Gaza: The U.S. to Take Control?
In a bold if not divisive press conference earlier this week, President Trump proposed the notion of the U.S. taking control of Gaza and displacing more than two million Palestinians who call it home.
The President was unflinching and frank about developing Gaza into a resort-packed oasis that the world could enjoy. Consequently, the outcry from numerous world leaders and the general public was swift and condemning. [Read more…] about Gaza: The U.S. to Take Control?
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President Trump’s Inauguration
In a watershed moment for the United States, Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 47th President earlier this week. The business tycoon-turned-politician wasted no time and signed dozens of executive orders hours after his inauguration. [Read more…] about President Trump’s Inauguration
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In a landmark speech after blowing the doors off Kamala Harris in the 2024 Presidential Election, Donald J. Trump vowed to push back against censorship in America. This spells good news for conservatives who’ve been muzzled for far too long under the likes of Obama and Biden.
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[Michelle] Obama Could Be the Dems Choice
With President Biden’s cognitive decline no longer in doubt, former First Lady Michelle Obama could be a last-minute replacement for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. [Read more…] about [Michelle] Obama Could Be the Dems Choice
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How Does A Trump Presidency Affect Gun Owners?
The 2024 Election looks like a one-horse race with Donald J. Trump easily taking the New Hampshire primary earlier this week. Should Trump get a second term as President, it begs the question: what does it mean to the average gun owner? [Read more…] about How Does A Trump Presidency Affect Gun Owners?
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Impeachment Announcement Halts Gun Control…
By opening an impeachment inquiry, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) likely crushed any notion of a path forward on gun legislation. White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said the move “destroyed any chances of legislative progress.” If, there are any positives coming out of the circus in Washington, it may well be an ineptness at passing legislation. That would normally be a negative. However, when it comes to gun control, “Release the clowns!”
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Trump Court Appointments: Anti-Gunners in Panic Mode
The Washington Times has reported on President Donald Trump’s 150th judicial confirmation by the U.S. Senate, and the liberal establishment is freaking out in full panic mode. Since taking office 2.5 years ago, the president has appointed 105 judges to the lower federal courts, 43 circuit court judges, and filled two critical seats on the U.S. Supreme Court. All of this is alarming to the left, which adores activist judges and justices—so long as they are liberals—but becomes venomous when a conservative jurist ascends to the federal bench because they just might want to stick to the Constitution. [Read more…] about Trump Court Appointments: Anti-Gunners in Panic Mode
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White House Reaches Out to SAF and NRA
Amid a renewed push for all kinds of gun control following mass shooting incidents in three states over two consecutive weekends, the White House (Trump administration) has reached out to leaders in the Second Amendment community seeking their input, a marked change from the previous administration. [Read more…] about White House Reaches Out to SAF and NRA
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‘Activists’ Force Dem Candidates to Take Stand on Gun Control
Anti-gun activists have “forced” Democrat candidates for president to “take a stand on gun control,” according to a Yahoo News report, and they all seem to be scrambling to stake out their positions, the more far-reaching the better. [Read more…] about ‘Activists’ Force Dem Candidates to Take Stand on Gun Control
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Trump Popularity Remains Strong, Dems Push Gun Control
As House Democrats continue hounding the Trump administration following the embarrassment of the “no-smoking-gun” Mueller report, polls show that popularity for President Trump among voters remains high, which might be linked to recent good economic news. At the same time, however, leading Democrat contenders for the 2020 Presidential election are either pushing for more gun control or remaining suspiciously silent. [Read more…] about Trump Popularity Remains Strong, Dems Push Gun Control
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