For the third time this year, the city I call home has issued a lockdown order. This morning, to bring home the point, my tether, AKA cell phone, received an Emergency Stay At Home Order. An order; not mandated by law but bestowed upon me by the ever-reaching tentacles of fear-mongering Canadian Government officials.
For years, the world has ragged on the United States. Patriots are depicted as mentally unstable citizens of a nation whose best days were long ago. The Coronavirus fiasco has driven home the fact that nothing could be further from the truth.
Last week, I watched the Texas Rangers home opener against my hometown Blue Jays on television. The stadium was packed. An estimated forty-thousand were in attendance, most of which refrained from wearing masks.
What did I feel while watching America’s pastime? Pride. I felt honored to have attended college in the U.S., and a sense of hope coursed through my veins.
Sovereign citizens took a stand. They united. They showed those with perceived power what can happen when people band together in opposition to tyranny.
Naturally, many leftist media talking heads denounced the act of solidarity as ignorant, reckless, even dangerous.
Countless virtue signalists on social media drew lines in the sand, blindly siding with mainstream media’s stance. These individuals are quick to adopt whatever the popular opinion may be. Most of the time, it is not done out of principle but for self-interest.
They embrace the popular paradigm to feel part of something, for fictitious “likes” on varying social media platforms from people they’ve never met. A byproduct of the times, no doubt.
In Canada, it’s even harder to share an opinion that doesn’t mesh directly with the Liberal worldview. When lockdowns become implemented, most individuals all too willingly comply.
In Quebec, an 8 pm curfew is now a reality. Say those words aloud a few times. Imposed; lockdown; curfew; order. See anything troubling?
One can pinpoint a generation by shedding light on the vernacular at that moment. Highlight the words people use, and generally speaking, you get a portal into that time, at that moment.
In the past thirteen months, the world’s lexicon has transformed. Collectivism is applauded. Critical thinking and objectivity grow increasingly rare.
There’s a hive mind phenomenon at play, and this only paves the way for more of our freedoms to become relics – antiquated phantoms from a time long passed.
In these dark times, I look to my southern neighbors for solace. Optimism fills my bones. The fog of confusion is starting to lift. Daily, more and more individuals are taking back control.
Elected officials are scrambling. Their playbook is exposed. States like Texas and Florida are only the beginning. Change is in the air, and it’s about time.
Create a problem. Cause confusion. Inundate with fear. Offer a solution. Gain compliance. Not anymore. Not when freedom-loving Americans unite and vow to take back what is rightfully theirs.
Perhaps it was just a ballgame, a mirage, false hope. I like to think it was a beacon of hope. A flashpoint moment we all needed to believe better days lie ahead. Don’t wait for the situation to change. Change it yourself.
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Today I read that the “pathologists” have waffled on the death of Mr. Floyd, attempting to assure that he will be labeled a hero and martyr. Then I see that “the most popular president in history” has determined that “the Second Amendment” is not absolute and is going to issue Executive Orders to negate it. To put the cherry on top, I also read that Mr. Biden is working on ways to “pack” the Supreme Court. My question is, can Kristallnacht be very far away. The 20th of January of this year will be “celebrated” as the death of democracy.
On November 9 to November 10, 1938, in an incident known as “Kristallnacht”, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht, also called the “Night of Broken Glass,” some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps.
I will look into this now.
Thank you for the education @Dale2
One nail definitely in the coffin on January 20th, but don’t lose all hope. That’s what they want @Moonpup
Thank you for that, today I was about as “vexed” as I’ve been since the fake results of the “election” were posted. I won’t be losing hope but I’m wanting to find a way to do something about the “State of the Union” that is within the bounds of the law. One thing I know is that I shall never vote for another Dimocrat, while there are good people in that party, the old expression, “If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.”, comes to mind.
Take some of that stimulus money and go purchase a gun! Add one more NIC check to the already overloaded system. I did ! Hey Biden thanx for the Gun Money !