While the Democratic nominee may not be officially chosen for months, one thing is clear—regardless who the nominee is, he or she will be anti-gun. Bernie Sanders seems to be the current front runner, and actually had best (of the worst) voting records on Second Amendment issues. However, according to his campaign rhetoric, that will change. Sanders said what he needed to say to get elected in Vermont as a senator. Today, he is off the leash and in full-blown anti-gun mode. As for the worst voting record, the blue ribbon would likely have to go to Joe Biden.
During recent rallies and debates, Joe Biden has channeled his best Clint Eastwood and puffed out his chest when warning the gun manufacturers that he is “coming for them.”

During one of his town halls, Biden was quoted by the Washington Examiner.
A guy has 12 assault weapons with bump stocks, which means you can fire it faster; you can pull the trigger faster. And 100 rounds, why in God’s name should anyone, anyone, anyone be able to own that? It’s just wrong, and we’ve got to—and I promise you as president, I am going to—get these guys.
Biden went on express his desire to curtail the production of firearms in the United States and boast his anti-gun record as a lawmaker.
I want to let them know. I promise you. I’m the only guy that has beaten the gun manufacturers. I’m the only guy that has beaten the NRA nationally, and I did it twice—nationally. And gun manufacturers, I’m coming for you. Period.
Later, Biden reiterated his gun control message to Moms Demand Action, where he attacked fellow 2020 Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders on guns.
“Too many Republicans and some Democrats, like Bernie Sanders, voted five times against the Brady bill that I was passing,” Biden said. “Five times against background checks and waiting periods.”
What did Biden really do though? Let’s not give him undue credit to whip up fear among gun owners.
I don’t want to overhype Biden’s accomplishments or ring any bells of alarm. To be honest, Biden was not all that effective during his time as Vice President. I mean, what did he do to help pass any significant gun control legislation during the time President Obama was in office?
And while I did not favor the decade of having our Second Amendment rights trampled when the “Assault Weapons Ban” of 1994 was in effect, it has served as empirical evidence that a reduction in access to modern sporting rifles does not reduce crime. The crime rate did go down during that decade, but it was already on a downward trend. The violent crime rate has also continued to go down since the Assault Weapons Ban sunset in 2004, even though ownership of MSRs has skyrocketed by millions in the 15-plus years following.
You can sue tobacco companies.
You can sue pharmaceutical companies.
The only companies you can’t sue are gun manufacturers because of a law Bernie Sanders voted for. #DemDebate
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) February 20, 2020
The Biden Threat to the Second Amendment
Just as I do not want to give Biden credit for his feckless performance, I do not want to underestimate the threat Biden poses. There is more than a bit of truth in Biden’s claim, and a President Biden would be more than a minor threat to our Second Amendment rights as we know them.
Biden’s failure to pass strong gun control legislation was not for a lack of effort on Biden’s part. Nor was the failure to pass legislation a lack of effort or will from President Obama. Their failures to crush our Second Amendment rights were due to the efforts of the National Rifle Association (NRA), Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), Gun Owners of America (GOA), and about a couple dozen other national and grassroots organizations working at local, state, and federal level to thwart the attacks to our rights.
The threat is real. In Biden’s “successes,” Uncle Joe was not the driving force that he claims to have been. But make no mistake, the current crop of Democratic presidential hopefuls all pose threats to the Second Amendment. I understand that people vote for different candidates for a multitude of reasons. Not everyone is a single-issue voter focused on gun control and the Second Amendment.

My purpose in writing this article is not to attempt to dissuade you from voting for a democrat. We all know that a portion of the electorate will do that regardless. Not every politician is up for reelection in Congress anyway, so the threat will always exist.
The purpose of this article is to make people think beyond what the traditional media feeds them. Vote your conscious, preference, beliefs, or whatever motivates you. But support your favorite defenders of the Second Amendment at all costs. The President has a lot of power through executive action. Many draconian, oppressive laws that threaten the Second Amendment are passed at the state and local levels. The only way to fight the efforts to weaken or repeal the Second Amendment is at the grass-roots level and through the state and national organizations with the people and resources to fight for our rights in the courts, through lobbyists, and education campaigns.
Cast your vote wisely, and support the Second Amendment organization(s) that are best able to secure our constitutional rights future generations. Which organization(s) do you support the most, or would like to call attention to, so others can help secure our Second Amendment rights? Make your best case in the comment section.
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Either defend it with your vote now or you’ll end up defending with the sharp point of your bayonet later on. Those willing to trade a little freedom for security deserve neither !
Quid Pro Joe shouldn’t make promises he can’t keep. Biden is too stupid to drop out of the race. Alzheimer Joe , can’t remember the time of day it is. Brain Dead Joe, left his brains at the train station along time ago. Joe will never take the W/H. America doesn’t need an old fart politician with one foot in the grave running and ruining America. Just remember there isn’t a liberal commie Democratic politician in this here U.S. whether it be on the local, state, or national level that doesn’t want to confiscate all firearms. Vote NO on any Democrat, your liberties and freedoms depend on it. One could only hope that strong Arm Joe and Hunter will wind up in orange jumpsuits, in a jail cell compliments of the Ukraine.
There are millions of firearm owners who are too lazy, apathetic, or ignorant of the true dangers to the 2nd Amendment in this country. They think “everyone else” will do all the work to support the 2nd Amendment,andbthey can sit back and watch. Well,they can, and they will see the govt strip them of their rights and firearms! I have seen so many self centered idiots with firearms claiming they have “rights” who ignorantly try and flaunt their firearms in totally stupid ways, that just feed the left with the rhetoric and examples used to take away the 2nd Amendment! They are apparently not smart enough to understand that given the right support the govt will and can take away their rights. Laws can be passed, Amendments can be changed,and they can do nothing about it. The ones with the biggest mouths who say they will fight are a joke.Fight what? The entire govt.? LOL,pls they will do nothing but run their mouth as usual,because the reality is No One will fight and risk their life,family,job possessions,risk incarceration etc to keep a firearm…period, So let’s just stop that asinine talk now. The idiots doing nothing would rather spend money on beer,smokes or buy another firearm they don’t need then contribute $$ to the organization’s that fight for the 2nd Amendment. The courts are the battleground that will determine the fate of the 2nd amendment,and if you do not know or understand that,you are part of the problem. Law suits and court battles take $$$; lots of ut,and the liberal left is well funded and willing to spend. So, if you really want to keep your rights you had better rake your head out if your butt now,and see reality. The left is winnig, step by step, and gun owners are helping them with their bullshitncrap rhetoric and stupid antics! Time to wise up ,get in the fight and put your mone where your mouth is if you are serious about this issue!
If the politicians go after the gunmakers then ALL of us believers in the 2nd Amendment should surround the manufacturers shop, fully armed and protect them. THAT is part of the 2nd Amendment. Let the Libtards pass all the anti-firearms laws they want, just like the English did to the American colonists, RESIST!!!