Ruger’s SR1911 line continues to expand with the introduction of the Ruger SR1911 10mm. This handgun differs considerably from previous pistols and may arguably be one of the best 10mm 1911 handguns ever built.

The original SR1911 follows the 1911 template closely with attention to modern details. When the SR1911 9mm lightweight Commander was added to the lineup, Ruger launched a winner. Ruger made viable improvements on the 1911, including redesigning the plunger tube for permanent attachment rather than staking the tube to the frame. The result is a rugged handgun with much to recommend, and a real improvement on the 1911 chassis.
Ruger’s latest SR1911 is a bold step. The 10mm auto cartridge is a powerful number that gives handgunners’ a viable cartridge for long-range use and hunting medium-sized game. It is suitable for defense against animals and a viable service and personal defense cartridge.

The 10mm has been called a specialist cartridge. It offers real power for those willing to master the heavier recoil of the hard hitting combination. The 1911 platform is reasonably light and may be concealed more readily than a magnum revolver, which is part of the appeal of the combination.
The Ruger SR1911 10mm is a stainless steel pistol built on the full length or Government Model frame. The barrel, slide lock, slide lock safety, and grip safety are finished in black. The grip safety is a beavertail type. Those who sometimes allow the palm to rise off the grip safety when executing the palms forward grip will find the beavertail grip safety helps keep the grip safety properly depressed.
The extended slide lock safety offers a positive indent. It is sufficiently larger than the GI types to ensure positive manipulation. Both the trigger and hammer are skeletonized types. Trigger compression is 6.5 pounds, tight, and breaks smoothly without creep or backlash.

The front sight is a post design I had not previously seen. It offers a good sight picture and is solidly dovetailed in place. The rear sight is a fully adjustable unit resembling the Bomar type. This sight is very well done with excellent machine work and good final finish.
The barrel is a ramped design for feed reliability and full cartridge case head support. The barrel is a bull barrel with bushingless lockup. Barrel to slide fit was excellent.
The pistol features a full-length guide rod. Other features include a beveled magazine well and an extra power firing pin spring. This extra power firing pin spring is used instead of the complication of a firing pin block or drop safety. The Ruger is supplied with two magazines. The grips are checkered plastic.

The 10mm cartridge offers many advantages. Light 10mm loads, such as the Federal 180-grain Hydra-Shok, allow good control, but the load is no hotter than a standard .40 Smith and Wesson loading. While this is a reasonable choice for personal defense, the advantages of the 10mm are more apparent with full power loads.
The 10mm shoots flatter than the .45 ACP. The effective range of the 10mm is greater than either the .45 ACP or .38 ACP Super. The cartridge offers power that outstrips even the .357 Magnum with top end loads. As an example, the Federal JSP bonded-core design maximizes the caliber as a dedicated hunting load.
I began the firing evaluation with a number of suitable practice and service loads. The pistol was lubricated along the long bearing surfaces and the magazines loaded with CCI Blazer ball ammunition. The Ruger came out of the box running without any type of malfunction. I began by firing at man-sized targets at 5, 7, and 10 yards. The big Ruger stayed on target, delivering X-ring hits with attention to the sights and trigger compression.

With standard loads, recoil wasn’t any more difficult to control than the .45 ACP, it is simply a different feeling. I expended 100 cartridges as quickly as I could load the magazines, aim, and fire. The Ruger is a pleasant gun to fire with good practical combat accuracy. I added a blue steel MecGar magazine to the test program. Function was 100 percent.
Moving to personal defense loads, I used the Hornady 180-grain XTP and Hornady 155-grain XTP. The heavier loading offers good penetration and may be called an outdoors load. At 1,180 fps, it is controllable for those that practice. The 155-grain XTP loading breaks 1,355 fps. This is an excellent all-around defense load.
Recoil was certainly there, but controllable, with a solid grip and firing stance. I fired these loads off the bench with the aid of my Bullshooters shooting rest. Accuracy was excellent—on level with any .45 ACP target pistol. The 180-grain XTP turned in one 1.5-inch 25-yard group and several 2.0-inch groups. The 155-grain XTP’s best showing was a 1.75-inch group with the average around 2.0 inches. This dog will run, and the 10mm Ruger has plenty of accuracy.

At this stage, I took the Ruger home and cleaned it. No eccentric wear was noted. I traded the supplied plastic grips for a set of Kim Ahrends skip checkered tactical grips. These grips offer superior adhesion when firing heavy loads and simply look right.
Back at the range, I took along a number of loads to further test this new offering. Among these were three loads from Double Tap ammunition. First up was the 135-grain JHP. The average of three of these loads over the Chronograph was 1,555 fps and very consistent. This is a powerful load that is intended for personal defense. The bullet fragments and penetration is at about 12 inches. For those wishing to limit penetration, and hit the target with plenty of energy, this is the choice.
The second load is the 230-grain Equalizer using a 135-grain JHP over a 95-grain lead ball. At 980 fps, it is controllable, even mild to fire in the SR1911. At 10 yards, the two projectiles impact in almost the same hole. Penetration was some 20 inches in water.
Accuracy: Five-shot groups from a solid bench rest at 25 yards
Load | Group in Inches |
Double Tap 135-grain JHP | 2.35 inches |
Double Tap 200-grain WFNGC | 1.75 inches |
Federal Cartridge Bonded Core | 1.75 inches |
Federal Cartridge 180-grain Hydra-Shok | 1.95 inches |
Hornady 155-grain XTP | 2.0 inches |
Hornady 180-grain XTP | 1.9 inches |
Seller and Bellot 180-grain FMJ | 3.25 inches |
SIG Sauer 180-grain FMJ | 2.25 inches |
SIG Sauer 180-grain V Crown JHP | 2.15 inches |
CCI Blazer 180-grain FMJ | 1.75 inches |
Another hard hitting load uses a hard cast 200-grain flat point at 1,190 fps. This WGNGC bullet would be ideal for protection against large animals. Double Tap loads show the versatility of the 10mm. Defense loads that are controllable and offer wound ballistics comparable to the .41 Magnum and exceeding the .357 Magnum and .45 ACP may be used. Even stronger loads may be used for hunting.
The Ruger SR1911 is accurate enough to take advantage of these loads. It is up to the individual shooter to master this handgun. It requires more skill and effort than firing a .45 ACP or .40 Smith and Wesson handgun, so the 10mm isn’t for everyone. For those who favor the 10mm, the Ruger is a good option and one that cost less than any other quality 10mm handgun.
Are you a 10mm fan? Which ammunition do you prefer?
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I am waiting for the opportunity to borrow a 10mm at the range to shoot a couple of rounds. My curiosity is high but cash flow is low.