Mastering the Art of Leading Targets
The ability to effectively lead a moving target is a valuable skill that can have a huge impact on your shooting success. Whether you’re an avid hunter, a competitive shooter, or just someone looking to improve their overall firearm proficiency, understanding how to lead a target is crucial. [Read more…] about Mastering the Art of Leading Targets
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Trigger Pull 101
Your trigger set up and pull weight can have as much influence on your accuracy as any other element of your equipment and shooting routine. It’s an important factor that can be easily overlooked, especially by beginners.
[Read more…] about Trigger Pull 101
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Rifle Hunting Accuracy
Ever been on a hunt and have a situation where you think you’ve got your target perfectly lined up through the trees and then missed that one perfect shot? Well, you’re not alone. [Read more…] about Rifle Hunting Accuracy
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Shooter Fitness
Now, no one is expecting you to go shirtless and get all oiled up to hit the range, but some attention should be paid to your fitness level to help get the best results. [Read more…] about Shooter Fitness
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6 Tips to a Better Grip
One of the most poorly understood elements of handgun control is how to properly grip your pistol. This is evidenced by the number of people struggling to find a consistent, accuracy enhancing grip. There are varying opinions on how much effort, or gripping pressure to use, and how to maintain that pressure, so we looked to Springfield Armory’s 24-time National Champion Rob Leatham (He knows a thing or two about putting shots in the X-ring.) [Read more…] about 6 Tips to a Better Grip
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