Officials and legislators continue to push for stricter gun control measures in response to a number of high-profile mass shootings and a steady increase in gun crimes since President Biden took office.
Just last year, California, Delaware, and New York introduced new legislation designed to regulate ghost weapons and strengthen background checks. With gun control still one of the more divisive issues in America, this narrative is being written in real-time for Americans to witness.
Take the state of Colorado. Recently, the 2023 Colorado General Assembly introduced a bevy of gun control bills, including an Assault Weapons Ban that bans everything except for a select few firearms. The proverbial slippery slope phenomenon.
Furthermore, there is a bill currently in the works that propose to increase the legal age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21 years old – SB23-169.
Allow that to marinate. At eighteen, an individual in Colorado would effectively be old enough to enlist in the army, defend his/her country, and vote, yet would find themselves unable to legally purchase a firearm. Can you say the cart before the horse?
There are some exceptions to the bill. An active-duty military or peace officer or an individual accompanied by a parent or legal guardian would still be permitted to buy a gun.
However, gun advocates cry foul, asserting this would only pave way for sweeping gun reforms throughout the country. HB23-1230, another of the bills put forward in the Centennial State, effectively prohibits Assault Rifles.
There are caveats to the bill, pre-standing conditions that protect certain individuals from these reforms. Nonetheless, anyone with a degree of critical thinking knows this is how things begin and certainly do not end.
I suggest you read more about these proposed changes in Colorado. When doing so, think of mountain climbing. Mountain climbing, you say. What’s that got to do with gun control?
When attempting to reach the top of a mountain, one must traverse several steps to do so. In this case, if abolishing guns is the mountain peak, then implementing lesser restrictions on gun owners would be the steps necessary to get there.
One’s beliefs pertaining to guns vary. There are several factors that effectively cement how a person views firearms. If an individual was raised around guns, there is a greater chance their attitudes and opinions pertaining to them are positive.
In contrast, those with no first-hand experience are more likely to hold beliefs reliant on media depiction. With most media outlets being heavily influenced by The Left, guns and gun owners by proxy are painted in an unforgiving manner devoid of truth.
Experiencing guns first-hand before making sweeping statements about their need or lack thereof in society is the best course of action.
The same can be said for any hot-button issue currently pounding the airwaves. Intelligence involves sifting through as much literature available on a topic, and if possible, experiencing it en vivo before cementing one’s attitudes about the issue.
Bunk run: A bank run or run on the bank occurs when many clients withdraw their money from a bank because they believe the bank may fail in the near future.
At the moment, this is happening with Silicon Valley Bank. The last time the US saw a banking crisis of this magnitude was in 2008 with Lehman Brothers; we all know how that played out.
What happened with SVB?
In simplest terms, depositors started to withdraw their money last week amid news of the bank’s poor financial situation. As a result, Banking regulators in California closed the Santa Clara-based Silicon Valley Bank [SVB]. SVB was the 16th largest bank in the US.
The collapse of SVB forced a government takeover calling into question the fate of almost $175 billion in customer deposits. The fallout was quick, sending shockwaves throughout the country.

Historically, Bank runs do happen and when they do, they can lead to more banks falling by the wayside. As a result, President Joe Biden was quick to call a press conference Monday morning to put Americans’ fears at ease. Biden’s main message – the American banking system is safe.
“Americans can rest assured that our banking system is safe. Your deposits are safe. Let me assure you, we will not stop at this. We’ll do whatever is needed,” The President said from the White House.
Biden promised that taxpayers would not be on the hook for the bank’s losses. Time will tell if he fulfills his promise or whether this is symptomatic of more turbulent times ahead.
Worth noting about SVC; the majority of their customers were hedge funds and venture capitalists. These weren’t your Average Joes working a nine-to-five job, busting their chops to pay rent. Their customers were heavy hitters. No way they deserve a bailout from Uncle Sam, right? We’ll see.
Some are theorizing that the banking crisis is only the beginning of a move to a global digital currency. If this were to happen, freedom as we know it would evaporate. Social credit scores like they already have in China are the equivalent of muzzles on dogs.
In China, should one desire to speak against their Government and do so, their assets are promptly frozen; thoughts control in the purest sense. It is natural to deduce why those in power desire the abolishment of cash. Controlling the masses becomes infinitely easier when one can track their purchases, consumption habits, and effectively their needs.
Surveillance drones, facial recognition software, QR codes with our medical histories, all exist in some parts of the globe and are coming soon to our shores. Remember, the masses have the numbers and those in power are all too aware of this. As we wade through the twenty-first century, the Elite will concoct any and everything that can keep us in line.

Turbulent times lie ahead. Look how much the world changed from a virus that proved no deadlier than the common flu.
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