News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.HOOVER, ALABAMA — A shooting broke out at Riverchase Galleria, the largest mall in Alabama, when an argument apparently began between two individuals. Things escalated even more from there, and multiple armed shoppers were seen drawing their firearms in preparation for the worst.
Innocent bystanders were caught in the middle, including a 12-year-old girl who was shot.
An 18-year-old male was shot and was rushed to UAB Hospital’s Trauma Center where he was in serious condition. A 12-year-old girl was also shot and wounded. Authorities said she is believed to alert and conscious at Children’s of Alabama. A 21-year-old Hueytown man, whose name has not been released, was shot and killed by Hoover police.
Two people, a 21-year-old male and an 18-year-old male began arguing inside the mall. One of them, the 18-year-old, was shot by the other and taken to the hospital for treatment. It isn’t clear whether or not the 18-year-old was armed as well, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.

The suspect tried to flee, but an officer was in close proximity to what was unfolding.
“The Hoover police officer actually was running to the scene, he heard gunshots, he was obviously very near the scene, he actually shot and killed the person who injured the other person,’’ Hoover police Capt. Gregg Rectors said.
Shoppers were taking photos and video that quickly made their way around the internet. The below video was taken and shows the deceased suspect on the ground. As a warning, the contents may be graphic to some viewers.
None of the armed citizens who reportedly drew their firearms fired any shots, according to reports. Police were in the vicinity of the shooting and were able to stop things quickly. Unfortunately, a 12-year-old girl was injured, but thankfully she was conscious and expected to survive.
A gun was recovered in Santa’s Village. Happy Holidays. Stay armed and vigilant.
Oklahoma Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder 5 Years After Shooting Another Would-be Burglar
TULSA – If a would-be a burglar in Tulsa, Oklahoma needs any advice, it’s to stay far away from Charles Sweeney’s property.
Just over five years and a month since Sweeney shot a man who was breaking into his house, the same thing happened Tuesday morning — except this time, the situation turned deadly.
“He comes into view, and BLAHM!, that 9 millimeter is real loud inside the house,” Sweeney told FOX23.
The Tulsa Police Department said the incident happened around 9:08 a.m., and when officers arrived at the home the alleged intruder, Donald Stovall, was found dead.
Officers said Stovall had crawled through a bathroom window into the home when Sweeney confronted him. It was during that confrontation Stovall was fatally shot.
“He brought this on himself, I have no sympathy,” Sweeny told FOX23.
The shooting on Tuesday came just over five years after the homeowner was involved in a similar situation. In October 2013, he shot one of two intruders at his home, seriously injuring the man. Both burglars subsequently pleaded guilty to charges in that case and are in prison, according to the Tulsa World.
“This is the second time I’ve shot someone, and I’ve escorted at gunpoint at least half a dozen people off the property,” he said.

Tulsa Police briefly interviewed Sweeny before letting him go and said that people have the right to defend themselves in their homes.
“If you are in your home and you have an intruder come in and you feel that you are in fear of your life or the life of someone else who may be in your home, you are well within your rights to defend yourself,” Captain Karen Tipler told FOX23.
Sweeney now has a warning for any other potential criminals that may target his house: “I thought my life was in danger, I shot him, and I’ll do it again.”
Do you have a story of armed good guys with guns that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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Cops shot and killed wrong guy. One of the armed good guys. Shooter still loose.
My God, does anyone read the things before the go out? One of the good guys with a gun was gunned down by the police after he was mistaken for the shooter. Two weeks on and we still haven’t found out if he failed to put down his weapon after the police told him or if he was just executed for being a black man running with a gun.
Witnesses said they shot him without warning, as he was trying to save people. If that is true, then they just shot the first black man with a gun that they saw. And the fact that the actual shooter got away, they figured it was done. Legal and lawful owner/carrier doesn’t matter when police are already scared of your color.
Just as an update, the actual shooter was captured in Georgia. The statement that was originally issued by the Hoover, AL police was premature.
As for Mr. Sweeney’s property, I have to wonder why people have been attracted to it. Now he has shot a second burglar and he stated that he has “escorted at least a half dozen people off the property at gunpoint”. Why? If there are that many people trespassing on his property or breaking into his home, there must be some attraction that is luring them to do these things. I’ve been living where I am for the last 22 years and haven’t had to even ask anyone to leave.
Phil in TX
Don’t blame the victim, not everybody can afford to live in the crime free area, it is not your fault if stupid people think you have something to steal, it is not your fault if you cannot afford to live in low crime ZIP Code , it’s also not unreasonable too be suspicious of anything funny going on on the property considering The world we live in :/ But that’s duty of the police/sheriff department to investigate. I never had to use lethal force like majority of lawenforcement officers but I carry. Nobody burglarized my current home but I have locks and doors……