Having been in the Outdoors industry for two decades, I have had a bird’s eye view of the ebb and flow of Second Amendment support. Most gun owners I’ve met believe in personal freedoms. When that comes to corporations however, the decision to suspend or halt sales of certain items has often earned the ire of the gun owning community. Each business must weigh its corporate social responsibility to the community to potential repercussions from the consumer. Formal boycotts, social media rants, and the choice to take consumer dollars elsewhere as a form of silent protest are the norm, and that is simply due to a business’ decision of whether to carry a certain product or line of products. Dick’s Sporting Goods is one of the latest examples, but Dick’s has far surpassed a simple decision to not sell particular items.

Dick’s Sporting Goods Decisions
Dick’s Sporting Goods made the decision after the Sandy Hook tragedy to stop selling Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) in its Dick’s Sporting Goods stores, but continued sales in its 35 Field and Stream branded stores. Yesterday, Dick’s came out with the following press release that not only announces the decision to discontinue selling MSRs in all of its stores, but sadly, Dick’s went much further. The press release brands MSRs as assault-style weapons and goes on to say it will implore lawmakers to make MSRs illegal, ban high capacity magazines, and bump stocks or similar accessories or components that could allow a shooter to increase a firearm’s rate of fire.
Here is the official press release from Dick’s.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
We at DICK’S Sporting Goods are deeply disturbed and saddened by the tragic events in Parkland. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims and their loved ones.
But thoughts and prayers are not enough.
We have tremendous respect and admiration for the students organizing and making their voices heard regarding gun violence in schools and elsewhere in our country.
We have heard you. The nation has heard you.
We support and respect the Second Amendment, and we recognize and appreciate that the vast majority of gun owners in this country are responsible, law-abiding citizens. But we have to help solve the problem that’s in front of us. Gun violence is an epidemic that’s taking the lives of too many people, including the brightest hope for the future of America – our kids.
Following all of the rules and laws, we sold a shotgun to the Parkland shooter in November of 2017. It was not the gun, nor type of gun, he used in the shooting. But it could have been.
Clearly this indicates on so many levels that the systems in place are not effective to protect our kids and our citizens.
We believe it’s time to do something about it.
Beginning today, DICK’S Sporting Goods is committed to the following:
- We will no longer sell assault-style rifles, also referred to as modern sporting rifles. We had already removed them from all DICK’S stores after the Sandy Hook massacre, but we will now remove them from sale at all 35 Field & Stream stores.
- We will no longer sell firearms to anyone under 21 years of age.
- We will no longer sell high capacity magazines.
- We never have and never will sell bump stocks that allow semi-automatic weapons to fire more rapidly.
At the same time, we implore our elected officials to enact common sense gun reform and pass the following regulations:
- Ban assault-style firearms
- Raise the minimum age to purchase firearms to 21
- Ban high capacity magazines and bump stocks
- Require universal background checks that include relevant mental health information and previous interactions with the law
- Ensure a complete universal database of those banned from buying firearms
- Close the private sale and gun show loophole that waives the necessity of background checks
We hope others join us in this effort to let our kids know that their pleas are being taken seriously.
Some will say these steps can’t guarantee tragedies like Parkland will never happen again. They may be correct – but if common sense reform is enacted and even one life is saved, it will have been worth it.
We deeply believe that this country’s most precious gift is our children. They are our future. We must keep them safe.
Edward W. Stack
Chairman & CEO
DICK’S Sporting Goods
Ultimately, public sentiment and consumer dollars will be the best indication of whether the CEO’s impassioned explanation will be received positively or negatively. The purpose of the article is not to argue one way or the other. Instead, the purpose is report relevant Second Amendment news and provide a forum for discussion on the merits, or lack of, Dick’s decision. I am sure I could predict the feelings or point of view of The Armory’s readers on this point, but we want to hear from you.
Since Dick’s already stopped selling MSRs as a reaction to a previous event, will this decision make a difference to you? Does it matter that the CEO has vowed to “implore lawmakers” to ban MSRs, high capacity magazines, bump stocks, and impose further restrictions on background checks, the legal age to own a firearm, and more. Share your answers in the comment section.
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So if you only sell to one 21 of age. Why then do we have 18 yr olds signing up for war. It’s still not the guns or style here. Let address the real problem. Who did it an the people who had a chance to change the event, that didn’t. Talk about a miss directed cause an fight. It really exposes their true agenda
Cute isn’t it, what a bunch of jackwads they are.
I fully agree.
