Twenty years. Two decades. September 11th, 2001, forever etched in our minds as 9/11. The events on that day are the Pearl Harbor of my generation, and the more time passes, the more obvious it becomes that the parties behind the atrocious attacks were not as depicted by mainstream media.
This is a touchy subject for many Americans. The first five years after 9/11, it was downright taboo to even consider an alternative to the narrative.
But, time uncovers all, namely deception; if you were to ask ten random Americans who were behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon, I’m willing to wager fifty percent would reply ‘The Government’, without batting an eyelash.
Let us connect the dots as to what occurred after 9/11.
The U.S. invaded Afghanistan in search of a cave-dwelling Jihadist allegedly behind the acts of terror.
Translation; lithium and poppy fields [used for creating heroin]; Afghanistan has bountiful supplies of both.
Iraq was next on the Deep State’s hit list. Usher in the embarrassing Weapons of Mass Destruction debacle, the suffering of tens of thousands of American soldiers, and for what? Oil.
Sandwiched in between these two absurd military interventions was the passing of The Patriot Act.
This single legislative act was the beginning of the end for America.
The United States was at one time a beacon for all other nations in the world.
However, like any empire, there is always a point when things reach a pinnacle, and a steady decline occurs.
For our nation, this watershed moment was September 11th, 2001.
The NSA suddenly had carte blanche to surveil any American they deemed fit without due process.
Our emails, phone calls, text messages were preyed upon by Government agents.
Infiltrating the lives of everyday, law-abiding Americans became the norm.
One does not simply wake up into an Orwellian 1984 scenario. It is a gradual process that takes time.
Twenty years removed from 9/11, and it we’re nearly there.
Am I naive to think that many countries do not wish for the destruction of our land? No.
Several nations salivate at the thought of toppling our great land. Are their desires credible and founded in reality? Perhaps.
How would you feel if Iraq invaded the U.S., set up its government with puppet politicians, told you what you can and can not do?
Full of resent, I imagine.
This September 11th, it is necessary to mourn the innocent victims who vanished before our eyes; this is our responsibility as Americans.
But, I ask that you remember not all is how it seems.
Television, media, the internet; all of these are weapons of thoughts control.
Push the curtain back and what do you see?
The proverbial Wizard, undoubtedly a Government Operative, whose sole objective is to control us.
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I’m skeptical of all authority:government,media,clergy,medical,business.All of them are only self serving.
The marxists aka democrats and the RINO’s are especially onerous.
As the old rock&roll song goes:”No where to run,no where to hide”
what if I told you there were no planes?