‘Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.’ ~Winston Churchill. The words are as true today as when Churchill uttered them in 1948 or George Santayana when he originally said essentially the same thing in 1905. Yet, major organizations, those with no stake in politics, are taking political sides and alienating their consumers in the process. Perhaps the CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods was just ignorant of his consumer base or Yeti made a miscalculation when it cut ties with the NRA. However, when it comes to NASCAR taking an anti-gun approach, it simply baffles the imagination as to who is calling the shots and how out of touch they are with their fan base.

Consider this, even if your audience was split 50-50 as to the issue of the Second Amendment, why would you intentionally alienate half of your base? Let’s take it to an extreme. What organization wants to intentionally anger even 10 percent of its base? I am sure much more than 10 percent of NASCAR’s fan base is pro gun, but that seems to be of little import to NASCAR. This is an organization which bragged for years that it was born out of bootleggers running Moonshine. NASCAR’s Winston Cup Series ran for over three decades sponsored by none other than the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. What about the Busch Series? Does NASCAR now view hunting rifles, Modern Sporting Rifles, and even scoped .22 LR rifles as so taboo that they cannot even be depicted in an ad in the official program sold at the races?
Gander Outdoors sponsors the NASCAR Truck Series. Does NASCAR realize what is for sale at Gander? Bass Pro Shops sponsors a car. Has NASCAR checked out what Bass Pro is selling besides worms and hooks? This all happened two after the Bass Pro Shops NRA Night Race at Bristol Motor Speedway. Reports now say Henry USA is vying for a new NASCAR sponsorship. The mixed messaging leaves many scratching their heads. Then, NASCAR came out with its “Gradual Shift” to its position on guns.
Nascar’s “Gradual Shift”
In March and April 2019, several firearms retailers and manufacturers were contacted by National Event Publications, Official media sales agent for the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, PGA, NHRA, & USA Today Lifestyle. The pitch was to buy advertising in the official program for the last 26 races of the season. K-Var opted to advertise, as did at least 16 other manufacturers or retailers including CZ-USA, Beretta, Daniel Defense, and others. The deadline to have our artwork submitted for approval was April 19, 2019.
Then, on August 19, 2019 (four months later) we were contacted by National Event Publications with the following message.
We just heard from NASCAR on a number of gun related ads and unfortunately, due a gradual shift in NASCAR’s position on guns, these ads must be edited/changed—especially those that are depicted as assault-style rifles/sniper rifles. NASCAR is still open to some of the less controversial gun accessories, concealed carry, or classes.
Did you know NASCAR was going through a “gradual shift on guns?” What does that even mean? NASCAR has allowed ads from firearms manufacturers for several years. AK-47s, AR-15s, and scoped rifles have all been featured in the past, so I guess, by that statement, it can only mean that NASCAR is marching toward a complete anti-gun stance—it is just slow rolling it for some reason.

The first few people I related this story to all met it with disbelief. NASCAR? Do they have any clue who their base audience is? Do they not know the ramifications, the fervent uproar and boycotts the pro Second Amendment supporters have waged against the likes of Dick’s Sporting Goods or Yeti Coolers? All Yeti had to do was state it was cutting ties with the NRA for political reasons to earn the ire of the pro firearms forces, which expressed their displeasure in rather spectacular fashion. What will they do with NASCAR?
Is NASCAR trying to “split the baby?”
Note: The term “to split the baby” is an idiomatic expression for what seems like an unreasonable decision but is actually a ploy to flush out the truth. It is a psychological game: based on people’s reactions to his announcement, the decision-maker will be able to gather the right information.
Do the executives at NASCAR think they are being sly and trying to judge its fans’ position on America’s most popular rifle, the AR-15 or Modern Sporting Rifle, or is it so blind to the interests of its own fan base’s demographics?
Whether or not you are a hardcore NASCAR fan, do you think the majority of NASCAR’s fanbase is pro Second Amendment or pro gun control? Does anyone really believe an overwhelming majority of NASCAR fans are not going to flip out at NASCAR’s “gradual shift?” Where do you stand on NASCAR’s new “Gradual Shift?” Share your answers in the comment section.
