Last week, K-Var’s The Armory ran an article regarding the U.S. Army’s release of 100,000 M1 Garand rifles to the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP). Several of you expressed great interest in owning one of these fine shooting pieces of history and requested that more details be forwarded along as soon as they became available. Here is the full story straight from the CMP.
Per the newly completed and signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the U.S. Army and the Civilian Marksmanship Program, M1 Garands will be limited to eight per calendar year, per customer. The CMP considers any item containing an M1 Garand receiver with a serial number to be an M1 Garand and will deduct from the eight M1 Garand rifle limit per year.
In the past several years, the M1 Garand, regardless of condition, has become a very hot collectors’ item and sound financial investment. The popularity of the M1 Garand continues to grow as hundreds of new Garand “Fun” Matches are being held all across the USA each year.
Over the past 65 years, most M1 rifles have been arsenal rebuilt, refinished, rebarreled or repaired at least once and often several times. Most will show signs of service (often considerable) and replacement of various parts. They are seldom encountered with all original parts and original finish as delivered from the manufacturer. Such “original” rifles, even in well-used condition, are highly prized by collectors.

Each M1 Garand rifle sold by CMP is an authentic U.S. Government rifle that has been inspected, headspaced, repaired if necessary and test fired for function. Each rifle is shipped with safety manual, one eight-round clip and chamber safety flag. Orders are filled on a first-come first serve basis. Rifles of all grades are packed for shipment purely by “luck of the draw”. Rifles do not have import marks. Prices are subject to change. If price has changed after an order has been received, customers will be notified before new prices are charged. Free Shipping except Puerto Rico and PO Boxes–Contact CMP for additional S&H. Click here for ordering information.
Important: If your State or locality requires you to first obtain a certificate, license, permit, or Firearms Owner ID card in order to possess or receive a rifle, you must enclose a photocopy of your certificate, license, permit, or card with the application for purchase. Rifle shipments to NY and NJ must be made to a state licensed dealer. You must provide a copy of the dealer’s license with your order form. Rifle shipments to CA must be made to a State licensed dealer or may be made to individual homes, providing that a CA Certificate of Eligibility and a Curio and Relic License are provided. Rifle shipments to CT must be made to licensed or dealer or may be shipped directly to the customer if a C&R license is provided.
As a result of CT Bill 1160 and Bill 13-220 , which revised CT Bill 1160, all CT customers purchasing rifles to be delivered in CT must have the rifle shipped to a CT licensed dealer or must provide us with a copy of their current Type 3 (C&R) FFL license. We can ship directly to a customer’s home if they possess a C&R license.
NY, NJ, and CT customers who have already mailed their rifle orders to CMP should provide with dealer information or order cancellation instructions. Information can also be faxed to 256-835-3527 or mailed to CMP Customer Service, (Attn: FFL Order), 1401 Commerce Blvd., Anniston, AL 36207.
Garand Manufacturers – SA (Springfield Armory), HRA (Harrington & Richardson Arms, IHC (International Harvester Co.), WRA (Winchester Repeating Arms)

CMP Garand Grading Criteria
Rack Grade: (FAIR)
Rack Grade Rifles. Most of these rifles have been refinished or rebuilt at least once while in military service and will likely have some parts from other manufacturers. Rifle wear will be exhibited by worn and mixed colors of the finish; there may be some minor pitting on the metal parts; wood will be basically sound but may be well used with minor hairline cracks, poor fit, and many digs, scratches and gouges; wood may not match in color, type of wood or condition. These rifles may have some foreign parts and wood may be Walnut, Birch, Beech or other variety. Rifles do not have import marks. Bores will be generally good with only minor imperfections; the barrel crown may be nicked, and the muzzle may gauge more than “3” on muzzle gauge. The Throat Erosion will gauge more than “5.” The overall appearance and condition of the rack grade will generally be rougher than any other grade. Fair condition.
Manufacturer selection only guarantees the receiver was produced by the manufacturer listed. The barrel and the other parts may have been produced by other manufacturers.
Field Grade: (FAIR TO GOOD)
Field Grade Rifles. Most of these rifles have been refinished or rebuilt at least once while in military service and will likely have some parts from other manufacturers. Fair to good condition. Rifle wear will be exhibited by worn and mixed colors of the finish; may have pitting on the metal parts; wood will be basically sound but may be well used with minor hairline cracks, and many dings, scratches and gouges; wood may not match in color, type of wood or condition. These rifles may have some foreign parts and wood may be Walnut, Birch, Beech or other variety. Rifles do not have import marks. Bores will be generally good with only minor imperfections; the barrel crown may be nicked, and the muzzle may gauge more than “3” on muzzle gauge. The Throat Erosion will gauge less than 5 – well within US Army standards. Do not expect rifles in mint condition in this grade.

Manufacturer selection only guarantees the receiver was produced by the manufacturer listed. The barrel and the other parts may have been produced by other manufacturers.
Service Grade: (GOOD TO VERY GOOD)
Service Grade Rifles show less wear and better appearance than Field or Rack Grades. Good to very good condition. Rifle wear will be exhibited by worn and mixed colors of the parkerized finish. May have pitting on the metal parts. Wood will be either Walnut, Birch, Beech, or other variety and will be basically sound but may have minor hairline cracks, dings, scratches and gouges. Wood may not match in color or type of wood. Wood may be of new production but may be used and show signs of wear on Service Grade Garands. Bores will be generally good with only minor imperfections. The barrel crown may be nicked, but the muzzle will gauge “3 or less” and the throat erosion will gauge less than 5.
Manufacturer selection only guarantees the receiver was produced by the manufacturer listed. The barrel and the other parts may have been produced by other manufacturers.
CMP’s new grade of M1 Garand. This rifle consists of a new production stock and handguard set with CMP cartouche, a new production barrel and new web sling. Receiver and most other parts are refinished USGI, but some parts may be new manufacture. Receiver may have pitting (as seen in the picture below). See item for details.
Correct Grade Rifles are similar to the Service Grade (above), but will show less wear and use. Correct Grade rifles will have all correct parts for the date of manufacture with 80% or better overall original metal finish. The stock and handguards will be of walnut and correct for the rifle but will have some dings, dents, scratches and marring of the wood finish. Stocks will have the appropriate original inspector’s cartouche. The rifle bore will be very good with no significant defects and with a throat erosion of less than 4 and a muzzle wear of 2 or less. Very good to excellent condition. This grade is rare and is only available occasionally in limited quantities. Because of the scarcity of these rifles, they will only be sold on the CMP auction site at
Collector Grade: (EXCELLENT)
Collector Grade Rifles show almost no wear or use and have 95% or better overall original metal finish. Rifle bores are excellent with throat erosion under 3 and muzzle wear of 2 or less. Collector Grade rifles have all original parts as they came from the manufacturer. Wood will have a few handling marks and minor dings and scratches. Stocks have the appropriate inspector’s cartouche. Data sheets prepared by CMP armorers are included in the butt trap of each Collector Grade Rifle. Excellent condition—little or no use. Limited quantities are occasionally available. Because of the scarcity of these rifles, they will only be sold on the CMP auction site at
Garand options currently available are listed below.
We will add other manufacturers and options as they become available.
Note: Limited Inventory at CMP Stores. If you are looking for a specific rifle, please call ahead or email to see what items are currently in stock prior to your visit.
All Garands, other than plugged drill rifles, are shipped in a CMP hard case. The CMP offers free shipping to the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii. Contact the CMP for additional S&H for Puerto Rico.
Do you own an M1 Garand? Have you ever ordered a firearm from the CMP. Share your answers in the comment section.
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