There are a bevy of items to stock up on for home defense. These include rifles, handguns, ammunition, water, and food in case of a full-scale power grid failure. Consequently, one item most individuals overlook that could mean life or death is a ballistic helmet.
A slew of weapons is awesome. Anyone with a modicum of preparedness knows that prepping for a worst-case scenario in 2024 is the definition of intelligence. Yet, you’d be surprised to know how many individuals overlook the addition of a protective ballistic helmet to their arsenal.
A lightweight, ballistic helmet is engineered to deliver protection and could be just what the doctor ordered in a post-apocalyptic world.
Ballistic Helmet
So, what exactly is a ballistic helmet?
Ballistic Helmets, more commonly known as Tactical Helmets, are designed to offer head protection in life-threatening situations. These helmets must pass strict testing to certify their effectiveness. The National Institute of Justice [NIJ] is in charge of setting the standards for ballistic helmet performance.
Specifically, these helmets must withstand various calibers at certain velocities to fall within certain ratings. Hence, most helmets you will encounter on the open market have passed serious testing to ensure their efficacy. Keeping this in mind, the real question is if you should spend your hard-earned money on one of these bad boys.
Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Tactical Helmet
The first question you should ask yourself is what type of scenario can you envision that lends credence to owning one of these helmets.
Like any investment, you need to be transparent with yourself before committing to the purchase. Tactical helmets are not cheap. With times being tougher than ever, perhaps money spent on a more salient item is wise.
Nonetheless, if you envision a not-so-distant future when hand-to-hand combat in American cities becomes commonplace, now could be the perfect time to get your hands on one.
A Few Tips to Finding the Right Helmet for You
As with any consumer good, it behooves the buyer to do some research before diving in and buying an item well above a thousand dollars. Tactical helmets are typically made from Kevlar, the same material one finds in bulletproof vests. They can be expensive endeavors.

Nonetheless, keep in mind they are designed to protect the most critical of human organs, the brain. Hence, cutting corners to save a few hundred dollars could prove foolish.
The 3 most common helmets are PASGT, MICH/ALM, and FAST. Each design offers its own unique traits and efficacy given various scenarios.
At KVAR, we offer the Busch PROtective Ballistic Helmet. This piece of equipment is ideal for close combat operations. It’s a quality helmet that not only protects but is comfortable for the user. Furthermore, the harness on the inside ensures fit. This means that the same helmet can cater to a wide range of individual preferences, making for a seamless addition to your collection of weapons.
Function Over Form: Helmets Can be Crafted for the Individual
Ballistic Helmets on the market can be configured to the individual owner.
The owner can accessorize his/her helmet with various add-ons like a beacon, battery carriers, a candy pouch, or even a night vision mount. Again, acquaint yourself with the basics first so you can make an informed decision when kitting your helmet out.
One principle to ascribe to is function over form.
Accessorizing your helmet with the plentitude of options on the market at the cost of functionality makes little sense.

You should aim for efficacy and comfort when delving into the quest for the optimal helmet. Don’t be such a stickler that you cut corners and put your cranial capacity at risk. However, diving in like Richie Rich and scooping up any and all accessories isn’t the right approach either.
As in life, the more intel you can accumulate, the more solid the ground you end up on.
Better To Have One and Not Need It than to Need One and Not Have It
Prepare, prepare, prepare.
As Sun Tzu put it in The Art of War: The experienced soldier, once in motion, is never bewildered; once he has broken camp, he is never at a loss.”
The implied message here is that one who is prepared for any contingency can never be surprised by the enemy. Fortifying oneself from any threat, foreign or domestic, is not only intelligent but necessary. One look at the current state of America indicates that turbulent times lie ahead.
Perhaps now is the perfect time to add a Ballistic Helmet to your arsenal of weapons. It isn’t out of the realm of possibility that we see a full-scale civil war engulf the US. Should this occur, owning a ballistic helmet could mean the difference between life and death.
Alarmist rhetoric?
Take a trip to any number of crime-riddled, American cities where drug-addicted zombies wander the streets, then tell me it’s alarmist.
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