When people talk about The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) and SHTF (‘Sugar’ Hit The Fan) scenarios, it’s commonplace to consider what firearms you’ll need. The debate is eternal over which gun or guns would be most useful, but the ultra-reliable AK47 is at or near the top of any credible, well-reasoned list. While an AK is a good start, it is only a start.

I am about to commit blasphemy here, so cover your ears (or eyes, in this case) but even the venerable AK will, and does, break. Whether you are just getting ready for a weekend at the range or prepping for a SHTF scenario, a few spare parts could be the difference between keeping your AK rockin’ and rollin’ or holding a 6.8-pound iconicly shaped club.
AK47 Magazines
Magazines are probably the simplest and easiest replacement part. Whether you are banging away and one runs dry or the magazine malfunctions in some other way, I would recommend a minimum of 6 to 10 spare magazines that have been used and proofed.
AK47 Cleaning Kits
We have all heard the stories of the AK that was buried in mud, dug up, and fired like new. Have you tested your AK by burying it in mud? I have seen it done on more than one occasion. Your chances of digging up an AK and blasting away are about 50-50 at best. That being said, even with a lot less dirt and debris than being buried, the AK does need to be maintained, so having a cleaning kit or two is a must.

The first two items on the list are pretty standard. If you own an AK, I’d be willing to bet you already have both of those covered. But, do you have any replacement parts for the internal components? What about a good set of replacement springs, specific to your rifle? What good would your AK be if the trigger assembly failed? Extractors, bolts, and firing pins will also take you out of the game if they fail.
Perhaps you have experience in the Sandbox or some other exotic country where the locals preferred the AK when trying to kill you. If not, watch a couple of YouTube video from Afghanistan. Look at the AKs the locals are carrying. You’ll see broken handguards, stocks, and foregrips taped up with duct tape. While it may be functional enough to get you through, why not spend $9.99 now and have a spare set on the back of your workbench or in your long-term emergency kit?
Take Action!
Money is tight. I often hear of people with a prepared mindset and an unprepared bank account. I get it. It can be hard to spend a bunch of money on spare parts you hope you will never need—especially when there is ammunition to be bought! However, that’s why this article is so important.
K-Var is running a huge sale on AK replacement parts. Parts that normally range from $20-$60 are being blown out for $9.99!
There isn’t a catch, but you’ll have to pay attention. The sale is going to run multiple weeks, but different parts will be featured each week. For example, this week will be focused on the Russian variants, but the next week may be Yugo or Bulgarian AKs, so keep checking and grab your parts when they are available.
Which AK47 parts do keep in your range box or emergency kit? Share your answers in the comment section.
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I have not begun to get spare parts for my NPAP, other than extra magazines ?, but will after reading this article.. any suggestions for making sure parts work with NPAP?
All man made things break or wear out so it’s a good idea to have a few spare parts. JIC
Love me some Molot FCG’s