News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
Never Pull a Gun on a War Veteran
Thieves, robbers and anyone else who’s up to no good: don’t try to pull anything on someone who’s prepared.

There are certain people you just don’t mess with, and a war veteran is certainly one of them.
Watch what happens when a burglar attempts to rob this store clerk with an extensive set of skills for handling intense situations.
In the video, the robber walks straight up to the counter, takes a drag from his cigarette, and immediately pulls his gun out and says, “You need to give me all your money.”
That was a mistake.
“I pulled my weapon up and put it against his mouth and told him ‘You need to get out of here before I blow your head off,’ and he backed right on out the door,” former military police officer Jon Lewis Alexander explains in the video.
Attempted robbery in general is a bad idea; I think we can all agree on that. But attempted robbery plus a store clerk who happens to be a veteran with a pistol on his hip is a terrible idea. Fortunately, this veteran was prepared and situationally aware enough to react quickly.
Same Off-Duty Ammo Cops Carry Leads to Arrest
Should NJ residents feel safer or is this merely blatantly overzealous and possibly illegal enforcement of draconian NJ gun law? You decide…
Roosevelt Twyne was employed as an armored car security guard, complete with a NJ handgun carry license, legally-registered handgun with a NJ-legal 10-round magazine, and the same ammunition off-duty police officers often carry in their firearms. February 8, 2020 Roosevelt Twyne’s world changed and may never be the same again Using window tint as the reason for the motor vehicle stop, the police pulled Twyne over on his way home from work. He informed the three Roselle Park, NJ Police officers of who and what he was, and that he was in possession of the firearm.
Things escalated, and Twyne was arrested for “hollow point bullets” which in fact are the same brand of Hornady Critical Duty rounds off-duty police from all 21 counties in NJ have been authorized to carry, because the NJ State Police has determined that since no hollow cavity exists in these rounds, the bullets are not hollow points!
Twyne is now unemployed and facing years of hard prison time if convicted. Since Twyne was arrested for allegedly possessing hollow points, his possession of his sidearm was then deemed illegal, and that charge carries an additional 18 months in state prison. Twyne has retained legal counsel and set-up a Go-Fund Me. Twyne’s story is going viral, and there may be a discrimination suit or investigation into racial profiling.
What is your take on the case of Roosevelt Twyne? Was he one of the armed good guys or did the officers make the right call? Share your answers in the comment section.
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This is a crock of $ht. The man was carrying the same ammunition that police are allowed to carry and therefore his gun is also illegal. Talk about abusing the rights of citizens. Makes you wonder if his tinting was also illegal or is this a trumped up stop.
As a Pennsylvania cop I’m horrified at this story I go into New Jersey from time to time and I carry that same ammunition. So Per a conversation I had with a NJ state police major before entering the state with that ammo,Hornady critical defense/duty is not hollow point ammunition. It’s only designed to work with said red tip in place. And since the FBI use it I see this guy winning his law suit and spanking all those involved .
I think NJ, NY, CA, and the like are all going to be adding a hammer and sickle to their state flags in the near future. So glad I was able to get out of NJ over 30 years ago. Will no longer live in a ‘commie’ controlled state.