The 2024 Election looks like a one-horse race with Donald J. Trump easily taking the New Hampshire primary earlier this week. Should Trump get a second term as President, it begs the question: what does it mean to the average gun owner?
Trump’s Record
The former President is a NRA [National Rifle Association] member. Trump has repeatedly said that he and his family are staunch supporters of the Second Amendment. Is he pandering to his base for votes, or does the Billionaire’s track record prove he’s really pro-gun?
Back in the Day
You might be surprised to know that in 2000, Trump penned a book entitled The America We Deserve. In it, Trump wrote the following:
“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons, and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.”
Ironically, when it came time for his first presidential run, Trump backtracked his previous sentiments. In a speech given at the NRA, Mr Trump vowed to protect the Second Amendment if elected.
He double-downed this sentiment by pushing the government to expand gun rights for law-abiding Americans. Trump aligned with the belief most gun owners have concerning gun-free zones; they’re disasters that invite mass carnage for evildoers with nothing but murder on their minds. Sure, good on paper but put into practice, a downright failure.
Trump Owns a Gun
The Republican frontrunner is a gun owner and has a concealed-carry permit. Moreover, Trump’s gone on record many times stating that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
But, what does the man’s time in office prove when it comes to guns and gun owners?

For starters, the biggest contributor to Trump’s first bid for the White House was the NRA. According to several publications, the NRA spent upwards of $30 million to elect Trump.
Moreover, he was the first sitting President since Reagan to speak at the national NRA Convention. Findings such as these lend credence to the belief that Trump is pro-gun and will do his part to protect gun owners from sweeping gun reforms the Left covets.
Trump’s First Term + Guns
During Trump’s first term, several mass shootings in American schools occurred. When such tragedies occur, the first narrative to pound the airwaves is the demand for sweeping gun reform.
Worth mentioning that Trump did not cave to the growing cries for gun control. Instead, the President boldly held a position that the issue in the US is not gun-related but mental health-related. This sentiment is valid, and the more one studies mass shootings, the more obvious it becomes that mental instability is the leading cause of these heinous acts.
On the surface, Trump’s stance appeared to be a win for the pro-gun lobby. However, the video below highlights a starkly different position by Mr Trump.
Despite What Trump Says, Be Weary
You live long enough, and you learn to focus on the actions of an individual rather than the words they spew. The fact is, Trump is not that different than your average politician. He says what he believes the masses wish to hear. As soon as his objectives are met, he’s liable to quickly retract what he previously sold as gospel. This isn’t unique to Trump. A public official at any level quickly learns the best way to remain in power is to be pliable.
Trump’s No Idiot
Contrary to how MSM wishes to depict the man, Trump is intelligent. If elected to a second term, one would think he’ll do better at wading through the murky waters DC has to offer. It’s a known fact the man took some heavy hits during his first Presidency. Specifically, he looked inept and naive throughout the early stages of the novel coronavirus. However, if he can learn from past mistakes, Trump will prove to be a far more apt President than the incumbent Joe Biden.
In short, if given a choice between Biden and Trump, as a gun owner, it’s no choice at all. Democrats have proven time and again that their endgame is the disarmament of all Americans.
Election Years and Guns
Historically, election years bode well for gun manufacturers. Gun sales tend to rise and there’s no reason to think 2024 will play out differently.
The sentiment in the Union is that civil unrest could sweep through the country regardless of who wins the election. In such a scenario, it behooves one to own a firearm or two. When faced with a threat, dialing 911 doesn’t miraculously teleport an armed officer to your door. In the end, the onus is on the individual to defend themselves.
The Left Will Demand Gun Control
Consequently, demands for gun control by the anti-gun establishment take no vacation. These individuals mask their true motive; to disarm every last one of us in the name of bettering society.
Yet, anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows society is infinitely safer when its citizens own and know how to properly use a firearm. One can muddle the issue as much as they desire, but no amount of propaganda by the Left rids evil from the world. I’m with Mr Trump; the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with one.
Should Americans trust Trump? That’s a loaded question. However, I can say with the utmost confidence that we can’t trust the current Big Guy in office.
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