Accuracy in Handguns
Over the decades, I have researched handguns and used the terms practical accuracy, intrinsic accuracy, and absolute accuracy. Firing from the benchrest is important and always interesting. However, absolute accuracy isn’t as important as the practical accuracy we may coax from a handgun. [Read more…] about Accuracy in Handguns
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Round Butt vs. Square Butt (Revolvers That Is)
When choosing a double-action revolver, the shape of the handle makes a great deal of difference. The primary difference is between round and square butt grip frames. Smith and Wesson offers only one grip frame (round) in modern revolvers, while conversion grips allow the use of either round or square butt grips. Understanding the how and why of grip design will allow you to make the best choice for different chores. [Read more…] about Round Butt vs. Square Butt (Revolvers That Is)
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Finding Order With a Gun Addiction
I think “order” makes for a better level of life. I like to have my projects laid out in advance and work on them in the order they meet the deadline. This keeps the editor and I on a first name basis. By the same token, I like getting paid on time and I have rooted out from my list of companies those that do not pay on time, or don’t pay at all, or make mistakes that make us all look dumb—as my favorite editor reads this he is amused. While all that is fun to talk about, this article is about managing my gun addiction. [Read more…] about Finding Order With a Gun Addiction
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Smith and Wesson Versus Colt — Old Iron at its Best
When Samuel Colt invented the revolver as we know it, he turned the handgun world on its nose. Most handguns were horse pistols or pocket guns similar in design to rifles, they were simply shorter. The Colt revolver had to be designed to stabilize the firing hand to allow thumb cocking and to present the sights for proper aiming. Either way, this article details Old Iron at its best! [Read more…] about Smith and Wesson Versus Colt — Old Iron at its Best
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The 10mm — Powerful Pistols and Revolvers
The past few months have been good to the 10mm cartridge and 10mm pistol fans. While sales and popularity of the .40 Smith and Wesson seem to be slipping, the 10mm is enjoying a comeback. New pistols including the Kimber Custom II, the now well-established Ruger SR1911, and even a double-action revolver have been met with enthusiasm. [Read more…] about The 10mm — Powerful Pistols and Revolvers
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Review: The RIA 10mm — The Commander With No Name
Some time ago, the 10mm cartridge hit the ground running and enjoyed a flash of popularity. Soon after, the 10mm was eclipsed by the .40 Smith and Wesson cartridge. The 10mm was kept going by a small, but loyal base. However, the 10mm is enjoying a credible comeback. Recently, the RIA crossed my desk, and I could not wait to get to the rage for a test run. [Read more…] about Review: The RIA 10mm — The Commander With No Name
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Gun Test: Heritage Rough Rider
For many of us, the .22 revolver is an inexpensive handgun to coax young shooters into safe handling and marksmanship. While I like a high grade .22 revolver as much as anyone, a handgun that costs less than $200, but delivers good service, is appealing. The Heritage Rough Rider is among these. [Read more…] about Gun Test: Heritage Rough Rider
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The New, Less Expensive Ruger 10/22
Hard on the heels of the Ruger Wrangler revolver, Ruger has introduced a more affordable version of the 10/22 self-loading rifle. The new rifle, SKU 31139, is intended to retail for less than $200. This is the same reliable 18.5-barrel 4.5-pound rifle as before, but without sights and a rather plain vanilla plastic stock. A sight rail is included. [Read more…] about The New, Less Expensive Ruger 10/22
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Colt AR-15: Trail-Dirty Deeds and Off-Road Shooting
K-Var Armory offers several variations on the Colt AR-15 rifle. While I have my favorites, any of the Colts will give long service in the harshest environments. It is like the old question, Do you know the difference between an elephant and an ant? An ant can ride an elephant. Many companies have done the AR-15, and some have done it well, but the Colt is still the one that all others are judged by. In fact, in my humble opinion, the Colt kicks most competitors in the teeth! [Read more…] about Colt AR-15: Trail-Dirty Deeds and Off-Road Shooting
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Dry Firing: Target Accuracy Made Easy
We hunters spend hours and dollars trying to improve our chances for bagging that next buck, bear, or bunny. Scientists have now discovered ways to do that for fewer dollars. True! We can now train with our rifles for less than pennies a day. One technique, in fact, costs nothing but time. And it’s time well spent. [Read more…] about Dry Firing: Target Accuracy Made Easy
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Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
When it comes to rifle shooting, fast hits are what counts in hunting and personal defense scenarios. When sighting in the rifle from the benchrest, we have all of the time in the world. Recently, I sighted my personal M1A1 with Leatherwood scope in from the rest and enjoyed 1 MOA groups with Federal MSR Fusion ammunition. However, I cannot expect a fraction of this accuracy when firing off hand at the 100-yard line, because you do not have the same opportunity to stabilize your rifle—or do you? [Read more…] about Hits Count — Stabilize Your Rifle
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Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
We had been talking about going hunting for 6 months. It all started one night when I opened the freezer and asked my girlfriend what she wanted for tomorrow’s dinner. She pointed at a freezer bag of “beef” and asked, pot roast? I replied that the roast in question would probably make a better venison roast. Her eyes got big; she smiled, and then asked if all that meat was venison? The conversation sidetracked into a discussion about deer and hunting, and how she had always kind of wanted to hunt, but no one was ever willing to take her. [Read more…] about Mentoring: Her First Deer Hunt
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The Skill of Rifle Marksmanship
The primary goal of marksmanship is being able to hit what we are aiming at. Your purpose may be simple target shooting, hunting, or personal defense. Whatever the goal, a great deal of practice is needed. For most of American history, rifle marksmanship has been an essential skill, and it remains so today. [Read more…] about The Skill of Rifle Marksmanship

TruGlo Red Dot Sights: Affordable Quality
For general-purpose use such as hunting and home defense, there is the TruGlo Red Dot. This value option is easy to use well, great for beginners, effective for home defense, and affordable. I own more than one and keep one mounted on my home defense shotgun. [Read more…] about TruGlo Red Dot Sights: Affordable Quality

The 7mm Remington Magnum Cartridge
The 7mm Remington Magnum or .284 caliber rifle cartridge has proud origins. The 7x57mm Mauser cartridge is a mild mannered loading with modest recoil and excellent accuracy. It is quite a game taker at moderate range. A great advantage was that the 7mm cartridge, even at modest velocity, shot flat and featured excellent penetration. [Read more…] about The 7mm Remington Magnum Cartridge

Review: Fiocchi 22 LR — First Class Plinking and Hunting
When I am shooting on my own time and my own dime, most of the shooting is that pastime called plinking—most often with Fiocchi 22 LR. I am fortunate to have plenty of dirt clods on a berm and I also use clay birds. I do not use the time proven tin can so much these days. I use paper because Birchwood Casey offers so many variations. [Read more…] about Review: Fiocchi 22 LR — First Class Plinking and Hunting

Canada Goose Becomes 12-Pound Meat Missile
Waterfowling is a sport enjoyed by millions each year. For some, the start of duck and goose season is akin to an outdoors religion. However, hunters often forget the ramifications of Newton’s Law of Gravity—Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that every mass attracts every other mass in the universe, and the gravitational force between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In layman’s term, a flying Canada goose to the face really hurts… [Read more…] about Canada Goose Becomes 12-Pound Meat Missile