2024: National Polls, AKA, Thoughts Control
Polls this week have Harris holding a +3 point lead over Trump. These averages are based on state and national polls across various polling sources.
However, many are calling the reliability of such polls into question, calling them gross fabrications by the Left designed to make Harris appear more popular than she really is; AKA predictive programming.

Predictive Programming is a theory that the government or other higher-ups use fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events.
These poll results would fall under a mass mind control tool to make Americans more accepting of a Harris Presidency.
Better the Devil You Know Than…
When Trump was President, tightening our borders while flexing our military chops was his general M.O.
We’re the biggest, baddest kid on the block and we know it and we’re done apologizing for it.
From killing the Iran nuclear deal to how he handled a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, enough time has passed to scrutinize Trump’s first term as commander-in-chief. His shortcomings were plentiful and the never-ending controversy surrounding the man could get tiresome.
Nonetheless, the prosperity America enjoyed during his tenure is undeniable. In addition, the Russia-Ukraine War and the ongoing turmoil in Gaza happened after Trump — occurrences Trump and Republicans don’t miss any opportunity to mention.
Madame President…
Breaking down Presidential Candidates comes down to several topical questions including:
The Economy — Will I be able to feed my family, pay my bills, and fill my car with fuel?
Foreign Policy — Are our boys and girls deployed in any wars?
Abortion — Does a woman have the right to choose?
Crime — Am I safe with you calling the shots from the White House? Are we going to coddle criminals? Or, is the punishment going to fit the crime?
The Second Amendment — Are you going to abide by what our forefathers drafted or call for sweeping gun reform?

As for Harris, some of her ideological views, like defunding the police in American cities, are troublesome. She has also held some questionable attitudes when it comes to firearms, once pushing for the mandatory buyback of banned assault rifles, a nicer way of saying the confiscation of guns.
Her handlers are doing their best to erase some of these “progressive views” from the past, a logical strategy to bolster her chances of winning.
What the Polls Don’t Show
There is a group these polls don’t account for; the closeted Trump voter. These individuals mask their approval of Trump to avoid being cast a certain way.
Warranted or not, a pro-Trump stance opens the door to conflict. Wear a MAGA hat through any shopping mall north of the Mississippi, odds are confrontation finds you more than once. Some Americans know this, so they willingly withhold their support for the man.
We’ll let the proverbial chips fall as they may to see who earns the right to steer the nation through the latter part of the decade. In the meantime, brace yourselves; it’s bound to be a bumpy ride.
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