With stunning videos surfacing on numerous social media platforms, France is on the cusp of civil war. It begs the question, what caused this sudden violence?
In short, the fatal police shooting of a teenager during a traffic stop in a Parisian suburb.
The slain seventeen-year-old victim has yet to be identified with only his first name released as ‘Nahel M’. Based on available information, the teen was a racial minority and his identity may have played a role in why he was gunned down by police.
When news broke of the incident, the public outcry was immediate. Soon afterwards, protestors took to the streets to demand justice for the slain teenager. As I type this, France continues to fall apart at the seams. This has shades of George Floyd written all over it and we all know how that played out in the summer of 2020.
Two policemen on motorcycles spotted a Mercedes with Polish plates speeding in a bus lane. Turning on their sirens, the policemen caught up with the car at a traffic light. Three young men were occupants.
One of the officers told the driver to stop, but the Mercedes pulled away. At that time, the police pursued and notified their unit by radio.
Moments later, the vehicle came to a stop in heavy traffic, at which point both officers dismounted their motorcycles and approached with weapons drawn. They demanded the driver to turn off the ignition, but the car moved forward.
One of the officers fired, fatally wounding the driver in the chest. The car ran into a roadside barrier and one occupant fled on foot; the other was arrested.
CCTV footage is said to refute initial claims of imminent threat by both officers on the scene.
Furthermore, the passenger arrested claims one of the officers hit ‘Nahel’ with the butt of his gun. He goes on to say that at this point, the second officer also hit the driver at which point the first officer again struck the teen.
According to the witness, the blows left Nahel “stunned”, causing him to take his foot off of the brake and the car to move forward. It was at this moment that one of the officers fired his weapon, striking the driver in the chest and killing him.
The officer in question has been charged with homicide and is in custody. The victim had no prior criminal record but was said to be known by police.
Many believe the unrest currently unfolding has long been in the works. These individuals cite racism as a serious social issue within France.
Since 1850, France has experienced a substantial flow of immigration. For the better part of the 20th Century, France was championed as the most accepting European nation when it came to immigrants, including political refugees.
However, at the turn of the 21st Century, attitudes started changing. Some voiced opposition to immigration, particularly for individuals migrating from Northern Africa. Most of these anti-immigration views were targeted towards Arabs and those from Northern African countries.
A recent poll found that 30% of French people think that North Africans “are more likely to commit crimes than members of other ethnic groups”.
Compounding the situation is the Government’s unique choice not to utilize the term racial minority.
France only recognizes rights in the context of citizenship and human characterization. Confused yet? Unlike many European nations that recognize the existence of minority ethnicities, the French do not.
In simplest terms, assuming one is Algerian and immigrated to France, the individual is no longer considered Algerian. Instead, he is referred to as a Muslim. I know it’s loaded but when race and ethnicity are involved, things usually are.
By pressing immigrants to assimilate into France, the Government willfully overlooks some of the trappings that can arise from being a racial minority. Utilizing simplified criteria glosses over the prejudice, lack of opportunity, and racial profiling many minority members face daily.
I’ve been to France twice. My first visit was in 2000 after graduating from University, and my last was in 2015. The country looked starkly different on trip two. The same architecture traced back to the Renaissance, Baroque, Medieval, and Romanesque periods was there. However, I couldn’t help but notice the influx of Muslims.
Worth mentioning, I have nothing against Islam or Muslims. I am simply relaying what I witnessed while on my travels. I make this statement explicitly due to our culture’s propensity to take things out of context in 2023, AKA cancel culture.
In Europe, there’s been a record influx of asylum seekers fleeing conflicts in Syria and other predominantly Muslim countries. This wave of Muslim migrants has sparked debate about immigration and security policies throughout Europe. In America, the same can be said about the mass migration of Latin Americans.

These occurrences have compounded an already contentious racial situation. What we’ve witnessed play out in real time this past week is a testament to this. An entire populace of French society is demanding change while average citizens and businesses pay the price.
It’s long been said that America is destined for another civil war and that when it happens, it will spell the end of this glorious nation. Many of the movies in Hollywood hint at this through the storylines they present. It’s called predictive programming and if you’re a sovereign American with a brain, chances are you already know this.
Consequently, the present unrest in France is a perfect illustration of why The Second Amendment is priceless. Peruse the internet and check out the several videos taken inside France. You’ll witness animalistic behavior by individuals seething with rage – think the chimpanzees at the beginning of 28 Days Later…
We are emotional creatures who can do some pretty terrible things when passion and dogma supersede reason. Imagine for a moment that you call Paris home. Now, picture a scenario where ‘protestors’ encircle your home with cries of retribution. Their major gripe – the color of your skin.

What do you do? How do you protect loved ones when a bloodthirsty mob beats down your front door with thoughts of revenge? This exact scenario is what thousands of French are currently facing. Without the Second Amendment, they are helpless and reliant on law enforcement to protect them. The anti-gun does everything under the sun to sway one from seeing this reality.
When chaos comes, and rest assured it will, having firearms to put down potential threats is the only tangible solution. Anyone telling themselves otherwise is diluting the self. If you think you can reason your way out of the clutches of a violent mob, think again.
Note: there is a theory gaining traction that the skirmishes within France and sweeping throughout Europe are the work of George Soros. The belief is that these occurrences were expertly devised by the Hungarian-American with the goal of achieving anarchy throughout the world. Once accomplished, the United Nations Police will sweep in to re-establish order. Their blueprint centers around order through chaos.
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