Did Anti-Gunners Move Too Quickly?
The Daily Wire recently took a scathing verbal swipe at anti-gunners. The anti-gunners seemed to have rushed to exploit the recent shooting at a gamer gathering in Jacksonville, Florida. The assertion is that anti-gunners use such incidents to advance their political agenda before all the facts come out. “Predictably,” the Daily Wire observed, “pro-gun control politicians and activists instantly politicized the shooting before any details were confirmed by law enforcement officials, because it is often in that window of time—when the facts are unknown—that gun control advocates are able to advance their agenda the furthest.” [Read more…] about Did Anti-Gunners Move Too Quickly?
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Anti-Gun Meltdown After Kansas Politician Drives in Parade With Replica Gun
Republican Kansas governor hopeful Kris Kobach said, “[He won’t] back down in the face of a snowflake meltdown and outrage culture” after being criticized for riding in a jeep mounted with a replica of a large gun at a parade on Saturday according to Fox News. [Read more…] about Anti-Gun Meltdown After Kansas Politician Drives in Parade With Replica Gun

Anti Gunners: Use Any Tactic That Will Win
The American Spectator on Wednesday published a scathing analysis of recent school shootings and the Left’s knee-jerk response that takes the Obama administration’s education secretary to task for his “shoot-from-the-hip” reaction to the Santa Fe High School shooting in Texas. [Read more…] about Anti Gunners: Use Any Tactic That Will Win