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Reader Interactions
[…] NASCAR Rejects Gun Ads, Cites “Gradual Shift” on Guns […]
[…] Go and read this travesty at this SOURCE […]
[…] PGA — reached out to K-VAR last week regarding a recent ad they submitted to NASCAR. According to a blog post from David Dolbee at K-VAR, National Event Publications said the […]
[…] sports supplier K-VAR wrote on its blog last […]
[…] sports supplier K-VAR wrote on its blog last […]
[…] sports supplier K-VAR wrote on its blog last […]
[…] sports supplier K-VAR wrote on its blog last […]
[…] “In March and April 2019, several firearms retailers and manufacturers were contacted by National Event Publications, Official media sales agent for the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, PGA, NHRA, & USA Today Lifestyle,” K-Var wrote on a company blog. […]
[…] “In March and April 2019, several firearms retailers and manufacturers were contacted by National Event Publications, Official media sales agent for the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, PGA, NHRA, & USA Today Lifestyle,” K-Var wrote on a company blog. […]
[…] “We just heard from NASCAR on a number of gun related ads and unfortunately, due a gradual shift in NASCAR’s position on guns, these ads must be edited/changed—especially those that are depicted as assault-style rifles/sniper rifles,” wrote National Event Publications, the NASCAR’s official sales media agent, to the K-Var Armory. […]
[…] “In March and April 2019, several firearms retailers and manufacturers were contacted by National Event Publications, Official media sales agent for the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, PGA, NHRA, & USA Today Lifestyle,” K-Var wrote on a company blog. […]
[…] sports supplier K-VAR wrote on its blog last […]
[…] “In March and April 2019, several firearms retailers and manufacturers were contacted by National Event Publications, Official media sales agent for the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, PGA, NHRA, & USA Today Lifestyle,” K-Var wrote on a company blog. […]
[…] lauds itself as a “proud chief within the firearms trade since 1993,” revealed the information in a blog post[1] on August […]
[…] that calls itself a “proud leader in the firearms industry since 1993,” revealed the news in a blog post on August […]
[…] a retailer in outdoor and shooting sports products, reports that it was told it would need to edit/change an ad submitted earlier this year it had […]
[…] a retailer in outdoor and shooting sports products, reports that it was told it would need to edit/change an ad submitted earlier this year it had […]
[…] NRA’s statement comes after K-Var released its own official statement official statement on the advertising denial. K-Var cites a statement from National Event Publications, the media […]
[…] –David Dolbee, The Armory (K-Var.com) […]
[…] –David Dolbee, The Armory (K-Var.com) […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] a retailer in outdoor and shooting sports products, reports that it was told it would need to edit/change an ad submitted earlier this year it had intended to […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] blog reported the entire quote from National Event Publications, which is NASCAR’s media sales […]
[…] reported the entire quote from National Event Publications (NASCAR’s media sales company) on their blog. This was the ad that was […]
[…] reported the entire quote from National Event Publications (NASCAR’s media sales company) on their blog. This was the ad that was […]
[…] –David Dolbee, The Armory (K-Var.com) […]
[…] –David Dolbee, The Armory (K-Var.com) […]
[…] –David Dolbee, The Armory (K-Var.com) […]
[…] –David Dolbee, The Armory (K-Var.com) […]
[…] In a blog post, K-VAR Corp. said it was contacted by National Event Publications, a media sales agent for pro sports like NASCAR, to buy advertising in the official program. The company said it submitted artwork in April and heard back from National Event Publications in August. […]
[…] post last month, the online firearms retailer K-Var wrote that it had been notified that NASCAR was shifting its position on guns and had demanded that ads featuring firearms be changed before they would be included in its […]
[…] post last month, the online firearms retailer K-Var wrote that it had been notified that NASCAR was shifting its position on guns and had demanded that ads featuring firearms be changed before they would be included in its […]
[…] the get firearms retailer Ample-Var wrote that it had been notified that NASCAR became as soon as transferring its discipline on weapons and had demanded that adverts that contains firearms be modified before they would be included in […]
[…] post last month, the online firearms retailer K-Var wrote that it had been notified that NASCAR was shifting its position on guns and had demanded that ads featuring firearms be changed before they would be included in its […]
[…] post last month, the online firearms retailer K-Var wrote that it had been notified that NASCAR was shifting its position on guns and had demanded that ads featuring firearms be changed before they would be included in its […]
I quit watching/attending NASCAR when they started racing Toyota’s. I could care less what they think, I’ve been gone for a long time.
I feel same way
NASCAR seems afraid of what the “Politically Correct” thinks about it and turned it’s back on life long (friends) fans.
Former Texas Fan (Friend)
Say no to dicks sporting goods. Say no to Levi and yeti . Say no to anti gun nascar.
they will end up like the NFL.
goodbye NASCAR !!
The will end up worse than the NFL. They can start racing Priuses and other electric cars and see if they can get the ze crowd to take up the slack.
Absolutely, through with NASCAR now in the same catagory as NFL & NBA and womens soccer with their traitor. They will all feel the sting from the lack of our $.
I have not watched NFL for 2 years for the allowance of grandstanding during Sunday games, and lack of support to our National flag first responders, police and service personnel and not ending the stage show.
I also destroyed all my Nike athletic wear. NASCAR is Now in this category.
One can only watch if the average public and fans pays attention and stands up for wanting to protect their beliefs and express that by fans boycotting events.
I quit NASCAR when King Richard retired, and haven’t looked back since. Just too many other things to do, like go to the range, or reload a box or two. Man’s gotta have his priorities right, you know…
You are a sick son of a bitch!!
