Defending Your Home — Inside Issues
Being involved in the firearms and training industries, I spend a lot of time with people who carry firearms daily. These folks spend a great deal of their work time in condition “yellow,” yet when they get home, they often let their guard down. Your home, as hard as it may be to believe, may be one of the most dangerous places to face a violent assailant. I say that for two reasons. [Read more…] about Defending Your Home — Inside Issues
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6 Tips to a Better Grip
One of the most poorly understood elements of handgun control is how to properly grip your pistol. This is evidenced by the number of people struggling to find a consistent, accuracy enhancing grip. There are varying opinions on how much effort, or gripping pressure to use, and how to maintain that pressure, so we looked to Springfield Armory’s 24-time National Champion Rob Leatham (He knows a thing or two about putting shots in the X-ring.) [Read more…] about 6 Tips to a Better Grip
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Gun Test: Springfield Armory EMP 4
Springfield launched the Enhanced Micro Pistol (EMP) over a decade ago, so it is far from the latest “fad” handgun to have caught the market’s eye. The intent was to offer a subcompact 9mm in a 1911 configuration. It was the perfect blend of caliber and the 1911 platform in a concealable package—thanks to the 3-inch barrel. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Springfield Armory EMP 4

Illinois — Defeating Gun Control
It is not too often we get a chance to report on a state known for opposing the Second Amendment for doing the right thing and defeating gun control legislation. Recently, Illinois law makers passed a bill that would have all but resulted in the outright ruination of every gun retailer in the state. The State was attempting to, in essence, create its own FFL license complete with the fees and provisions it would set. [Read more…] about Illinois — Defeating Gun Control