As House Democrats continue hounding the Trump administration following the embarrassment of the “no-smoking-gun” Mueller report, polls show that popularity for President Trump among voters remains high, which might be linked to recent good economic news. At the same time, however, leading Democrat contenders for the 2020 Presidential election are either pushing for more gun control or remaining suspiciously silent.

Increasingly, it is beginning to appear that Democrats are vindictive over what seems to many like the failure of the Mueller report to bring Trump’s presidency down. Instead, according to Gallup, a new survey shows the president with a 46 percent approval rating.
In addition, Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll shows Trump with an even higher rating of 49 percent among likely voters. An equal number of people do not approve of his job performance, the poll also noted.
According to the Associated Press, the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday was “poised to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress over a Justice Department failure to provide an unredacted copy of the Mueller report to the committee. Barr failed to comply with a subpoena.
But the proverbial shoe was on the other foot as House Republicans pushed to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for failing to produce subpoenaed documents relating to the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. Fox News has published a “rocky history” of contempt charges Congress brought against various individuals.
House Judiciary Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) has reportedly scheduled a vote Wednesday on whether to hold Barr on contempt, according to Fox News.
In doing so, Nadler may be laying the unintentional groundwork for backlash, since the Gallup survey on Trump’s popularity was taken in the days after release of the Mueller report. If the public perception of Democrats acting as obstructionists increases, it might only improve the odds of Trump’s re-election next year.
Last week’s economic news with its good jobs report only helps the president.
Then there are the Democrat challengers, al 22 of them, taking potshots at the president in an effort to get a headline here, a soundbite there, or maybe a segment on late night television. Monday’s release of a sweeping gun control agenda by New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker reminded American gun owners how important it is for them to vote next year, and not for a Democrat.
As noted by Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, not a single Democrat contender has denounced Booker’s gun control scheme, which would mandate licensing of gun owners on a five-year schedule, ban so-called “assault weapons,” repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) and support so-called “red flag” laws. Gottlieb called the Democrat’s silence “alarming” and Booker’s plan “disturbing.”
While recent history shows the president is not so-inclined, it might just be his best course of action heading toward re-election to simply let Democrats talk and act, so voters can see and hear for themselves.
Should President Trump squash the Democrat’s anti-gun speech early or let it continue so American’s can see the party’s true stance on guns and the Second Amendment as we know it? Share your answers in the comment section.
About Dave Workman
Dave Workman is an award-winning career journalist with an expertise in firearms and the outdoors. He is the author of several books dealing with firearms politics. He has a degree in editorial journalism from the University of Washington and is a lifelong Washington resident.
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I think most gun owners already know the Democrat Party platform concerning guns. There’s no surprises there, nor any advantage to allowing the Dems to wail and gnash their teeth (continue to push) over more useless Gun Control. I’m not a Conspiracy nut, but, SOMETHING, or SOMEONE is pushing a whole lot of idiot people into becoming murderers! Gun Control will always seperate our population, especially since the Media is Anti Gun, and continually throws gun abuse in our face. There are always poor, misguided people who are easily swayed by circumstances. The problem is that these people have no concept of respect, nor responsibility.