That’s right Charlie, Joe Gibbs needs to go back to football and take those “Traitors” with him !!!
Ive been watching less and less just bc its not a good format anymore! This will probably put me out in of it completely, AND not attending Kentucky or Indianapolis venues for races… in the long run it’s your loss NASCAR, not ours.
not a good format? haha. It’s great racing!
Yes not a good format. Stages, Really? Don’t take our word for it look at all the empty seats in the stands.
We dont need dems nor nascar either as well as antifa must be called a terrorist group ASAP, ID rather be watching Duke’s of Hazards than any of those other times sprint events, nor boycotting babies either, go back to mommy and whine and get ur bubbie or nurse up with her as well so your tears go from droplets instead of crocodile making rivers causing mass flooding, plus having the depends put on 4 extra shifts at the depends company, why aint they banning knives with all of the “D” stabbing they do 24-7-365, plus not to mention all that money from soros that is the funding all this DRAMA waaaa-waaaaaas that still are peeeeing in their panties from the lost election in “16” grow up and it well past time to SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUPS” my hope is this all you bad actors get a one way ticket to the GIT wo any watches then 1 by 1 down you’ll all go into the deep dark hole never to be ever heard again.
I agree, like the NFL and all the others that think we should give up our constitutional rights to appease them. I don’t think so. Maybe they should give up their rights starting with their 1st amendment. They can’t say anything or advertise anything and think they will win people to their side? Think again nascar.
Everyone should at least tell them where to go or let them know that there little PC leftist b@llshit against guns will not be tolerated in any way!:
I also quit nascar over Toyotas coming into the sport now they own nhra and pro fishing. I quit pro football over the over payed fools taking a knee. I came back to nascar but after this I am done for good. Joe Gibbs so take his Toyota money and go straight to h_ll !!
They MUST BE looking for a all new type of fan other than the fans they currently have! ALOT of the fans they did have wont be fans anymore! Including myself! Have they done any research lately on d.u.i.’s after one of there races? Have they noticed how many car accidents/deaths are caused by drunk drivers? Think they better look at a “gradual shift” in alcohol!
Well stated. But you have the only word that I ever correct people on due to my Junior High School from 45 years ago. A LOT as he would say is as far at those words should be.
NASCAR died the day Dale died. I quit watching that crap a few years back when those sellout commentators wouldn’t say or mention the NRA during a texas race, when NRA was the sponsors of the race. I got some good stories of that TURD Rick Hendrick and his POS company’s. All these ridiculous new formats and the chase is a joke. I got a few more reasons but ill keep it short.
NASCAR actually gives away guns to the winner of that Texas race, who then shoots them off from victory lane….
I quit watching the NFL when they allowed the flag and our nation to be disrespected. I’ve been annoyed by NASCAR with their changing of format (stage racing, some races on Saturday, etc) but continued to watch because, well, it isn’t the NFL. I’m not thrilled by the NBC coverage of the race so much either, glad I have a “big screen” TV so that when they (often) go “side-by-side” with commercials, I can turn the sound off and concentrate on the race. If NASCAR were to fall for the kool-aid that the style of a firearm determines its lethality as the “progressives” espouse, I suppose that I, and many others, will have to find a new form of entertainment.
Amen. Like the NFL which I too boycotted, I will do the same with NASCAR. They too got infiltrated by ‘RATS’.
Dude, just go to the range on those days, instead of sitting at home, watching TV…
………America, you all know what to do!!,……BOYCOTT the RATs!!,……
NASCAR continues its spiral down the toilet.
I don’t know the demographic they’re looking for but they sure haven’t stumbled upon it in the last 5 or so years.
As is always pointed out, look at your empty seats NASCAR. They’re not filling back up and probably won’t.
I’m sure they think the electric race car will attract fans by the droves.
I agree there VRMIN8R ! ! ! Maybe they’ll use those cars that drive and park themselves ???
Question: Where do you stand on NASCAR’s new “Gradual Shift?”
Answer: NASCAR? I’m gone! Left Dick’s! Left NFL! No longer buy P&G’s Gillette razors! Ditched support of AARP! Eliminated REI as a shopping destination! …and the list gets longer with each business that participates in ANY anti-Second Amendment activity.
Every day I pray for gods help. I hope that nascar will do the same. I hope they open their eyes very wide and see the vast mistake they are making. May god bless everyone. May he keep everyone safe.
I’m done with NASCAR! Too many assinine changes, now the gun thing? That’s it for me. I’ve been a fan since 1961 and watched it go downhill. No more.
Everyone should at least Email them (link enclosed) where to go or let them know that their little Politically Correct leftist BS against guns will not be tolerated, no matter how they want to spin it!:
No NFL in my house since the kneelers took over. Now No NASCAR in my house since the anti 2A idiots have taken over.
Oh, and while I’m at it, I’m not a fan of stage racing, the chase or NBC coverage.
