BUILD BACK BETTER. Google it. Peruse the internet, accumulate as much information concerning the topic, then make an informed decision as to what it means.
Of late, more websites are sharing videos about the ‘Build Back Better’ initiative that pounded the airwaves in the wake of the novel Coronavirus. When these videos drop, the messaging from countless world leaders like President Joe Biden to Turkey’s Erdogan seem eerily similar. It’s almost like they were reading from the same script [which, I assure you, they were].
Amidst an unprecedented time when the world was in turmoil, why did so many world leaders say the same thing? Was Covid-19 truly as advertised or was there something far more sinister in the works?
To answer such questions, it is important to rewind the tape, specifically to late in 2019 just before the pandemic occurred.
During the latter part of the year, hundreds of thousands of protesters were taking to the streets in Hong Kong and demanded change from the Chinese government. China, known for its all-encompassing censorship, couldn’t keep up with the daily videos.
Advancements in technology have made the world smaller. With a simple click of a button, we now have the ability to upload a video inside the borders of tyrannical regimes for the world to witness.
The 2019 protests in Hong Kong were a perfect example of this phenomenon.

We witnessed first-hand what life inside China was like. No state-sponsored propaganda – only hard truth captured by the average citizen of Hong Kong. Moreover, the more these videos surfaced, the tougher China found it to control the narrative. We all know what happened next.
Usher in a deadly virus stalking the world and suddenly cries for democracy don’t seem as relevant.
Looking back, it’s apparent what sort of playbook was used. Fear; a heavy dose of it. Videos of Chinese citizens falling down mid-walk surfaced on the internet. You have our attention.
Shortly afterwards, more videos of individuals locked down in high-rise apartments, wailing, their cries filling the night. A precursor of things to come in our neck of the woods.
Consequently, time is our staunchest ally when sifting through world events. Even the Good Book states several times throughout that the truth always reveals itself.
As we approach three years to the day since the world ground to a halt, this rings truer than anyone could imagine. We are beginning to uncover the latent repercussions of a pandemic not seen since the Spanish Flu of 1918.
The primary question is who benefited from the Coronavirus?
When seeking answers to this query, it is important to not only focus on capital gains. Ask how your own life transformed. Question the countless mandates those in power implemented. If vaccinated, be honest with yourself and ask if you would have done things differently given another chance. Observe the compliance on display when autocratic mandates were imposed; mass psychosis.
In a matter of months, we went from a democracy to a democrazy. The average person was unhinged at the drop of a hat. Violence was commonplace, as humans turned against one another with divisive messaging as the cause.

This is when some of us started seeing what was really in play. Instead of banding together in the wake of a pathogen waging war on humanity, the narrative became about the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. The media took over and demonized a sect of society who simply exercised their God Given right to refrain from injecting a vaccine that was rushed through the pipeline.
True bloods were painted as selfish, irresponsible, and less than human. Fast forward three years and not only are they human, but they’re also downright prophetic.
News leaks daily of countless side effects from these experimental shots. People are experiencing severe health complications in places where the vaccines were not only pedalled but mandated.
Furthermore, whistleblowers from pharmaceutical companies responsible for these shots are coming forward with earth-shattering accounts. We are learning that the pandemic was planned well in advance and that the vaccines were in trials long before 2020. The makings of some science-fiction novel? I wish. Remember, truth is stranger than fiction.
The rabbit hole is deep – deeper than the Pacific. When on your quest for the truth, be weary of what you digest. Most individuals with a soapbox were compromised long ago.
Alex Jones? Yup. Tucker Carlson? Same story. Personalities brimming with pragma and intelligence, no doubt. Unfortunately, I’ve been around long enough to know that nobody with a platform is as advertised. Query the term controlled opposition and after doing some sifting, you too will get the drift.
On my own journey to achieve a higher state of consciousness, I have uncovered the following immutable truths:
- Nothing in this world occurs by accident; there are no coincidences
- America is run by Big Pharma and The Industrial Complex
- Most wars are completely avoidable but are waged as a distraction and for monetary gain
- Presidential Elections are a farce; all candidates, even Trump, play on the same team; they are part of a club and we are not in it
- Covid-19 was intentional; its main objectives were controlling the masses, forced inoculations, and QR-Codes
- The world is overpopulated; those in power know this and grow weary of the increasing difficulty to control the masses, hence trial vaccines with severe side effects
- The Second Amendment is the last vestige of freedom keeping us safe from evildoers seeking to destroy our very existence
- The 21st Century is China’s the same way the 20th Century was American; they have already waged war on the free world
- Stockpiling on food, water, a generator, and firearms is the most prudent course of action we can take; a cyber attack that will bring the world and economies to a screeching halt beckons; the Great Reset, baby!
- Digital Currency + Digital IDs are incoming; in Canada, they have already arrived
- 15-min Cities are in the works; resist when those in power push their righteousness
Stay vigilant, Patriots! When they push, push back harder.
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