Man Allegedly Hiding Drugs In Backside Accidentally Shoots Himself In Testicles
I must admit, FOX News originally ran this story. At first, I thought it was simply too good not to share. I mean, this is cosmic justice for a career criminal. Then, I thought about it a bit more and realized that it is also the type of story that, unfortunately, gives law-abiding gun owners a bad name. Yes. Although he is a career criminal, an armed bad guy, it will give the law-abiding guns a bad name. Stories of negligent discharges such as this are, and will in the future, be used against us by the anti gunners. It is not right or fair; they will not spend any time to discover the details of how this nimrod who was legally forbidden from owning or possessing a firearm magically ended up with a gun in his pants. Instead, it will go down as a statistic of a “gun owner” mishandling a firearm and shooting himself. This is another area where, we as gun owners, need to combat the misuse of information that is erroneously used against us.

A bungling felon from Washington state made a series of blunders when he shot himself in the testicles and tried to hide the weapon — all while storing drugs in his anus, a report said Wednesday.
Cameron Jeffrey Wilson, 27, was carrying a pistol in his front pocket while in his Cashmere, Wash., apartment on April 5 when the firearm accidentally discharged and pierced his groin and thigh, according to the Wenatchee World News.
Wilson, who is a 13-time convicted felon, told his girlfriend to dispose of the weapon before heading to the hospital, the paper said.
As he was being processed at the Chelan County Regional Justice Center, Wilson was strip-searched and another balloon of marijuana slipped from his anus, the paper said.
While in jail, Wilson made a number of calls to his girlfriend and asked her not to cooperate with investigators working on his case. Authorities were listening in on the calls.
The convicted felon was charged with possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of meth, possession of a controlled substance in a correctional facility, and four counts of tampering with a witness.
Wilson was being held on $110,000 bail and is due in court on June 18.
With any luck at all Darwinism will prove itself through the criminal’s instant vasectomy and keep him from future contributions to the gene pool—for the sake of the Second Amendment and society.
You be the judge. Is this a story you would share to social media? Is it a story or statistic the anti gunners would try to use against us? Is there a way we can separate acts from armed bad guys from armed good guys in the statistics? Share your answers in the comment section.
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I have a simple question:
What sort of society are we where a THIRTEEN TIMES CONVICTED FELON is walking the streets and not locked away?
You would think after a few convictions he would learn. 13 times is ridiculous. Where is the 3 strikes rule in his case? This proves that people who can not LEGALLY own a firearm still get their hands on them. Laws only effect those who obey them, and the law abiding people ARE NOT the problem.
Good for him. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Sometimes Karma is wonderful.
Darwin strikes again!
Well, let’s hope this turd hasn’t already knocked up half a dozen stupid Liberal wome, or frozen his “stuff”! darwin have taken a stand with this one…