In remarks reminiscent of the promises of a former president who assured Americans they could keep their doctors and health care plans, Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. Eric Swalwell brought his gun control demagoguery to Debate Night No. 2, insisting, “Keep your pistols, keep your rifles, keep your shotguns, but we can take the most dangerous weapons from the most dangerous people.”

Near the end of Thursday evening’s “top tier” debate between candidates—an evening that saw front-runner Joe Biden pounded by Sen. Kamala Harris on the race issue—the question of guns was raised and several Democrats took the bait. Thursday night’s debate drew a larger audience than the Wednesday evening session with lower rung candidates.
Swalwell stuck to his gun control scenario of getting citizens to surrender their so-called “assault weapons” in a mandatory “buy-back” that amounted to forced surrender of firearms in exchange for payment. He talked about frightened children with rhetoric that would scare any youngster, explaining how—as reported by ABC News—“parents now send their kids to school remembering what they’re wearing ‘in case we have to identify them later.’” He hasn’t changed his focus since mid-April when Ammoland profiled his proposal.
Sen. Bernie Sanders chimed in, declaring that the United States is experiencing a “gun crisis” and vowing that he would ban the sale and distribution of “assault weapons.”

Harris declared she would “give the United States Congress 100 days to pull their act together, bring all these good ideas together and put a bill on my desk for signature, and if they do not, I will take executive action and I will put in place the most comprehensive background policy we’ve had.”
South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, citing his military service in Afghanistan, remarked, “As somebody who trained on weapons of war, I can tell you that there are weapons that have absolutely no place in American cities or neighborhoods in peacetime. Ever.”
Biden’s contribution was little more than a cliché, “If more guns made us safer, we would be the safest country on Earth.”
The former vice president also insisted that “smart gun” technology should become mandatory.
“We should have smart guns,” Biden stated. “No gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger. It’s within our right to do that; we can do that. Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA — the gun manufacturers.”
It was an extension of the anti-gun-rights rhetoric during the first evening debate in Miami between the “lower tier” candidates, which suggested to rights activists burning up social media that none of the candidates understands that the Second Amendment protects a fundamental right rather than a regulated government privilege.
It amounted to more regulations, more restrictions and more demonization of firearms. And it rang hollow with Second Amendment activists.
The election is 16 months over the horizon. Between now and then, all of these Democrats will be traveling the country trying to sell themselves, and their programs. When it comes to selling gun control, they will soon discover that rights activists from Kotzebue to Key Biscayne aren’t buying.
Did you watch the debates? Do you believe the Democrats will support or attempt to weaken or repeal the Second Amendment, especially after Swalwell declared ‘Keep Your Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, But…’?
The Second Amendment Foundation is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.
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Not today, not tomorrow not ever, will I turn in or surrender my guns to the Govt or Mr swalwell. It’s the 2nd amendment for a very important reason to protect the 1st and all the others. These people aren’t Democrats there F%%king socialists that have taken over the party. MOAN-ABE You want them come and take them.
And we can keep the most dangerous people from becoming the dictators they think they will be. Swalwell, you stupid and you will have to kill me and a lot of others to get my guns. So come on and do your dirty work, Oh! you believe you will be safe behind your Antifa. Stupid is as stupid believes!
Regarding the comments above, from political/presidential aspirants, who the devil might it be that winds these clowns up? I use the term “clowns” in deference to readers of more gentle persuasion.
“Do you believe the Democrats will support or attempt to weaken or repeal the Second Amendment?”
They have the blueprint – THE NY SAFE ACT – They will implement it federally.
All firearms do NOT “ENABLE THE CAPABILITY” intended in the Second Amendment.
A citizenry can not SUCCEED in fighting to defend it’s freedoms armed with handguns and shotguns.
If Semi-automatic AR/AK type rifles and standard capacity magazines are outlawed – AND SURRENDERED TO THE GOVERNMENT*** – the balance of power is FIRMLY TIPPED TO GOVERNMENT ADVANTAGE! The American Citizenry NO LONGER possesses “THE CAPABILITY” to defend it’s freedoms.
*** The NY SAFE Act has a 4% compliance rate. American Gun Owners who are UNFORTUNATE enough to live in THE GREAT SOCIALIST STATE of NY are NOT surrendering the Second Amendment to these PROGRESSIVE SCUMBAGS!
PS – A socialist state REQUIRES a disarmed citizenry.
A government can not tax a 70%-90% – tax gasoline to $8.00-$10.00 a gallon under the guise of fighting “climate change” – take free choice away – deny the constitutional rights that MATTER in trade for powerless alternate lifestyle “allowances” – demonize a “people”, culture, and nation to favor a “New Global Multicultural Future” – tell everyone IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT TOUGH SHIT! – AND GET AWAY WITH IT – IF THE CITIZENRY THROUGH SHEER NUMBERS OUTGUNS THE GOVERNMENT!
They WILL keep pushing till “push comes to shove”.
We WILL be needing those rifles.
THEY know it.
It is why they work RELENTLESSLY to deceive the majority of citizens that are TOTALLY IGNORANT about firearm and ballistic capability, to believe that outlawing AR/ AK type semi-autos and standard magazines is a “REASONABLE COMPROMISE”.
In reality – IT IS THE ENDGAME!
Swalwell is so full of c–p like every other liberal commie democrat running for president. Don ‘t listen to his bull s–t. Gun control is the ruse, what they really want is gun confiscation. I suppose Veterans will be considered dangerous people, after all Bolshevik Feinstein stated all veterans have PTSD. I don’t have PTSD and Feinstein is f/in paranoid. Veterans are considered dangerous people, to the liberal commie democrats, Veterans have prior weapons experience, what a better way to lead the charge if the democrats bring on a 2nd American Revolution, than to have Veterans leading that charge.
Modus Operandus of the Typical Communist Totalitarian RAT!!,……Lie to the People,…..Disarm the People,…….. and Subjugate the People!!,…….With out the 2ndA, ……the People can not fight TYRANNY!!,…Defend the Republic and our Constitution!!,..