News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
Rob a Gun Store? Really?
Well, this thug found out the hard way. Watch as this gun shop robber gets way more than he planned for in a case of swift justice.
Jimmy Groover faced no charges for pulling the trigger in self-defense.
When two armed men walked into Dixie Gun and Pawn to rob the store they were in for quite a surprise.
The armed men with weapons drawn on the store clerks found their match. In a flurry of crashing bullets one robber is shot dead on camera. The other robber fled in terror from these would be victims turned heroes gave these bad guys a dose of street justice.
The moral of this story is never try to victimize a gun shop. You certainly won’t find what you’re looking for.
Armed Citizen Shoots, Kills Active Shooter At Tulsa Shopping Center
A dramatic shooting was stopped on Friday night, March 27, 2020 at a shopping center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This attack fits the definition of what could have been a mass public shooting: a shooting in pubic that did not involve some other type of crime. Without the permit holder there to stop the attack, it could have resulted in multiple deaths.

Tulsa Police responded about 6:30 p.m. Friday to the 5300 block of North Peoria Avenue for a reported shooting. . . . [The shooter] has not been identified as of Friday night.
A man with a concealed carry permit reportedly told arriving officers that he shot the woman after she started shooting at customers outside the shopping center…
The concealed carry permit holder reportedly returned fire and was later questioned and released at the department’s detective division.
Video reportedly showed the woman was involved in an earlier altercation in the parking lot. The woman left the shopping center and returned about three minutes later, when she pulled a gun and opened fire, according to the news release.
The concealed carry permit holder reportedly returned fire and was later questioned and released at the department’s detective division.
Who knows how bad this could have been if an armed citizen was not around to stop the shooter before she actually hit anyone? Sadly, because she didn’t actually kill or injure anyone, this story isn’t of nearly as much interest to the media, and this story will get virtually no national news coverage because there wasn’t enough carnage inflicted. The media would much rather talk about lives lost than lives saved.
Even locally, the story isn’t really getting a lot of attention. There was a brief write up in the local paper and a short segment on local news channels, but that’s about it. Granted, this wasn’t a situation that called for hours of live, uninterrupted coverage, but this story is just as important as it would be if the suspect had actually taken any innocent lives, and it’s worth far more attention than what its received so far.
In fact, one Tulsa news station managed to report on the story and completely miss the fact that an armed citizen saved lives. From KTUL-TV:
Tulsa police say a woman has died after a shooting in north Tulsa Friday evening.
According to investigators a man shot and killed the woman near East 54th Street North and North Peoria Avenue.
Police say it was all caught on security footage outside a local store in the area and that’s why they now have the suspect in custody.
KTUL’s story makes it sound like this guy just walked up to the woman and shot her, and was then taken into custody. There’s no mention of the fact that the woman was shooting at customers, the man was a concealed carry holder, or that he was questioned and released by police with no expectation of an arrest.
This is journalistic malpractice at best, and an outright deception at worst. From what the Tulsa Police are saying, it sounds like this armed citizen deserves a medal. KTUL’s reporting makes it sound like he deserves to be locked up. Hopefully the station will update their story, but for now their report stands a stark reminder of the media’s failure to treat stories of armed self-defense with the same attention they give stories of murder and mayhem.
Do you have a story of armed good guys that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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