At some time earlier today, varying news outlets of the dying legacy media faced facts and officially announced Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States of America.
What was labeled as a neck-and-neck race for weeks proved anything but, as Americans flocked to the ballots to have their voices heard. Below is a timeline of yesterday’s events unfolding through your narrator’s eyes.
The day we’ve all been waiting for is here. Millions of Americans are casting their votes today to see who the 47th President of the US will be.
According to political pundits, the legacy media, and even alt-right personalities, this race is too close to call. The Union is as divided as ever, and so are the citizens of this once shining beacon of democracy.
Consequently, if asked who wins with a gun pointed to my head, my answer is Donald J. Trump.
Assuming that the polls and visuals offered up by the likes of CNN, MSNBC, and even FoxNews are bullsh*t, my barometer to pick the victor is my eyes.
Trump is a pariah, yet he galvanized throngs of Americans like no other politician in American history. We call this the ‘eyeball test’. Use your god-given peepers objectively, and the truth shall reveal itself.

Simply put, the visuals from each candidate’s rallies couldn’t be more different.
Trump’s gatherings, no matter where, looked like a peak Rolling Stones concert, while Harris’ came off as staged get-togethers by a party desperate to sustain four more years in the White House.
In short, Kamala Harris lacks the charisma and confidence Trump innately relies on.
Since Harris was ushered in as President Biden’s last-minute replacement to represent the Democratic Party, we’ve been sold a white-knuckle narrative between rivals.
Note: Their debate was surprising to some. Harris did quite well, better than expected, coming off as composed, almost Presidential at times.
Yet, when asked about her intended policies, she delivered her well-documented ‘world salads’. Overall, even the right will admit behind closed doors that the outcome was better than expected for Harris and company.
One thing we’ve learned with Trump is the unreliability of polls with his supporters.
One reason is the belief that Democrats are more willing to participate in surveys than their Republican counterparts, particularly with Trump on the ticket.
The general archetype posited is that Democratic Americans tend to be more trusting and willing to answer a phone call or text from a pollster.
In contrast, pro-Trump Americans’ innate distrust of American politics is well documented. The messaging under Trump has been one of anti-system, at times bordering on conspiracy theory.
As a result, pro-Trump Americans are naturally skittish when it comes to anything the mainstream political system ushers out. There’s a chance many of the polls we’ve seen leading up to the election haven’t factored this phenomenon into play.
For the first time in decades, more Americans identify as Republican than Democratic. This may come as a shock to some, but this is what happens when the left pushes ridiculously leftist policies.
Under the Biden administration, wokeism and cancel culture crept inside our schools, places of employment, and even places of worship.
Hence, scores of Americans align with many of the ideological beliefs Trump champions. The ideological pendulum is in constant motion, and it appears it’s swinging to the right after four years of absurdist leftism.
‘Pennsylvania is the key to victory for both candidates’.
News outlets keep singing this like I’m at an Italian play, a mere boat ride to Sicily. Battleground states GA NC PA is ‘too early to call’ also headlines all news outlets covering the election.
I flip to Fox and it’s more of the same. It hits me how much this experience rivals the typical American ritualized sporting event.
Fox declares Arkansas Trump’s, routine as your suburban mall food court. It’s still early, so I take our dog for a walk.
CNN has Harris up 54% to 44% in Michigan. Still, a headline in red and white claiming it’s too close to call in several key battleground states. The likelihood of a winner being declared seems unlikely, so I draw a bath and soak aching, aging muscles.
And then, it hits me in the bath.
How could I doubt the outcome leading up to tonight? The photographs of the candidates on varying news outlets bombard my brain.
The state of the world, the growing unrest, and America’s declining influence are random thoughts playing like a motion picture.
There’s an ideological war underway, the East versus the West. Ironically, seventy years after the beginning of the Cold War, little has changed.
Using this catharsis as my north star, I realize there’s no way those in power allow Kamala Harris to represent America against world leaders like Vladimir Putin and China’s President Xi Jinping.
It would be like sending a JV football team to Dallas and expecting them to beat the Cowboys [though the Cowboys are awful this season].
Strip it all away, and Harris is a lawyer. Her headshot on TV solidifies this.
In contrast, the former President cuts a striking image. Love or hate him, it’s tough to refute you notice Trump when he enters a room. Consequently, uncertain times for America mean the time for strong leadership is now.
Under the current administration, the US appeared weak. With Trump calling the shots, rest assured our counterparts are standing on notice.
MAGA is here to stay; instead of discrediting it as dogmatic vitriol, perhaps liberals would fare better if they asked why?
Why are so many Americans distrusting Washington, D.C.? Why did African American men vote overwhelmingly in favor of Trump? How come Harris’ so-called Blue Wall crumbled like the Three Little Pigs?
In the end, Americans proved they had enough of legacy media’s attempts at thoughts-control. The left went so far as to compare Trump to Hitler; absurd.
Consequently, the Democratic Party finds itself at a crossroads. Trump not only won the electoral vote, but he’s also the first Republican to win the popular vote since Bush Jr. in 2004. This wasn’t a victory; it was a demolition.
It’s a good day for America. Soon, we can go to the grocery store again.
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