When the candy ass children take over a business this is what happens
Bill France Jr is lower than dog crap. His dad would stomp a mudhole in his ass if he knew.
He has ruined NASCAR by himself.
Im through with this crap.
“PERFECTLY” put Chunker !!!
Bill France JR has been dead for about 15 years you mean Brian France. Brian and Leza France are the ones screwing it up and they are trying to sell it.
Jr started the downturn. Brian is completing it.
This is a continuance of the ” wussification ” of American sports ! Nascar used to be a dynamic American past time , but today it’s just a ghost of what it was ! Great job guys , you just lost another long-time fan !!
I remember that Dale Earnhardt Sr. used to be a regular on the Outdoor Channel series Remington Country. He’d have a brief weekly segment discussing gun handling and safety. That got me interested in NASCAR, figuring that if a guy like that appears on a show like that, what he does is ok with me. As has been stated previously, NASCAR has caved to the left but the irony is that these leftists have no more interest in racing than they do in hunting or learning the facts about firearms. Great job in selling out, NASCAR.
They want more latte drinking snowflakes than real Americans as their fan base. Just another professional sport to not support anymore like the others.
‘Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.’ ~ Winston Churchill.
WRONG. As in, not even close. George Santayana said that.
And learn the difference between apostrophes and quotation marks.
Perhaps you should read the entire paragraph before commenting. It does credit Santayana and gives the year of both speeches…~Dave Dolbee
But the real Americans are making the changes, it’s time to Ol’ Yeller the old farts
Less time spent in front of TV means more time spent outdoors recreationally shooting or hunting. Less money spent on NASCAR events or paraphernalia means more money for ammo or firearms. Put your money where your interests are and quit financing those companies/organizations that intentionally work against you or your beliefs.
Money talks, B.S. walks……. hit them in their pocketbooks. That’s the ONLY thing they will pay attention to.
Exactly the reason I DIDN’T go to Bristol…To hell with Dick’s, Gillett, Yeti, NFL…and now..NASCAR..people vote every day…with your hard-earned dollar…I hope they enjoy the slide…
Just emailed nascar with this letter. Will see what response if any that I get.
This isn’t an email to cuss you or even condemn you. It’s more less to find out how you may be losing a lot of fans. As for me I’m not going to say one way or another. However, As you realize, around 70 percent of your fans ar redneck gun toten fans. Thoughts of many is that you’re alienating your fans by doing the anti gun thing. Now, if it has to do with people getting shot or even wounded by firearms why not more ads dealing with that for the safety of firearms. You do realize how many people get pulled over for DUI going home from your races each year. And I am also sure you realize how many people are hospitalized and or KILLED each year coming from your races. How many alcohol related deaths are there each year. How many injuries are there each year due to alcohol. How many limbs are lost each year. I’m not strictly saying coming from races. I’m talking about in general. Yet,, this is never an issue when sports and other events are sponsored by the makers of alcohol. Yes I always see those disclaimers . Drink Responsibly. Apparently, that doesnt work. Firearms instructions go more into detail as to how to safely use a firearm. Alcohol ads don’t they only instruct people how to drink with 1 disclaimer. Yet no body has the courage to bring this up and they still advertise it. And people still die from it. This is just me asking this.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read this. Would you please consider writing me back addressing the issues I’ve
Excellent! We need more people to be proactive. Thanks Matt! ~Dave Dolbee
Thank you Dave for your response. What I’m seeing anymore is that people getting angry(as they should) but going around it in a negative response. I have let them know how people feel at the same time show them the error of their ways. Fact of the matter is, is that alcohol in one way or another kills more people in one day than firearms do in a week, or month. Don’t get me wrong, I do drink. But when I do, I don’t drive I don’t mess with firearms and I NEVER raise my hand to anyone, unless they need a but kickin. And that hasn’t happened with me in over 30 years. Whether alcohol or firearms. It’s all about responsibility and consequences.
Nice job Matt, you hit the nail on the head. I will come out & say I will no longer make trying to get home to see the race a priority. If I don’t get home in time I really don’t care anymore.
Don’t hold your breath while waiting, Matt… Personally, I stopped watching NASCAR when Richard Petty retired. I just seem to have so many other, better things to do, like busting a box of caps at the range, or restuffing a box I already busted. Sorry, well, no, not really! I’ll never apologize for my guns, and the fact that they simply refuse to self motivate, and go on a rampage, all by themselves! And, as far as fauxahontas, and NASCAR, too, is concerned, they can have my guns when they pry them out of my cold, dead hands…
NASCAR should “gradually shift away” from beer advertising and see what happens! Let’s face it, they advertise drinking while driving very fast cars – DUI kills a whole lot more folks than shootings do.
NASCAR can only turn to “LEFT”.
What were you thinking, that they’d turn to the “Right”?