I agree with Denis. If your old enough to serve your country you should be allowed to purchase a firearm provided you pass the background requirements. As far as the shooter goes there were several red flags leading up to this but the local law inforcement, mental health and FBI failed to do anything. The local sheriff was caught in a lie about the number of calls and should resign in disgrace for inaction. The type and style of firearm this guy used doesn’t matter , he supposedly used 10 round magazines but when people are unarmed they’re at a disadvantage no matter the gun used. As for Dick’s trying to be politically correct that’s their prerogative but i believe the 2nd amendment helps protects the 1st amendment and I intend to exercise my right by purchasing elsewhere and I have to applaud the great state of Georgia for taking away Delta’s fuel tax incentive for their knee jerk reaction.
In conclusion I would incourage anyone that is a law abiding citizen that owns firearms and care’s about the 2nd amendment to consider joining the NRA.
I have never been a big fan of Dicks and it looks as though they are living up to their name. I’ll never shop in any of their stores again.
Like politicians using dead bodies of those we love in order to take political sides and enjoy advancing their careers on those who are in the grave, it is appalling and dispicable that CEO’s will not stop doing the same in order to advance sales of their products and their detestable names. Here we have more proof of liberal minds thinking, which is a travesty in and of itself because they really have no mind.
It sounds to me like Dick’s does have a problem with the 2nd amendment, it says we need well armed militia to protect against an over powering government. What does Dick’s want us to arm our selves with, sling shots. Personally I will not be shopping at any of there stores.
It was bad enough that this misguided CEO took legal long guns off the shelf and changed the age requirement for purchasing any long gun, he had the nerve to ask for legislation to ban a popular rifle and magazines. I hope these same young Americans do not enter their stores until long after their 21st birthday for any product. Your liberal hatred towards the 2nd Amendment is noted.
Morons at Dick’s . I as a sportsman purchased health equipment, sports equipment to include fishing and target shooting. This is the straw that broke the camel’s back.BOYCOTT THE DICKS!
I am done with Dicks and Field and Stream, I will take my business elsewhere
Urge lawmakers to “ban” “high capacity magazines” (these are regular capacity)” “assault style firearms”????? Is your name Obama, Hillary,? Once again the firearms and their components did not initiate any harm, There are laws in place to prevent tragedies, only the failure in accountability of designated agencies contributed to the execution of these tragedies. I am sickened by your path of least resistance politics. You have just lost a number of very valuable customers due to your spineless response to current events.
Using bias liberal statistics 7 children and teens die from gun violence each day. However 11 are killed every day from texting while driving! Why are you not pushing to prevent teen cellphone use? For 8 years the Obama administration did nothing to protect our schools. Instead they harassed law abiding citizens to push the political agenda.
I own a number of military style rifles and am a law abiding citizen. One of the problems is our HIPPA law. It keeps the mental records away from the institutions that need to see them on an individual. Your not going to solve anything unless these records can be seen at the time of the background check.
After Sandy Hook I have never set foot in a Dick’s or Field and Stream. I have a memory, no amount of convenience or great deal will ever entice me to shop there. The same is true for Cheaper than Dirt, Springfield and Rockriver Arms there are consequences for actions that undermine the 2nd Amendment and their supporters.
Looks like Dick’s and Field and Streams just became bullet stores. Probably won’t last long like that. Just say’en.
Anytime you have a retail outlet ‘self-banning’ the sale of a particular item or items due to the socio-political pressure being applied and demanded by ‘activist’ groups of any kind…the agenda and ideology of that group has become stronger and our freedoms weaker. I understand, ‘I think’, why Dick’s has done this, but if it was done for ‘political correctness’ and pressure from any ‘activist group…Dick’s will, possibly, lose a tremendous amount of sales. I know that I will never shop there, again, as long as this is their policy.
My fellow freedom loving Americans I beg you, PLEASE help each other boycott these a%$holes. If we dont match their energy behind this antigun movement we are DONE. PLEASE use your dollars elsewhere. Its not hard. Inform your friendsand family to do the same. We cant just sit back and hope it will die down. Its different this time. Help me start a “NO COMPLY” movement. Let our lawmakers know we have had enough! The time to act is now. Please my fellow Americans, let this burn in your soul, this IS a war against our rights, are you going to let these parasites clip your nuts. Lets show them they messed with the wrong bull. This is the day our founders warned us about. Pick up the phone and call your representatives, do anything but sit and watch it fade away. Your children will thank you.
