Looking to score points with the anti-gunners during a CNN town hall event in South Carolina—where gun control is a four-letter word to a lot of people— Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) declared his promise to “bring the fight” to the National Rifle Association.

“I am tired of going to funerals where parents are burying their children, and so I am gonna bring a fight—we are gonna bring a fight like the NRA has never seen if they’re going to defend corporate gun manufacturers more than represent us people,” Booker said, as reported by Fox News.
One of about 15 Democrats so far running to unseat Donald Trump, Booker became something of a joke after he had his “Spartacus” moment during the Senate Judiciary hearings on the Supreme Court nomination of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
But nobody is laughing at this threat. Booker is a devoted anti-gunner, and during the discussion he reportedly accused the NRA leadership of not representing their members. NRA will be meeting next month for its convention in Indianapolis, where a predicted turnout of about 90,000 may come to pass.
“This is very personal to so many of us,” Booker said during the meeting. “Me, because I’m a black man, and black males are six percent of the nation’s population. But they make up the majority of homicide victims in this country.”
What he didn’t say, though, is that a lot of those black male victims were shot by black male suspects.
The New Jersey lawmaker accused NRA of showing more interest in legal loopholes to gun laws that allow gun sales to criminals than taking care of their members.
“If I’m your president,” he said, “we’re going to bring the fight to the NRA who wants to represent corporate gun owners, manufacturers, more than they want to represent the people because this is what they’re doing to Americans.”
In addition to taking a swipe at the NRA, Booker is also no fan of the Electoral College. He thinks presidential elections should be decided by the popular vote. However, according to Electoral College supporters, that would mean future elections would be decided by the urban voters in a handful of states, leaving the rest of the country essentially powerless as presidential voters.
The electoral college was suggested by the Founding Fathers for one simple reason—to protect the population from a tyranny of the majority. Because it is politically expedient; Booker wants to leverage the urban majority to achieve something he cannot by appealing to all of America.
Booker has a lot of competitors, including California’s Sen. Kamala Harris and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, both of them also ardent anti-gunners. The primary season doesn’t start for another year, and the election is not until November 2020.
Democrats have become increasingly bold in their anti-gun rhetoric, which appeals to their base. But that base appears to be shifting farther to the left all the time.
Do you agree with the author’s last statement? Will Sen. Booker and others be successful with their bids to end the electoral college? Share your answers in the comment section.
Dave Workman is the Senior Editor at the Liberty Park Press.
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This is another campaign promise he will not have to worry about breaking because he will never be president.
Booker has as much chance of becoming president as I have taking a Subway train to Mars.
If AOC has her way you might have to find that subway, LOL LOL, AOC would make a good party secretary for the Castro Brothers
Booker or booger is so stupid he the if you put yoo many people on 1 side of an island it will flip over
This is the same ass rat who hates cops. Make up your mind dude. Do you want to give the government a monopoly on deadly force? That’s what gun control does. It only shifts the ability to use lethal force to the government and criminals. Booker you are a fool!
He still remains a joke since his ‘Spartacus’ moment, in which he publicly admitted to breaking a law for political points. He is just pandering again to the fools that believe that the NRA is responsible for every incident of ‘gun violence’.
If this phony was speaking from conviction I would listen to his argument but he’s just makjng a cheap appeal to the anti 2nd Amendment crowd. These kind of people like this are those people that are empty suits that have no real ideas of their own so they try to piggyback onto some cause in order to get re-elected so he can continue his lavish lifestyle with hardworking citizen tax dollars! Another empty suit demorat!
Every time Dumba$$ Booker opens his vile sewer mouth, another ignorant unresearched comment or idea comes out!
When will this stupid idiot ever apply what he learned in college to everyday life as an American?
Never mind. Read: liberal colleges.
If anyone votes for Booker or any other liberal commie Democratic moron, you, deserve what you get. Rest assured there isn’t a liberal commie democratic politician, that doesn’t want to confiscate every firearm in the U.S.
You are right on the comment, the first thing that a communist government does is
to take away their weapons so people cant object! People just don’t learn from
history! In WW 2 the only people that rebelled against Nazi forces was the Warsaw Geto that had small arms and they lasted a month until the Nazi
boomed the town. I would rather go down fighting then be lead to a pit
and shot! If the corrupt Dems get in it will be all over.
“Crassus” Booker, posing as “Spartacus” again, advocating for a big government monopoly on ownership of firearms to ensure they have the violent tyrannical means to keep their slave population in check when they take their property and establish their own luxurious villas.
Nothing “progressive” about socialism/communism but the “progressive” pathological process of mental disease. Booker should be committed into a psychiatric care facility because he is delusional and his ideas are posing potential harm to millions of Americans, i.e. he also stated “…there is no room for carnivores in America” in regards to non-vegetarians
Does anyone other than Sen. Fartacus have any idea what a “corporate gun owner” is? And as far as ‘bringing a fight’ goes, why didn’t he bring that fight to battle the rampant crime in Newark, New Jersey when he was mayor? What’s he smoking that makes him think he could successfully fight the NRA, which is the people after all, when his governmental impotence was so vividly demonstrated in Newark, and most recently in Washington?
I would bet that if hard pressed he couldn’t name a single funeral he had personally attended for a gunshot victim unless it was some high profile mass shooting where he didn’t know anybody, but saw a campaign opportunity.
Sad thing is that we’re seeing more and more folks like Booker on the ballot because qualified people don’t want to go through the pain of their family being attacked by leftist media.
If AOC has her way you might have to find that subway, LOL LOL, AOC would make a good party secretary for the Castro Brothers