Let’s face it. If you are reading this you are like over half of Americans, a procrastinator with your Christmas buying. Conveniently, I know a place that works really hard to have lots of cool stuff in stock for that gun loving person in your life.

Your procrastination is going to cost a bit more if you want it to arrive by Christmas, as UPS and other ground services are not guaranteeing deliveries like they normally do. Something about an unexpectedly strong Christmas season and way more packages being shipped. The good news is a strong economy. The bad news is you are going to have to upgrade shipping to get it there on time. Although, I know I have always (as an adult) been very happy to get a card stating, “a gun related present will be a little late” under the tree. For me, that just means an extended Christmas season.
Everyone needs more magazines. For your AR-15, it might be Magpul Gen 3 or 4. Be they the ones with windows or not. There are even Amend2 5.56 Grey 30-round M2 mags on sale for $7.00 each. The sale ends soon. Magazines make such a great stocking stuffer, or as we have done at my house, hide them somewhere and leave a trail of clues the recipient must follow, to find the hidden stash. Perhaps some new mags for their Glock 3-Gun rig.

Magazines are awesome, but they are so much better when they are full of freedom seeds. Perhaps you are filling up those Magpul or Amend2 magazines. Nothing beats some quality .223/5.56 ammo from Silver Bear, such as its 55-grain FMJ for your 3,100 fps blasting needs or some Fiocchi 77-grain Sierra MatchKing for your long-distance varmint eradication needs. Or perhaps, that Glock 17 you use in 3 Gun needs to be fed. Nothing says “Let’s get some serious training in” like a 500-round block. Conveniently, Silver Bear 115-grain 9mm is on sale.
Reloading Dies
Is someone on your nice list getting a new blaster this year? Do they reload? Wouldn’t a new set of reloading dies make them smile? I know I would. Did they get a new .300 Black Out for subsonic hog hunting? RCBS has a great die set. Perhaps they are itching that long distance craving with a new 6.5 Creedmoor, Hornady dies are amazing.

Perhaps you are thinking ahead for Spring Turkey season. That turkey rifle they got last year, just didn’t pattern the way they wanted. Whether it is for the 20 ga- or 12 ga-shooter, there are plenty of choke options to help harvest that gobbler this year.
Gift Card
Of course, there is always the best and simplest option. Get them a K-Var gift card and suggest they spend it wisely on what they don’t really need, but really want. That method saves you the expedited shipping charge for a bulky item and they really truly get what they want. Everyone wins.
What gift are you most excited to give or receive this holiday season. Share your answer in the comment section.
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