Researchers at the University of Colorado recently published findings that no anti-gun advocate will be happy to hear. States with the strictest gun laws do not experience fewer mass shootings than those with more lenient legislation. This, of course, is contrary to what the left would have you believe.
For years, the anti-gun lobby conflates scenarios designed to validate the core belief that firearms need stricter regulations in America. The study at U of C focused on the years 2014 – 2022 suggests otherwise. Their conclusion: there is no compounding evidence that stricter gun laws lead to fewer mass shootings.
Montana vs. New Jersey
Specifically, the study found that Montana, where 66% of its population are gun owners, only had four mass shootings during the time researchers focused on. Meanwhile, New Jersey, a state with strict gun laws, experienced 93 mass shootings during the same time period. Before you go questioning how reliable the study is, consider it was published in an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, general medical journal. Translation; It is reliable and not ‘fake news’ as the left may have you believe.
The Answer to Less Gun Violence is Never Fewer Guns
Consequently, longitudinal studies such as these make it clear the answer to gun violence is never fewer guns. In fact, time and again we’ve seen it’s quite the opposite. The criminal mind is enterprising and looks for an upper hand. Thus, when thugs hatch their plans, they usually target areas where the likelihood of encountering gun owners is low.
In terms of the study mentioned, mass shootings were defined as any incident where four or more persons were shot or killed. Ironically, you likely won’t hear any mainstream media outlets report about their findings.
Domestic Violence + Guns
Americans die by gun violence daily. However, stripping sovereign citizens of their God-given right to own a firearm is not the answer. This is heuristic thinking and fails to shed light on tangible, micro-level solutions.

Consider nearly 70% of mass shootings involve domestic violence.
In a study published in 2021, researchers concluded that in over 68% of mass shootings, the perp killed at least one partner or family member and had a history of domestic violence. With statistics like that, a more prudent approach could be increased background checks for gun owners with a history of domestic violence.
The Left and Gun Control
No gun owner likes the notion of gun control. This is understandable considering how often the anti-gun lobby pushes for sweeping gun reforms. However, if the goal is to make America as safe as possible, all contingencies must be considered. A solution-based axiom void of emotion on both sides would prove prudent.
That in no way means handing in your weapons. However, all arguments should be heard in what we sell to the world as the only democracy left standing. After all, isn’t that what true democracy means?
Nonetheless, the trepidation advocates of The Second Amendment have is understandable. So much of the news surrounding firearms in our nation is propagandized with one main purpose; unarming sovereign Americans.
Big Tech Drives The Narrative
Tour the internet to look up guns in America and you’ll find bias at every turn. Queries about all things guns send one to various sites with one commonality; guns are bad, strict laws are good. Try it sometime and see for yourself. You’ll need to do your best though to encounter an objective article or news story pertaining to guns.
Sleepy Joe is Coming for Your Guns
President Joe Biden will use the gun issue as a central theme in his bid for re-election in 2024. CNN reports that Biden will announce new gun control efforts sometime later this month.
The incumbent’s pandering toward the youth for votes is obvious. Most Gen-Z’s are anti-gun thanks largely to the indoctrination they’ve endured throughout their short lives. Moreover, with Mr Biden currently way behind in polls in a potential rematch vs. Donald Trump, he will rely heavily on galvanizing the youth vote.
The key for the Biden ticket is getting as many Democrats elected as possible. As it stands, Democrats control the Senate while the GOP controls the House. Biden and company will push the gun issue consistently moving forward, but it could spell disaster for his campaign.
What Democrats fail to realize is that nothing brings gun owners to the polls quite like an attack on their rights.
Democrats New Initiative
The Justice Department unveiled a new proposal by the Biden Administration intended to require people selling firearms at gun shows and on the Internet to conduct background checks on potential buyers.
Vice-President Kamala Harris applauded the proposal and double-downed with a call to lawmakers to take further steps to crack down on gun violence.
“Congress must pass legislation to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe gun storage, end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers, and require background checks on all gun sales—even those by gun dealers who are not registered.”
It is brash statements like this that drive home the vitality of showing up to the polls next November. Democrats are salivating over the notion of disarming Americans and turning our already struggling country into a dystopian hell hole.
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