The American Spectator on Wednesday published a scathing analysis of recent school shootings and the Left’s knee-jerk response that takes the Obama administration’s education secretary to task for his “shoot-from-the-hip” reaction to the Santa Fe High School shooting in Texas.

Former education chief Arne Duncan’s suggestion that no student attend school “until gun laws change to keep them safe,” says the American Spectator piece, authored by Chris Talgo and Justin Haskins, “embodies the ‘action for the sake of action’ mentality that so often follows in the wake of heartbreaking school violence.”
Talgo and Haskins are with the Heartland Institute, described by Wikipedia as “an American conservative and libertarian public policy think tank founded in 1984 and based in Arlington Heights, Illinois.”
Some of their observations could have come from P.J. O’Rourke, who is credited with this observation about liberals: “At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child—miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic, and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
If simply passing gun-control legislation worked, then those cities and states with the strictest gun laws would be the safest, and the evidence shows they clearly aren’t. Don’t believe us? Go ask the people of Chicago’s South Side whether they think gun control has worked in their community. Or take a few minutes to examine the crime statistics in states such as Idaho or New Hampshire, where guns are readily accessible and gun-related homicides are relatively rare.”—Chris Talgo and Justin Haskins, writing in The American Spectator
Apparently, it is also a philosophy of public disarmament. Talgo and Haskins note how anti-gunners leap to exploit such tragedies as school shootings.
“Gone are the days of respecting the grieving process for victims and families,” they write. “Now, everything is said and done for political gain, and it happens almost immediately after a tragedy—especially when guns are involved.”
The American Spectator piece says something that Second Amendment activists better take to heart: “anti-gun groups will use whatever tactics necessary to ‘win.’”
Right now, for example, Florida high school student-turned-gun-control-activist David Hogg is spearheading an effort to register teens to vote this fall, according to the Associated Press. The goal is to replace politicians “beholden to the National Rifle Association” with people friendly to gun control; i.e., people “beholden to” the gun prohibition lobby exemplified by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety and Seattle’s Alliance for Gun Responsibility.
But Talgo and Haskins are on to them.
“Student-led’ protests and Duncan’s call for a nationwide school boycott this fall to spur legislators to pass gun control laws are disingenuous and put the cart before the horse,” they write. “The student-led protests are little more than AstroTurf shenanigans perpetuated by the anti-gun lobby, which uses students as pawns to garner attention and sympathy.”
Gun control is on the front burner in Washington, Oregon, and Illinois where proponents think it will be a useful political tool in November.
If rights activists intend to protect what’s theirs this fall, they need to get busy now.
Do you have Second Amendment or news about the efforts of anti gunners in your area? Sound off in the comment section and share it.
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Dave Workman is the Senior Editor at the Liberty Park Press.
I am aghast at the thought of a young kid, David Hogg, with but one world experience, being able to convince anyone that preventing citizens from defending themselves and placing millions at potential risk , in an unproven attempt to make a just few safer, is a good deal.
I have spoken to some fathers and a mom or two about guns in school to protect the kids, and it been difficult to find any happy medium. We all agree not all teachers should be armed, Mrs. K is a great teacher, but not built to take a life while Mrs. R with an Army background is capable of suppression fire at minimum which is awesome. Our school is fully engaged by providing door locks that restrict access regardless of firepower, a layout that limits “corral” effects for hallways. But I do feel that if the state would allow a course to enhance my CCW to carry outside dropping and picking up, and with my swing shift job, I would volunteer time to walk the grounds and be at minimum a show this area is not as soft, and deter an idiot from thinking of anything. I know school shootings are rare but why make it easier for murderers to kill while good parents would help the school for free. I love my guns, train with them and really any ammo protecting kids is NEVER expensive.