Never cared about it anyway, boycott them into oblivion with any other outfit that thinks because they make millions or billions of $$, they can force their CEO’s political views on the public.
Public opinion influences customers.
Born and raised in the Motor City, I come by both guns and cars inbred. I only buy AMERICAN CARS that use AMERICAN NUTS & BOLTS! American guns owned by REAL AMERICANS! Looks like I’ll be a dinosaur until I die!
Amen Brother.
Just a thought. My Honda has a higher percentage of American made parts into than my Chevy has. And the Honda was made in the USA, while my Chevy was made in Canada.
Issue with the 2nd Amendment? There is no issue. Shall not be infringed. Nascar is no more…
I think y’all are leaving your base people behind with this new policy. So why should we support NASCAR when you don’t support your people.
Well, some decisions have results that aren’t favorable. I think Dicks Sporting goods has taken a big hit from their decision. I’m thinking NASCAR has made some bad decisions over the years and this seems to be another. I live near the Dover track and haven’t been to a race in 15 years, they continue to remove seats (or cover them up) because they can’t sell tickets. I have a feeling that NASCAR isn’t going to grow based on this decision, most likely the opposite. They are losing money now, this won’t make it any better.
NASCAR is slicing their own throat
They have in essence declared war against the second amendment Americans of this country
I can guarantee that it will not end well for them
Wake up NASCAR and grow a set !!!
They won’t let a heavy metal band sponsor a car either. The organization that would trip over itself to get every last advertising dollar is instead stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime.
NASCAR sucks anyway! Haven’t watched them in years! They were good in the sixties and early seventies when they had real stock cars instead of the shop built things that sorta look like real cars that they have now!
NASCAR was working on losing me after they started this idiotic stage racing. I dislike adding toyota as a maker, dislike the same style cars, miss the days of the Intimidator, Richard Petty, Lee Petty, the Waltrips, Yarborough, the Allison’s, the Bodines, etc…. that was fun racing. They used to drive actual cars instead of stamp outs. Mechanics used to try to modify the motors and try to get extra horsepower, now that is against the rules…. Now becoming leftist globalist gun grabbers is beyond my understanding. NOW I WILL NO LONGER GIVE a crap about them at all. They are now dead to me. Good Riddance NASCAR…. you are now insignificant just like the NFL, NBA and all the other circuses brought to the masses, so we don’t see how we are being enslaved.
I’m sorry to say that I seem to be finding myself with more and more free time these days, as the list of sports, athletes and actors, that I will watch, grows shorter almost daily. I no longer allow watching triple crown thoroughbred racing, NFL football and now sadly, I am forced to add NASCAR to that list, in my household. Although free time is a valuable commodity, it saddens me greatly, that what is supposed to be entertainment, has become a platform for political grandstanding. If you are a sports team, a member of Hollywood or a multi-billion dollar world wide corporation, I don’t care what your political leanings are, in the course of my being entertained! However, if you insist on voicing your disenchantment with our moral fabric, I will vote with my dollars and my free time. And furthermore, if your agenda supports an infringement on my Constitutional rights, I believe you need to seek your audience somewhere that doesn’t have a Constitution. As for us pickup truck driving, gun toting, bible thumping rednecks with gun racks in our back windows, we will have more time to spend hunting and fishing, which consequently also brings us closer to God! Ooops! There’s something else you like to protest. Good luck with that! BYE!
We have been NASCAR fans for many years. We attended NASCAR in Las Vegas with at least a dozen tickets and RV spaces for 15 plus years and, most importantly, we try very hard to support NASCAR sponsors and individual team sponsors. I also shoot in competitions that use Modern Sporting Rifles that often follow military patterns. If NASCAR is going to take a positions that in ANY WAY becomes anti second amendment, anti gun (regardless of pattern) or anti freedom I will be very disappointed but I will no longer support NASCAR or its sponsors!
Jim Richardson
Minden, NV.
I and my family just went to the NASCAR race in Bristol and had a blast and want to very much go to other future NASCAR events. However after reading about NASCARs slight shift (what is a slight shift?) I will not attend another NASCAR event ever if I do not see NASCAR shift back to a very strong pro gun position. When Yeti cut ties with the NRA I wouldn’t purchase a Yeti cooler even though I was in the market for a high end cooler nor will I ever purchase from Dick’s Sporting Goods. NASCAR you need to pull it together.
I gotta say that I am encouraged reading these comments. I often feel very alone in my resolve to not honor companies that disrespect the liberty Americans have sacrificed to obtain and preserve. I don’t need the encouragement. I would stand completely alone if necessary, because it’s the right thing to do. But it is very good to have a fellowship of brothers! 🙂 These companies that piss on our liberty need to feel some pain. Maybe Xi could find a spot for them outside the re-education camps in the China heartland.
