Allen, Texas – Unless you’re living under a rock or off-grid, a gunman stalked an outlet mall in a Texas suburb earlier this week. When the dust settled, eight innocent lives were cut down for no reason.
The assailant, who died on the scene, will remain unnamed in this article. What is of note is that the location where the tragedy occurred was a “gun-free zone”.
What is a gun-free zone?
As the name suggests, areas that prohibit the possession of firearms, with some exemptions depending on state and federal laws.
The irony behind these zones is that when initially devised, the intention was to keep the public safe. However, the exact opposite is happening. These zones prevent law-abiding citizens from carrying but do nothing to stop criminals with nothing but mass murder on their minds. The tragedy in Texas was such an occurrence.

Furthermore, the events in Allen are not isolated; similar crimes are happening with increased regularity throughout the country.
Consequently, there’s been a legislative push in several states. Individuals calling for change argue that these areas are specifically targeted by active shooters in order to carry out their attacks. These people are ill and go to places where they know nobody is packing to inflict the most amount of carnage possible.
The Texas mall shooting was no exemption. A mentally unstable man targeted an area he knew would have little resistance and murdered eight innocent people. The only reason there weren’t more casualties was because an armed officer on a nearby call came to the rescue.
Those in support of The Second Amendment have warned of this very occurrence. Evildoers will find a way to get their hands on weapons no matter what we do. Hence, the only failsafe when encountering these criminals is both owning and knowing how to use a gun.
Not surprising is how the media spins the Allen, Texas massacre. Very little has been reported on how a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun, or how the heroic acts of a responsible gun owner prevented further mayhem.
Instead, the legacy media spends countless hours highlighting the type of weapons the assailant was armed with. They parrot how the AR-15 has no place in society all while cutting away to commercials of big pharma pedaling their drug of the week. Sometimes, hypocrisy isn’t a strong enough word.
US mass shootings are here to stay. America is a melting pot of various races, backgrounds, and ethnicities, making it far more difficult to co-exist than a homogenous country like China.
Compound such diversity with an unprecedented pandemic that caused immeasurable psychological damage, and you’ve got yourself the perfect powder keg for violence.
Moving forward, expect more propaganda about the need for gun control. Endless stories about mass shootings and the alleged gun epidemic plaguing America will follow. Predictably, no stories of gun owners saving lives will be shared by the media.
Because those in power wish to disarm Americans. It’s easier to control the masses when they are unarmed and unable to defend themselves.
Throughout history, countless dictators were aware of this. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, and Mussolini – though undeniably evil, all were smart enough to know that disarming citizens was the optimal path to attaining absolute power.
Earlier this week, former President Donald J. Trump wiped the floor with CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins in a New Hampshire town hall meeting.
Throughout the interview, Trump displayed both confidence and composure while Collins did her best to critique his time in office. Judging by the live audience members, her efforts proved futile.
One of the more memorable moments of the night occurred when Collins asked Trump if he wanted Ukraine to win the war against Russia.
Instead of gushing over Ukraine the way the legacy media has for over a year, Trump played diplomat and replied: “I don’t think in terms of winning and losing. I think in terms of getting it settled so we can stop killing all these people.”
Trump went on to assert that he would put an end to the conflict within twenty-four hours. Audience members responded with thunderous applause.
Naturally, CNN devised the televised sit-down with the sole intent of ambushing the former President. By night’s end, it was the Atlanta-based news channel with egg on its face. Things went so poorly for CNN that they cut the program twenty minutes earlier than originally planned.

Trump is as polarizing a figure as any. Those who support the man do so with such dogma that many of his bigoted views get a pass.
Individuals opposed to him brim with boundless hatred and seldom exhibit an iota of pragma when it comes to his politics.
Regardless of your ideological views, it’s hard to refute that America was in better shape on Trump’s watch. Record inflation, illegal migrants flooding the US, American cities ravaged by crime – none of these issues were as grim until Biden took residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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Gun Free Zone = Target Rich Environment
I’ll take bullseye for $600, Alex.