In order to lead, one must have an idea and a method for implementation. There are several things that resemble leadership; but, only one actually is. If you start with an idea, build it, and create a following; that is actual leadership. The process starts with an idea. That idea may be a good one or it may not. An example of a good idea and leadership:

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”
John F. Kennedy at Rice University September 12, 1962
This is an example of someone who had an idea. His goal was to showcase American ingenuity and know how, as well as to beat the Soviets at their little PR game. Kennedy used the bully pulpit to shine a spotlight on space and American technology. He used that spotlight to put the American people on notice and ignite a fire for a cause. Obviously, he did not live to see the cause through. Other people continued the process and we landed on the moon, July 20, 1969. The Soviets still have not made a moon landing.
The other thing that looks like leadership is often better described as demagoguery. An idea starts; especially a passionate, emotionally charged idea and someone runs to the front of the mob, they are not leading. That is what I call front following. They are not leading. They are simply the lead follower of the emotional pull. Their job, as they see it, is whipping hysteria, usually for personal gain. We see a lot of this regarding many progressive tropes, especially after a “trigger event.”
New Zealand is a prime example of this Demagoguery run rampant. In less than a week, the Prime Minister grabbed her pen and phone and banned all military-style long guns. She sensed the hysteria surrounding the mass murder and chose to whip it into a further frenzy. She then enacted “legislation” banning an entire class of guns.
This class of guns will be defined at a later date, as doing that correctly needed careful deliberation. She couldn’t wait to debate the legislation or it’s immediate implementation. That had to be done immediately. The round up began two days after her declaration, despite having no true definition other than the terms: semi-automatic, rifle, and military-style.

“Military-style” has zero actual meaning. If I have a Ruger 10/22 classic, simply removing the stock and replacing it with an Archangel stock kit, it looks like a 4/5th scale AR-15. This makes it look “military style.” It remains a .22LR wearing different furniture. I own several Mosin Nagants. They were the main battle rifles of the Soviets for decades. SMLE’s were the main staple of the British Army for decades as well. I guess they are not going to be confiscated, as they are wooden stocked and bolt action. No one could possibly do any harm with those things. I mean after all, they proved entirely useless during the Russian Revolution and in stopping the Kaiser’s Army in WWI.
Let this be an example of what unfettered progressivism/demagoguery brings. Our crop of progressives is attempting to effectively strip the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights. No, they aren’t attempting to actually amend the Constitution. They can’t muster the votes for that—yet. They are attacking it from the edges in an attempt to de facto, void it. Have you heard of the attempt to add 10 progressive Supreme Court Justices? Are you aware of the attempt to abolish the Electoral College? Have you seen the direct personal pressure being applied to sitting Justices?
Success with either of the first two will effectively make the Constitution and thus the Bill of Rights a quaint piece of paper. They are having success with the third. This can be seen in the Court’s unwillingness to hear certain cases that have a hysterical progressive baggage train with it.
Ladies and Gentleman, we are but a few votes away from having government by fiat, such as we have seen in New Zealand. The shooter (scumbag #21) specifically stated his murder spree was motivated by a desire to provide politicians with an excuse for draconian gun control. He obviously succeeded in New Zealand. It won’t happen so easily here, but… it looms.
Thomas Jefferson was brilliant and his quote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,” was one of his more poignant quotes. However, even he did not foresee the effect and cost of petty tyrants spilling the blood of innocents, in the name of progress.
At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government they had created. He replied, “A Republic. If, you can keep it.” Now, more than ever, the keeping is being tested.
Stand up and lead the fight, or be lead by passionate hysteria. Or, written another way, “Stand up armed, and be counted as a citizen or kneel, disarmed, a subject.”
I think you know which I choose.
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