One more thing. The tide isn’t really going to start turning until we get companies that aren’t afraid of the evil gulag coming out of this culture. That includes this website and so many of my favorite websites and friends… still using FB, YouTube, and all the wacko left tools that are still paying, albeit smaller, dollars to advertisers and users.
C’mon brothers, sisters… take a stand and reject all who won’t stand to preserve the very very precious liberty we were given!! I’ll stand alone, and die alone, if necessary. But I don’t think I will have to. 🙂
Loved all the comments. Now we all need to let NASCAR know exactly how we feel!!!!!
Would rather go see a gocart race than watch nascar
What’s the matter with you morons at Nascar. Guns have been a part of American society from the beginning of the U.S. How the hell do you think you will protect yourselves when all the guns are confiscated? You think law enforcement will be there to protect you? Hell, no they won’t be, because they’ll be home trying to protect their homes and their families. Don’t think guns are bad because brain-dead lunatics go on a shooting spree. The gun is not the culprit, the person pulling the trigger is the culprit. Until Nascar starts supporting guns again, I will no longer watch it on TV.
Forrest Gump said it best, “Stupid is as stupid does.”.
Lost me when they stopped running most all the short tracks. They will totally lose me with dropping support for guns and the 2nd Amendment. Support from the South is great, living here priceless. NASCAR don’t go there or you will pay the price with lost fans.
Never was a fan of NASCAR, but was a can of many other sports which I have left behind many years ago. Very disappointed in the “good ole boy” industry for selling out. They must have had the “talking to” that all influential and money generating industries get now a days. The subject consists of 1 of 2 possibilities. Play along and we’ll pay you, or play along or we’ll kill you. Principles have left this planet long ago. Fear and greed have taken over. Pray these satanic scumbags are removed from our universe ASAP so we can go back to our normal lives.
In brief, Devil Take NASCAR, the NFL, et al.
In short. Devil Take NASCAR, the NFL, et al
First comment was seemingly rejected, tried again, both appeared. What gives people? Might this CAPTCHA I’m Not a Robot be the problem?
I always thought that NASCAR were real men not a bunch of sissy mary’s. Until then, grow a set Nancy’s. BOYCOTT nascar !!!!!
NASCAR, I will turn my back now to any thing NASCAR BACKS, I am so mad i will not start, but will bad mouth them every chance i get…….
NASCAR has become a fully owned subsidiary of Toyota. Have you ever noticed how they give a “Toyota Driver Update,” but never a Ford or Chevy Driver Update. Part of this is “Tokyo Joe” Gibbs and his drivers who the announcers swoon over constantly. I’d love to see how Kyle Busch or Denny Hamlin would do if they weren’t driving those cheater Toyotas. Now we have this BS. NASCAR is now run by the same pussified beta males who have destroyed other sports. It’s time to go back to spending my Sundays in more productive ways.
I don’t watch NASCAR, but auto racing in general and Stock car racing in particular are very American entertainment. So, indeed, is American football, which I used to watch. It’s sad that entertainment has become political. I don’t watch NFL anymore (I get my fix from college games) because of that. I went to a demolition derby in Tooele, Utah last month and that, my friends, is Americana. No apologies for 2A.
Hey Jeff…..ever think it may just be progress, looking into the future, education to correct past wrongs? Why begin with Confederate flags, tobacco, how many lives did those two idiotic practices take..for what? Maybe go a little further back and bring up other old acceptable practices, Slavery,mass murder and rounding up, and putting aboriginal, first nation peoples on reservations, need more?
Wonder if that has anything to do with Childress resigning from the board of the NRA?
Will no longer attend or even watch a NASCAR event. “Political Correctness “ is dishonest and to be scorned. See how much profit this ignorance costs.
I love NASCAR and rarely ever miss watching a race, but you can take this to the bank: I would much rather have my guns. So if NASCAR is going to get political so will I. I don’t need NASCAR good bye.
For me, NASCAR was dead day one… Here is MY reasoning… BACK WHEN…they took an ILLEGAL activity and turned it into a “sport”. The best first drivers in NASCAR were the Moonshine Runners themselves.. They know the best cars and came up with the modifications to make them go fast… a rule of their trade.
Now to the second part… How many Law Enforcement Officers died because of trying to stop this activity??? I don’t know but we all seem to say AWWW when LEO gets an officer killed by some dumb ass gang banger or “FRED” with chaw and are a bit mad. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot…!!!! So loss of a LEO is “ok” when running booze and NOT when they are being shot to death??? My son is a State Trooper and his daughter is studying to be a Lawyer..4th year and is going to finish her degree online as she starts our State Trooper Academy next year. So..no loss to me over SMASHCAR.
SO, NO NASCAR on my TV, No Earnhardt T-Shirts..
So not a problem in my household…ever… Maybe we can make a sport out of Drive By Shooting? Just a thought.
