made the unprecedented move of placing a procedural hold on the bill in order to avoid the possibility of a veto under the previous Governor, Bruce Rauner, and then removed the hold to send the bill to a newly inaugurated governor. Cullerton’s political tricks means SB 337 will now establish a firearm registry and likely shut down local gun stores in Illinois with government red tape. [Read more…] about Illinois: Gov. Pritzker Signs Firearm Registration & Dealer Licensing Bill
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‘100 Days of Gun Control’ Begins at State, Federal Levels
Liberal Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo will push for more gun control in New York, a state that already has among the strictest gun laws in the nation; Democrats are pushing additional gun restrictions in Washington State, and on Capitol Hill, Democrats in Congress also want to clamp down on Second Amendment rights, and it will all happen in the next 100 days. [Read more…] about ‘100 Days of Gun Control’ Begins at State, Federal Levels
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Federal Judge Allows NRA v. Cuomo Lawsuit
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo may be facing something of an embarrassment, thanks to a federal judge’s ruling that a lawsuit filed by the National Rifle Association asserting that the governor, according to the Wall Street Journal, “stifled” the organization’s free speech rights, may move forward. [Read more…] about Federal Judge Allows NRA v. Cuomo Lawsuit
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Gun Control — Where Were the Usual Actors?
A murderous rampage – there simply isn’t a better definition of what happened last week at Tree of Life Synagogue. The murderer, and that is a key and honest description—not the “shooter” as the media has tried to downplay him to—killed at least 11 worshipers and wounded six more, including four of the responding police officers intent on stopping the murderer. [Read more…] about Gun Control — Where Were the Usual Actors?
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Outrage: City Contractors Forced to Disclose NRA Ties
If this is not a lawsuit in the making, I am not sure what is. The Los Angeles City Council recently passed a motion forcing city contractors to disclose any ties or support with the National Rifle Association (NRA). [Read more…] about Outrage: City Contractors Forced to Disclose NRA Ties
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Open Letter: Duane Liptak NRA Board Member
I’ve just completed some meetings and other duties with the NRA, and I wanted to get some of these thoughts out there, in case anyone finds them useful. There is a lot of work going on, and I’ve never been so encouraged by the efforts I’m seeing move forward. As a disclaimer, these opinions are mine, personally, and I do not speak for the NRA or anyone else in this statement. This is long, and potentially a bit repetitive on points of significance, but I felt it important to say. [Read more…] about Open Letter: Duane Liptak NRA Board Member
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An Honest Look at History Four Years After Ferguson
A bleak history of economic upheaval, antagonism, mistrust and misunderstanding. Four years later, Colion Noir heads to Ferguson, Missouri and visits with local St. Louis residents to explore the issues that led up to and came out of Michael Brown’s death and the riots that followed. [Read more…] about An Honest Look at History Four Years After Ferguson

Kavanaugh: Let’s Ensure a 2A-Friendly Supreme Court
While the media and special interest groups on the left were losing their collective minds and spewing a host of unfounded accusations and threats against a Supreme Court Justice who had not even been selected, President Trump was finishing the selection process for the said nomination. While none of the finalists had a record of opposing citizen’s “Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” Judge Brett Kavanaugh arguably had the strongest record of supporting the Second Amendment. [Read more…] about Kavanaugh: Let’s Ensure a 2A-Friendly Supreme Court

NRA Gives Trump a Warm Welcome! Media not so Much
The 147th annual meetings and exhibits of the National Rifle Association opened with a roar featuring appearances of both President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. However, some in the media seemed willing to reinforce the notion of bias. [Read more…] about NRA Gives Trump a Warm Welcome! Media not so Much

Tar and Feathers for Anti-Gun Senators
What happened when about a dozen Florida state senators supported a sweeping gun control bill? Simple, the people started letting them know how they felt about the vote by sending jars of tar and feathers to express their displeasure with the vote. However, that is not all that was sent. [Read more…] about Tar and Feathers for Anti-Gun Senators

Dallas Mayor Wants the NRA to Move Convention
In response to the tragedy in Florida, the pro tem Mayor of Dallas has one message for the NRA: Take your convention elsewhere. “I am saying to the NRA, reconsider coming to Dallas,” Dwaine Caraway, told reporters Monday. “There will be marches and demonstrations should they come to Dallas.” In truth, wherever the NRA holds its convention, anti-gun forces either marshal local activists or bus them to create a demonstration and make it look as if they have a larger grass roots presence than they really do. [Read more…] about Dallas Mayor Wants the NRA to Move Convention