When President Joe Biden was sworn into office in January of 2021, many pundits warned there was little chance of him actually finishing a term inside the Oval Office. Such proclamations were met with skepticism by the left – mere conjecture construed by Republicans to diminish Biden’s influence while President.
Fast-forward two years, and it looks like someone had a crystal ball.
With each passing day, Biden’s time as President seems destined for an unceremonious end. For those not in the know, Biden is accused of leaving classified documents in his Delaware home.
As early as last weekend, the White House admitted up to six classified pages were found inside Biden’s residence. The irony surrounding this news is Biden’s own criticism of former President Trump allegedly housing secret documents at his Margal-a-Lago estate.
How quickly the tides change.
Suddenly, it’s Biden and the Democrats who find themselves under fire. The controversy surrounding this story is nowhere near over. Some are formulating theories as to what really is going on here.
Joe Rogan, the man behind the most popular podcast on planet Earth, dropped his own theory last week.
Rogan believes everything is not as it seems. In his estimation, Dems are aware of Biden’s unpopularity. It’s probable that once the Presidential Election in 2024 rolls around, Biden and the Democratic party will get trounced at the polls. What better way to avoid this from happening than by preventing it in the first place?
Imagine if Biden were forced to leave the Oval Office. Vice-President Kamala Harris would take his place, and suddenly the narrative would shift to one where a woman would be championed for being the first female leader of the free world.

Moreover, this would likely spike the Dems popularity throughout the Union; any ‘feel-good’ story would supersede Biden’s dismal performance as Commander in Chief. The economy, the state of our southern borders, and our blind support of Ukraine while Americans starve at home; such stories would take a backseat with Harris as President.
Regardless of how this plays out, expect more stories intended to divide.
When we are busy fighting one another, we are less prone to set our sights on the real culprits behind the dismal state of our lives.
TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram – such platforms have a penchant for delivering content that depicts humans against humans. Is this coincidence? Of course not.
There is a grand design at play and only when you acknowledge as much, do the clouds of uncertainty part.
We are born into debt bondage. We waste our lives chasing things we don’t even need. The more we work, the less time we have to enjoy our finite time in this world with those who matter most. In our hearts, we are aware of this and this is why there is so much anger and resentment permeating waking life.
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has no end in sight. In fact, all signs indicate it is ramping up. Inevitably, other countries will be drawn into the skirmish which will lead to a large-scale war affecting all corners of the globe.
Compounding the Baltic unrest is the happenings in Iran. 2022 saw the longest-running anti-government protests since the 1979 Islamic revolution. The internet is full of hive-mind virtue signalists’ denouncing the current Iranian regime. This, of course, is done mostly by individuals who probably can’t even point Iran out on a map.
Earlier this week, a Russian-born professional Hockey player refused to participate in a warm-up skate before puck drop in a game between the Philadelphia Flyers and Anaheim Ducks. Why? Players wore rainbow-coloured jerseys in support of the LGBTQ community. Provorov, an Orthodox Christian, cited his religious views as the reason why he boycotted the skate.
“I respect everybody’s choices. My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion”, Provorov was quoted as saying after the game.
Naturally, Liberals throughout the world pounced on this story the moment it happened. In 2023, if one holds a differing view from that of mainstream media and the Left, hate is spewed in their direction. They are ostracized, shamed, and wrongfully convicted of committing a crime in the court of public opinion.

Consequently, this sort of backlash negates others from taking a stand that differs from the masses. This almost always leads to a society void of freedom – covert censorship follows suit while democracy suffers if not disappears altogether.
Despite this perilous situation, there is always hope. Many of Provorov’s teammates, as well as other players and coaches throughout the league, supported Provorov’s right to choose. These individuals operate from an axiom of logic; just because a professional athlete chooses to boycott a pre-game skate due to religious beliefs, does not mean the person in question is a hateful bigot.
However, a simple query on a platform like Twitter will illuminate social justice warriors salivating for any chance to prove how together they have shit. Naturally, this has a cost. Should you hold a differing view than the leftist mob, expect a sling of hateful arrows flung your way.
Welcome to 2023.
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