Oh…and an addendum to my LEO/NASCAR rant… I am in my 70s…I don’t hunt too much anymore but… I do love my Firearms… long and hand… I have a Conceal Carry Permit and I build AR platforms ..have them in 5.56/7.62/and 300 AAC… have full Gun Safes. Love them and love punching holes in paper. My PTSD Doc told me I needed a hobby..so my next visit she asked if I got on.. I said SURE DO! She asked…What is it?? I said RELOADING. Her eyes went blank. Nuff said. Guns over gasoline…( I also own 2 motorcycles Harley and Norton… a ‘Vette and a few other gas burners.)..so Nuck FASCAR!!!!
Rather sad that “split the baby” has to be explained. Sadder still that NASCAR has also decided to go down the PC road. All in all it suggests that sometimes you just cannot fix a thing until it breaks; that thing being our current culture.
Was a NASCAR fan since I attended my first event in 1972 at Riverside in Komiefornia. The days of Harry Gantt have gone by, but I still watched and attended. Started a family tradition of an annual exodus to Talladega. Stage racing was a nudge away, spec cars were a nudge away, the chase was a nudge, the shift on the 2nd amendment a shove off the cliff. Any organization that finds our Constitution unworthy to be celebrated and revered, is not worthy of my time, support and my MONEY. Good luck NASCAR, I have a feeling you are going to need it.
Here we go again. I appreciate all those before me, that commented on this subject. I’m a life long motor head and appreciator of all fine machinery, including guns. It is a pathetic statement, that NASCAR would turn on the core of it’s fan base, by eliminating firearms advertising and essentially banning the NRA. This marketing strategy has failed by so many and yet the management at NASCAR seems hell bent on siding with the anti second amendment crowd. I also quit the NFL over the kneeling onslaught and total disrespect for our country. When Kroger quietly removed all gun magazines from it’s shelves, my first thoughts were, what happened to the first amendment ? I told the Kroger manager, ” this is Spring, Texas, not Anaheim California”. I was of course met with blank stare. I also don’t enjoy stage racing, as I see it as a gimmick. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and I believe this last decision will put NASCAR on the endangered list. So many of the other responses mentioned free time. The most valuable thing we all possess is our time, I choose not to give NASCAR any of my time anymore. I’d rather play with my guns and own cars anyway.
I dumped nascar when they banned the Confederate flag from their venues, so they’ve been dead to me for quite some time. I hope they dry up and blow away.
Richard Childress should never put camo on his grand babies cars. Since he resigned from NRA board he’s probably got something to do with the gun sponsor change. Pitiful how people with money want to dictate what others can or can’t do. I guess this is my last season of nascar. I’ll just start back target shooting and hunting on Saturday and Sunday now.
I am the camel…This is the straw. Adios NASCAR.
NASCAR should rethick this stupid move. I have been a fan my whole life, but like others that do not support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I will boycott you and or turn the tv to a different station. Either you support my country or I shut you off. Your choice.
Goodbye NASCAR!
For years, NASCAR has been nothing but three hours of intense advertising interrupted by commercials.
And April 19, 2019 for a cut-off/rejection date. Could they have picked a date more calculated to piss off gun owners?
Who’s pushing their buttons?
They turned left for the last time with me I guess they made enough money off us hillbillies to give up half of America . and the left sure won’t save them guess we need to get ready for another cival war God have mercy on these fools. disarm us. And you know what comes next goodbye Nascar hope the lines will Bail you out not!
More STUPID IAnericans !
it appears NASCAR has forgotten their roots, this stage racing has ran off a lot of fans. Now they go against the second amendment, I would say 75% of the fans are pro gun so the stands will be even more empty. They better change management fast or NASCAR will soon be a sport of the past. When Dale Jr. left they lost a lot of fans, and now this. If they don’t change course soon the tracks will all go under. What a bunch of morons? What are their long term goals, liberals will fill the stands, it will never happen.
This is My Letter sent to NASCAR with the letter I sent to President Trump regarding his Red Flag Laws (Which are highly unConstitutional) Enjoy the read
Sir or Madam:
Nascar has lost a lifetime fan of the USA’s American Motorsport. I will never attend, purchase, watch another NASCAR event on TV or visit our local small tracks in Colorado.
The reason, is clear. NASCAR has decided to become anti freedom and liberty and not allow 2nd Amendment advertising. INSTEAD of trying to be politically correct, why didn’t you research the truth and stand up for our freedoms.
Please read the letter below that I sent to President Trump when he was talking about Red Flag Laws. I believe that I helped him change his mind. I can guarantee you that there are more like me that you lost. Your Revenue will dwindle, your product sales will decrease, all because you all were ignorant and too damn lazy to find out the truth..
Please read the Letter to our President and learn something.
Scott T Lowell
Mr. President:
I am very disappointed that you are talking about Red Flag Laws at the Federal Level. These types of laws violate not only the 2nd Amendment, but will also violate the 4th, 5th, 6th, and the 10th. That is 5 of the original and best rights inherited from our LORD and enumerated in the Bill of Rights. I challenge you to review the websites I am including with this email that is meant for your eyes, not just a staffer.
