The Daily Wire recently took a scathing verbal swipe at anti-gunners. The anti-gunners seemed to have rushed to exploit the recent shooting at a gamer gathering in Jacksonville, Florida. The assertion is that anti-gunners use such incidents to advance their political agenda before all the facts come out. “Predictably,” the Daily Wire observed, “pro-gun control politicians and activists instantly politicized the shooting before any details were confirmed by law enforcement officials, because it is often in that window of time—when the facts are unknown—that gun control advocates are able to advance their agenda the furthest.”

That premise was explored in a book titled “Dancing in Blood: Exposing the Gun Ban Lobby’s Playbook to Destroy Your Rights,” co-authored by gun rights advocate Alan Gottlieb.
The shooting, which left two people dead and others injured by alleged gunman David Katz, 24—who then took his own life—happened just two days before Tuesday’s primary. CBS News noted that the gubernatorial race could be influenced by the incident.
The deadly shooting raises issues about gun control and how it once again failed to prevent a tragedy.
According to published reports, Katz had some serious mental issues—a fact that seems to be fairly common among mass or would-be mass shooters—and he had been hospitalized twice. Still, Katz was reportedly able to purchase two handguns legally in Maryland, a state with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. All of this was detailed in a Seattle story. But did he really purchase the guns “legally,” that is, did he lie on the Federal Form 4473 about his mental health history? The 4473 asks (Question 11.f) “Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?” Is being hospitalized the same as being committed to an institution?
The shooting occurred 48 hours before the Tuesday gubernatorial primary in Florida and CBS News, which said gun control has become a “key issue” for voters in that state. Floridians still are coping with the mass shooting in February at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.
There are reports that the mall where the shooting occurred is a so-called “gun free zone” but it appears Katz was in violation of more serious laws, such as carrying concealed without a license.
There is also a law against homicide in Florida. That didn’t prevent the shooting, either.
Many people have speculated about the reason behind the shooting, but so far there is no definitive motive. Because the killer killed himself, authorities may never now.
If none of the aforementioned laws that were broken by Katz stopped him, what makes the anti-gunners think yet another would? Share you analysis of the state of mind of the anti-gunners and their response to these tragedies in the comment section.
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Dave Workman is the Senior Editor at the Liberty Park Press.
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[…] Did Anti-Gunners Move Too Quickly? […]
Like all the others (democrats, liberals, and socialist) that want gun control and open boarders, until one of these same people that jump on these band wagons and tries to head off into the sunset. These same ones, if one of them or a family members are killed (GOD forbid) by an illegal alien that is carrying an illegal firearm then they will see a true need for closed boarders and the 2nd amendment. But, when that happens watch and see how fast they change their minds and how quick they will want justice. Until that happens they will be doing the same old thing.