Well since Dick’s Sporting Goods is obviously NOT a supporter of our Second Amendment Constitutional freedoms, I encourage true 2A Patriots to make their position known by not giving another dime of their hard-earned money to such a enterprise! Possibly another large (or local) businesses are in need of our financial support?
It is their prerogative to determine the merchandise they offer, but likewise when they take a stance firmly in opposition of Constitutional Freedoms it is our prerogative NOT to support their financial business…they have now become the “Dixie Chicks” of the sports industry!
GUNS DON’T Shoot people nor do matches start forest fires etc,, WAKE UP PEOPLE WE MUST KEEP ALL OF OUR ARMS..
Well, in keeping with their new “Social Conscience”, I propose that Dicks Sporting Goods Stores, in all their iterations, take the following stance. SInce MSRs are now, to them, “Assault Rifles”, they should not sell any caliber of ammunition that is currently chambered for these rifles! After all, if you won’t sell the rifles, why feed the chambers of those already in circulation? That means no more 308Win, .243, 6.8, 7.62X39, 5.45X39, 5.56MM, .223 Rem, 12GA, .45ACP, .40S&W, 9MM, .50 Beowolf, even the little .22RF. I’ve probably missed a few, but, well, hell, why don’t Dick’s take responsible stance, and just quit selling ANY ammunition! And, since we are on the subject of Political Activism, why not just stop selling ANY guns, period! After all, isn’t the end game of the Anti gun people, total confiscation of ALL guns? I could go on and on about Sniper Rifles (Grandpa’s old .30-06 deer rifle), or weapons of mass destruction (shotguns, of all calibers), but, I think you get the picture! Dick’s Sporting Goods should be responsible, and stop selling any guns OR ammo to everybody!
If you own a store that sells guns, rifles, or any other commodity, you can decide to who and to whom you want to sell to. This is their right and as an American you have that right. Right now, everyone is acting, unfortunately in an emotional state, not with a very clear head. Emotions are hard to control. I do not agree in what happened to those school children (I have 11 grand-children who are in school) and I would be the first in protecting them from any harm. I feel for those parents who lost their children. I wish I could do something to bring their sons/daughters back to them. Our country is in need of fixing; too much hate and too much disorganization; too much “fake” news. I do not agree that everyone should have an AR-15 and as a hunter, gun collector and one who loves guns, I believe everyone has a right to buy what you like. However, I do believe we need to enforce our present gun control laws; perhaps better back-ground checks. I would not mind waiting a couple of days to get cleared in order for me to get a new or used gun. I have nothing to hide. My purpose in getting a gun, rifle, ammo, etc., is for my enjoyment and certainly not for harming other fellow citizens or killing animals for the sake of killing them (except maybe a snake). Yes, a gun, rifle will be used for defense purposes but I hope that particular episode will never occur. But back to the question if I agree with Dick’s Sporting Goods decision not to sell the AR-15; they are in their right, otherwise this would not be America. Attitudes about guns are deeply embedded in our American way of life. Nobody really knows the actual number of guns owned. I am of the opinion that even those who are against guns, at one time or another, their relatives or other family members from the past had guns and were part of their daily life. But in those days, the father and mother had control of their families.
So just how many mass shooters bought their own guns before 21? If I was under 21 I would sue for violation of Constitutionally protected rights civil rights. The Constitution does not limit a citizens rights to those over 21! If you can Vote, and serve in the military with guns you should be able to buy them, so you can keep and bear them.
Now why don’t we stop traveling in airplanes, when one of those crashes it usually kills several hundred people. This is so stupid to stop selling MSRs because some deranged kids buy one and goes one a mass shooting spree. Start enforcing the gun laws we have and maybe this might not happen again.
I think it’s time all sportsman should shop somewhere else for all of their sporting needs. That includes, fishing, camping, boating hiking, baseball, football etc.
The last thing we need is Dicks becoming another governing body of the people, we have enough problems in that department already.
Dick’s Sporting Goods, they got the dick part right!!!
I will never spend another dime at Ducks. I support the 2nd!
Spent 22 months in a combat zone, before I was 21.
82 YR Old Former Marine, 100% PT, wheelchair bound, and PROUND of my service!!!
If you don’t RESPECT my 2nd AMENDMENT rights, don’t expect any money from my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is Dick’s right to stop selling MSR’s and to people under the age of 21. It is our right not to support such a business with our dollars. The sides are being drawn up by companies and our federal and local governments. I believe it is now time for us to see this and declare ourselves. We may not be able to stop the inevitable but we can sure do what we can to keep our rights.