Two editorial columns at opposite sides of the country just drew a line that even the San Francisco Board of Supervisors should be able to see after their unanimous approval of a resolution earlier this week declaring the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization.”

Writing at the Los Angeles Times, senior editorial writer Michael McGough cautioned readers that, “it’s not the business of a county board of supervisors to designate terror organizations.” He didn’t stop there, explaining that the anti-NRA resolution “is particularly inappropriate because it is couched in language that could leave the impression that its declaration about a national issue actually has legal force.”
McGough advised readers to “look for NRA supporters to point to the San Francisco supervisors’ resolution to argue that this and similar bills will threaten the organization and its exercise of 1st Amendment rights.”
Meanwhile, back east at the Washington Post, columnist Henry Olsen came out swinging at liberals who think it’s just peachy to sneer at conservatives without hesitation or interruption.
“Liberals often wonder where conservatives get the notion that they are hated and despised,” Olsen writes. “Wonder no more: Just look at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors’ resolution labeling the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization.”
The resolution is the handiwork of Supervisor Catherine Stefani, who was quoted by KQED News:
“The NRA conspires to limit gun violence research, restrict gun violence data sharing and most importantly aggressively tries to block every piece of sensible gun violence prevention legislation proposed on any level, local state or federal.” Stefani said.
In an interview with KTVU News, Stefani added this: “The NRA has it coming to them, and I will do everything that I possibly can to call them out on what they are, which is a domestic terrorist organization.”
Gun owners read these remarks and two words immediately come to mind: Social Bigotry.
The Washington Post’s Olsen sums it up:
“This is McCarthyism, pure and simple. Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy was rightly condemned for trying to stigmatize the American left in the 1950s by labeling it Communist and ‘un-American.’ McCarthy’s witch hunts destroyed the careers of many people whose only ‘crime’ was supporting a larger federal government and supporting a different foreign policy toward the Soviet Union. San Francisco’s policy toward the NRA commits the same sin.”
Ammoland News’ report on the resolution has gone viral, with dozens of readers weighing in, and their remarks range from amused to appalled.
But some might conclude what Stefani and her colleagues did was provide an opportunity for at least two members of the working press to set a boundary; show readers what crosses the line when discussing philosophical differences with the firearms community’s largest organization.
The L.A. Times’ McGough says the NRA “richly deserves criticism for its role in preventing the enactment of sensible gun-control legislation. The Los Angeles Times put the matter bluntly in an editorial in February: ‘Because of the gun group’s cynical hard-line policies and near-religious embrace of the 2nd Amendment, more and more Americans live at daily risk from gunfire, be it from a random shooter, from an intimate partner or by their own hands.’”
So maybe that newspaper’s editorial board should get part of the blame for stirring animosity for the NRA.
Newspapers are in an awkward position when they find themselves compelled to defend an organization for which they fundamentally have no use other than as a political foil to kick around.
But don’t newspapers exhibit a “near-religious embrace” of the 1st Amendment? If Congress and the California Assembly were treating the First Amendment like they are treating the Second, newspaper editorial pages might be howling for a revolution…at which point they would finally, albeit begrudgingly and reluctantly, understand what the Second Amendment is really all about, and why it, like the rest of the Bill of Rights, must be defended vigorously against ideas such as those put forth by the San Francisco “domestic terrorism” resolution, and against the people who sponsor and approve such demagoguery.
You might expect something like this from the biased gun control of San Francisco, but how do pro Second Amendment supporters educate this idiots and their declaration that the NRA is a “domestic terrorist organization.”
The Second Amendment Foundation is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.
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What’s the number or percentage of NRA members that have committed cimes or are in prison? Whats the number or percentage of illegal’s that have committed crimes or are in prison? Let the facts and numbers decide who the real terrorists are not some incompetent Californians.
Haha! Facts you say…..
Good questions.
Also what is the % of NRA Members that have crapped in Shitcago Streets vs. Illegal Aliens?
San Francisco is so far out of touch with reality that most people understand that this is not to be taken literally. That said, when someone labels a grassroots organization with millions of members a terrorist organization and it is reported in the contemporary media as a serious story there are some serious problems with the media.
Good ‘ol San Franshithole.
Ignorance can be cured thru education.
Stupidity is just bad wiring.
Can we declare San Francisco a Domestic Terrorist organization?
Terrorism? IDK. What they’re doing to children in their grasp is unconscionable. I believe it rises to the level of criminal endangerment and corruption. They ought to be designated child molesters. The effects of their actions have consequences such as gender confusion, eating disorders, depression, social disorders that render them unfit for their roles in a decent society. This all carries on to the next generation as well. They sure as Hell will not be capable of carrying on the traditions and upholding the values and laws that separate our Republic from the rest of the world. And this the obvious goal. The longer people refuse to see these facts, and continue to entertain the madness that comes out of San Francisco, And California at large, the worse things become. And the less chance to be rectified. We need Grand Juries and State Militia’s to take back our Republic from these loons from sea to shining sea. Anything less and you might as well kiss it all goodbye.
McCarthy was right and the liberal commie Democrats of the Democratic People’s Republic of San Francisco are wrong. Democratic voters will believe this disinformation from the corrupt Democratic machine running San Francisco, they are so gullible. The NRA hasn’t condoned or supported violence against anyone. Ask the liberal commie Democratic politicians, condone and support the Fascist group called ANTIFA. The public can have all the polls and studies they want on gun violence, the face of the matter is that these polls and studies are tainted and biased for the gun grabbers and the liberal commie Democrats. This is what communists do. They have to take the guns, in order to fundamentally change America to Obama’s America. The liberal commie Democrats want an America patented after Socialist Europe and an American Govt., run like Communist China. Don’t think so? Nut job Bolshevik Sanders is in love with the Chinese Govt., only the Chinese run their country like the movie 1984
The L.A. Times’ McGough says the NRA “richly deserves criticism for its role in preventing the enactment of sensible gun-control legislation. I have yet to see any “sensible gun-control legislation” even being proposed. It’s always an “all or nothing” type of law being offered and the “nothing” part is what the left wants gun owners to have. Perhaps the most odious suggestion is the “buy back” program where our money is used to “buy” (under forced sale) our own firearms. The only reason for the NRA’s “near-religious embrace of the 2nd Amendment” is because of the left’s unwillingness to discuss anything calmly and logically – as with any other thing with which they disagree, their only “bargaining chip” seems to be the shouting down of the opposition, e.g. acting as little children to get their way.
If push comes to shove, then all those Supervisors will be designated as Domestic enemies of the Constitution, meaning their are guilty of treason. Well, maybe they didn’t have to swear to protect and defend the Constitution when they took the oath of office. Figures – it’s San Francisco, where Pelosi, Feinstein, Harris, and Newsome come from. A country into themselves, which might be OK if they didn’t try to spread their poison to the rest of America.