Please review the following to enhance your decision making.
1) http://jpfo.org/pdf03/gun-control-fact-and-fantasy-1.30.13.pdf
2) https://www.infowars.com/yes-hitler-really-did-take-the-guns-before-throwing-jews-into-concentration-camps-or-gas-chambers/
3) https://citizenwells.com/tag/nazi-weapons-act-of-1938/
4) http://jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/deathgc.htm#chart
The 4th INTERNET site is the Genocide Chart showing what happens when Citizens rights to protect themselves is stolen from them due to over-reaching governmental laws.
There are numerous causes of the types of atrocities like what happened recently in EL PASO, TX and in DAYTON, OH.
IF you read the following link and included information that was entered into the Congressional Record in 1963. This will show numerous reasons.
The reason why you don’t hear much about the Communist Party USA is that, it is the DEMOCRAT PARTY.
My thoughts are based on facts and on my personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST.
The Federal Government has grown by leaps and bounds and it has had disastrous effects on the family and the liberties that made this great nation at the time of its founding. MORE FEDERAL CONTROL of a nations people is not going to help this problem of firearms used in high profile crimes.
WHAT will help is a national movement to return to MORAL and RIGHTEOUS living under the guidance of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
Please take the time to review the information in this email. Come out to Colorado and visit with me and I will show you correct firearm usage that you can’t learn in the big city. THE FIRST RULE of Gun Control is SAFETY.
Scott T Lowell
GREAT GREAT COMMENTS GUYS ! Hard to find a bigger Nascar Fan than me. Haven’t missed the Daytona 500 since I spent my honeymoon here in 59. Nascar cookie cutter rules, some of the broadcasters, empty seats, and most of all Toyota Japanese cars which bought their way in eliminating MOPAR is beginning to turn me off, and now Nascars”gradual shift?”if that’s the case. And the NFL I’m done with you. How dare you overpaid athletes disrespect our Flag! JERKS !
I do not understand the angst over Toyota racing NASCAR. Toyota is far from the first foreign maker to do so. Jaguar, MG, Austin Healy, Morgan, Porsche, and Maseratti have all fun NASCAR races, and Jaguar even has a win. Besides, Toyota manufactures the Camry in the US, putting payroll dollars into American bank accounts. In the not so distant past, Ford and Chevy were running cars that were made in Mexico and Canada, putting money into FOREIGN workers hands.
And an OBTW…Dodge left NASCAR because they were not competitive and couldn’t hang onto sponsors. Toyota didn’t have anything to do with it.
Let them have it at…
I stopped watching half dozen years ago when they started hopscotching the schedule around to wacko channels.
They’re idiots.
Get Woke, Go Broke.
The Left destroys everything that it touches.
Lack of attendance every week says it all. Be your own judge, if Nascar takes care of your
rights your screwed anyway. The back bone of this world is changing, thus Nascar’s actions.
Stand together and always protect your rights.
Nascar is the last sport that I follow, and they have been making it harder for me to follow as I have cut the cable and cannot get the channels that they are on. If they make an anti-gun decision, it won’t be hard to walk away. It’s not about racing anymore…
Bye Nascar.
I stopped watching NFL 2 years ago when the kneeling started. I’m vet and they can pound sand.
I’ll now stop watching NASCAR. There’s plenty of sand on the beach — GO POUND IT!
I have been a hardcore fan for the last 20 years. I started to lose interest when american cars were leaving and toyota was allowed to come in. The format changes have done nothing to improve the events. First came the split screen, race/commercial, that sucked the race got the small screen and the race got screwed. Formats continued to change, but programing kept going down. Now NASCAR has decided that they want to play politics and be PC. Well, that is the final straw. I have noticed 5-10 years you could not get a seat at a race, now you can count the empty seats on the tv screen, and you can still get seats the day before the race. It looks like NASCAR should be doing thing to improve their sport, not hurt it. You have been the last sport to promote patriotism, support our military and all that America is. Too bad, you have grown chicken wings. Maybe I will see you when you come to your senses.
NASCAR can KMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could it be that the France family is seeking a buyer for NASCAR, as it falls apart under their lousy leadership? Maybe they’re PCing up to make things more palatable to some lefty entertainment group.
THEY stop the Ads ,we take back our economic support of Nascar.
The 2nd Amendment and the right to own guns are the peoples’ protection against rogue governments,invasions , personal and family defence and the defence of freedom.
The 2A protects citizens against tyranny first, everything else second. This is th 40th year of life NASCAR coverage. In all that time I never chose to miss a race. But since their stupid choice, today will make 3 races in a row that I have chosen not to watch.
Use to love watching NASCAR but after finding out that they are on the kill the gun rights movement I’m done. So long NASCAR thanks for ruining the sport for me.