Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
When it comes to using a firearm for home defense purposes, many people will opt for a handgun or other gun type that is well-suited for the task. If your hunting rifle or sport shotgun are your only options, you may experience some limitations and inherent risks that can cause you some real problems. [Read more…] about Why Hunting Rifles & Sport Shotguns Aren’t Ideal for Home Defense
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Magazine Maintenance
Ensuring that your gun magazines are kept clean and in optimal condition is not just a matter of performance, but one of safety and reliability as well. Maintaining these often-overlooked components should be an essential practice for every responsible gun owner. [Read more…] about Magazine Maintenance
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Ricochet Control
One critical aspect of firearm safety that is often overlooked, is understanding and avoiding ricochets. Although they are dangerous, there are essential tips and techniques that can be employed to minimize the risk of these unpredictable deflections, and to help ensure a safer shooting experience. [Read more…] about Ricochet Control
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Mastering the Art of Leading Targets
The ability to effectively lead a moving target is a valuable skill that can have a huge impact on your shooting success. Whether you’re an avid hunter, a competitive shooter, or just someone looking to improve their overall firearm proficiency, understanding how to lead a target is crucial. [Read more…] about Mastering the Art of Leading Targets
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Long Range Shooting 1 – Guns & Gear
There’s nothing quite like hearing the distinctive ring of hitting a target at a longer distance. It’s a great feeling – and although accurate shots are certainly doable for the average shooter inside of 200 or 300 yards, beyond that you’ll need the skill and the tools necessary to meet the added challenge. [Read more…] about Long Range Shooting 1 – Guns & Gear
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Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
The 7.62×39 cartridge, introduced originally in 1943 and chambered in both the RPD Light Machine Gun and the SKS, cemented it’s place in history just a few years later as the cartridge selection for what would become the iconic AK47 Soviet military rifle. Since then, the AK47 has been deployed around the world by militaries, police and civilians in combat, self-defense and sporting roles. [Read more…] about Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
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Beware of Ammo Scams!
It’s been a wild ride for the last couple of years, and the supply/demand for certain consumer items has been impacted significantly. The ready availability of (reasonably priced) ammunition for instance has been affected in some cases, and when there’s a strong marketplace need, it can give rise to unscrupulous and predatory sales practices. [Read more…] about Beware of Ammo Scams!
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Cold Weather Shooting
When that tingling you feel is not just the excitement of the hunt, but more like the onset of frostbite, it may be time to start thinking about your cold weather shooting routine. [Read more…] about Cold Weather Shooting
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Hunting Safety
Whether you’re searching for the ultimate trophy or just looking to fill your freezer, hunting excursions should always be as safe as you can make them. [Read more…] about Hunting Safety
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Breaking-In Your New Gun
Ever fire a used gun and notice that the action and the trigger feel super smooth with every shot? That’s almost always because it’s been well worn-in through continued use. [Read more…] about Breaking-In Your New Gun
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Hot Weather Shooting
Temperatures are rising and it’s time to be aware of what that heat can do to your weapons and your ammo. Aside from the basic safety practices that help to keep you and those around you safe – what and how you shoot will dictate how much attention you need to pay to the warmer weather. [Read more…] about Hot Weather Shooting
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Has My Ammo Gone Bad?
For most hunters and sport shooters who use their firearms regularly, you don’t have to give too much thought to your ammo aside from keeping it dry and safely secured when you’re not using it. Beyond that, you’re cycling through your inventory pretty consistently with few issues. Modern, factory-made ammo is very reliable and will last for a long time under the right conditions, however there are instances where you could be pushing your luck.
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Gun Test: Charter Arms Professional .32 H&R Magnum
The Charter Arms Professional is a small-frame revolver with a three-inch barrel, hand-filling grips, double-action/single-action mechanism, good sights, seven-shot cylinder, and a nice finish. Open the cylinder by pushing the cylinder release forward, and you will see a seven-shot cylinder chambered in .32 H&R Magnum. The pistol uses the classic Charter Arms steel frame, but the finish is a modern black nitride. I cannot see any problem with the durability of this finish. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Charter Arms Professional .32 H&R Magnum
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The Evolution of the .30 Caliber
The .308 cartridge began life in the primordial swamps of… If you are reading this article, I really don’t need to tell you about the .308 round. You already know that it pulls triple duty as a machine gun round and a mid-length sniper round, and as the cartridge a few guys in the platoon use for those times when the 5.56 just isn’t enough. It was built (kinda sorta) to duplicate the .30-06 but in a much shorter action. It mostly succeeded and certainly took the .30-06 out of most military usage. What else do you need to say about the .30 caliber? [Read more…] about The Evolution of the .30 Caliber
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Ammo Storage and Transport
The military .30 caliber ammo can has many uses, but the primary use is ammo storage and transport. Imagine that! It’s almost as if they were made for it. However, my cans do not hold .30 caliber ammunition. I will go so far as to admit to the heresy of not owning any .308 rifles or ammo. For me, it is important to know how much of other calibers will fit in a .30 caliber ammo can, and how much they weigh when full. The numbers below are approximate, as this is using loose fill, so the space is not maximized. Depending on the caliber with careful (read as very time consuming) stacking add roughly 15-25%. Remember that also greatly increases the weight. [Read more…] about Ammo Storage and Transport
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A Great Home Defender: The .38 Special
A time proven axiom is that if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. This applies to the .38 Special revolver as a home defender. I have trained many shooters over the years to use the double action revolver well, and most, if not all have chosen a .38 Special as the baseline caliber. [Read more…] about A Great Home Defender: The .38 Special
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Range Test: Remington Black Belt Ammunition
When I was a young hunter of 12 or so, my Grandfather taught me that if I used Remington .22 LR in my rifle, it would function properly. The Remington Golden Bullet was my choice. I learned that even if you had a cheap self-loader, good quality ammunition worked well. Today, Remington enjoys an excellent reputation for reliability with a far greater range of loads than ever. [Read more…] about Range Test: Remington Black Belt Ammunition
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Reloading the 10mm Cartridge for Power and Defense
The 10mm cartridge was originally intended as a means of increasing the power of the Browning High Power handgun. Using a .38-40 (.400 inch) bullet and a shortened .30 Remington rifle cartridge the new cartridge proved too much for the High Power-type pistol. Later, the .40 Smith and Wesson did not, but that is another story. [Read more…] about Reloading the 10mm Cartridge for Power and Defense
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7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
The 9mm Luger cartridge is the single most popular centerfire handgun cartridge ever manufactured. The popularity of the 9mm cannot be without merit. It is a powerful number with excellent velocity and penetration and in the right handgun very accurate. There are also undeniable demerits clinging to the cartridge. The 9mm has proven to be a poor stopper exhibiting limited wound potential with full-metal-jacket ammunition. Today we have modern loadings that make the most of the 9mm and offer a good balance of expansion and penetration. [Read more…] about 7 Reasons the 9mm Is Right for You
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